They saw it, He sent it, He's still doing it

Risen, Revealed, Reigning  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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I’ll believe it when I see it

illustrations about something too good to be true claimed by someone.
in school- shiny pickachu card… i’ll believe it when I see it
someone says they’re going to stop smoking… i’ll believe it when I see it.
Jesus is alive… and people say, i’ll believe it when I see it.
What we’re going to see as we finish looking at luke 24 today is we can believe it because
they saw it.
he sent it,
he’s still doing it.

They saw it! -Jesus’ resurrection was real and physical! v 36-43.

It’s the same day as the ressurection took place, the same day the women went and found the tomb empty.
the same day the 2 men we’re on the road to Emmaus and met Jesus.
The same day that they ran back to tell the others and heard other reports of people seeing Jesus.
And while their all in the room, bursting with excitement and wonder, we get the best assurance, in the verse that follow.
Jesus has the final say.
We're not left with stories or wonder-filled thoughts of the disciples, but a real physical appearance of Jesus.
Luke 24:36 NIV
While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
Jesus comes to bring peace to their hearts, but the opposite occurs.
Luke 24:37 NIV
They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost.
But Jesus assures them, and us, that he’s no ghost. He’s not some special effect. He is alive in front of them, in the flesh.
Luke 24:38 NIV
He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?
Luke 24:39 NIV
Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”
Luke 24:40 NIV
When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet.
Luke 24:41 NIV
And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?”
Luke 24:42–43 NIV
They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence.
Their eyes aren’t playing tricks on them, this really is Jesus. the same Jesus in the same body they saw nailed to the cross 3 days earlier.
Jesus invites them to touch and see.
and we get to see that the resurrection isn’t just a spiritual one, but a real, bodily one.
The resurrection is physical.
Touch, taste, feel. Jesus isn’t just a spirit or ghost floating around, but a real, physical man.
We know he’s been changed as well. while he was with the disciples near Emmaus he was able to disappear. and he also just appeared among them at this moment too.
but he’s physical. the disciples and Apostles met a real, alive, eating talking, walking, touching Jesus.
(illustration about dreams- mine are often scary, thinking a snake or spider is about to get me, but when I wake up, i can feel the real things around me. These disciples aren’t having a dream, they feel the real Jesus there infront of them. they see him eat real food)
We can have confidence, because they saw it, and touched it.
and we can have confidence because

He sent it! - The promises are confirmed by the witnesses and the Spirit! v44-49

Now that Jesus has given proof of his resurrection to them, he gives them confidence that what has happened and what will happen is just what God had always promised.
God is sovereign. that is, he’s in control of all things that have happened and will happen and he makes them happen.
When God says something is going to happen, we can be sure of it! it’s as good as done.
that’s what Jesus says to them.
Luke 24:44 NIV
He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”
Everything must be fulfilled, he says. God said it, so it has to happen!
and so what are the things God said had to happen? what are the things that must be fulfilled?
Well, Jesus opens their minds to see.
Luke 24:45 NIV
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
Luke 24:46 NIV
He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day,
And they know these things have already happened. they’ve seen them and experienced them. they are experiencing his resurrection on the third day.
but there’s more...
Luke 24:47 NIV
and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
This is the gospel! because the messiah died and came back to life, forgiveness of sins is on offer to all who repent.
Repentance is turning to God in faith. It’s realising that living life our way can’t give us a relationship with God, but that turning to trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection is the only way to have our sins forgiven.
That happens on the big scale. there is a moment of repentance for us all, where we first turned away from our way and turned to Jesus for forgiveness. praise the Lord for that.
But there’s also our day by day repentance. each day turning away from ourselves and turning to Jesus.
Repentance for the forgiveness of sins must be preached, Jesus says.
he says this message of the gospel WILL be preached in His name, to all nations!
We are wonderfully caught up in this! we are part of the sure plans of God, because we have heard the gospel preached to us!
Isn’t that wonderful news! we are part of the proof that Jesus has risen!
That’s because Jesus sent witnesses and the spirit.
Luke 24:48 NIV
You are witnesses of these things.
Jesus is speaking to the disciples in that room with him that resurrection Sunday.
They saw him, all he had done, teaching, preaching, dying, rising!
our faith, the gospel we believe in, the bible we hear read at church, is all because of these witnesses.
What does a witness do? they tell the truth of the things they saw.
(illustration of a court room, with the calling of witnesses who have proof to tell).
They are the witnesses for the good news about Jesus.
but Jesus hasn’t left them alone on their own to go and testify.
We can also have confidence because he sent what the father promised!
Luke 24:49 NIV
I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”
The Father had promised to give his Sprirt to be with them. Jesus says he’s going to send that promised Spirit so that the power of God will be with them.
Because of the repentance for the forgiveness of sins, we are in right relationship with God, we have a real connection to him through Jesus!
Jesus gives us the goodness of God. he’s the mediator between us and God and so he can send the Spirit to be with us.
To experience the fathers goodness, we have to go through Jesus.
Because Jesus sent his witnesses and the Spirit, we can have confidence in the forgiveness of sins.
And finally, we can have confidence because

He’s still doing it! - Jesus is reigning in heaven with the Father. v50-53

The risen Jesus is alive today, and he is continuing his mission that must be complete. to have repentance for the forgiveness of sins preached to all nations.
Luke 24:50 NIV
When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them.
Now other gospels tell us that this isn’t the same as the resurrection, and Luke in his second book, the book of Acts goes into more detail.
But here Luke is just giving us a brief look at what happened.
Jesus leads his people just outside of Jerusalem. He’s in control and his followers are still following him now that he has risen.
And he blesses them. not yet with the spirit.
Luke 24:51 NIV
While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.
Jesus departs and he goes up into heaven. not a sign of him leaving forever, but a sign to us that God accepts all he has done.
He’s gone to be with the Father and rule from there.
We use this imagery of raising someone up to honour them all the time.
Think olympic gold medalist, they get to go up on the top step. we raise them up as a sign of their accomplishment and achievement.
He goes up into Heaven, showing that he’s going to go be with God, and that God has accepted him as the messiah who has fulfilled all he came to do.
And the disciples don’t mourn, but instead they are filled with joy.
Luke 24:52 NIV
Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.
they Worship jesus, he’s alive, continuing to work.
and they obey Jesus. Remember earlier Jesus had told them...
Luke 24:49 NIV
I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”
and now they obey him, and return to Jerusalem.
Luke 24:52 NIV
Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.
Luke 24:53 NIV
And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.
Just as Jesus said that the gospel would go to all nations, starting at Jerusalem.
So they go back and stay in Jerusalem, waiting for the spirit.
Luke’s second book, the book of Acts, goes on to tell us all that Jesus continued to do through the apostles.
But we already know that they keep obeying Jesus with joy because the gospel was passed on from them, to others, and from them to others.
And on and on and on and on until it made it’s way to us!

I’ll believe it when I see it...

We can believe it because: They saw it, He sent it, and He’s still doing it.

Let’s pray.
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