The Greater Is Happening Now. . .

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We Ready!

We have entered into a dimension of Greater! The elementary principles are behind us, we are grown now! So many are suffocating because the law is being extrapolated and we are not allowing The Revelatory Word of God, to manifest!
Believing in The Risen Savior and knowing that He left The Promise of The Holy Spirit, proves to us that because we have Who It Takes (not what it takes) but Who It Takes, within, we do not have to give in to the doubt - We Power On!
Many cannot believe that we are in a New Thing, a time of Greater because we allow our thinking to be clouded by what the world permeates, and do not cast down those things that attempt to rise above the knowledge of Who We Are In God!
John 14:12 “12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
Too often we allow our own thinking to “disposition” us and skew our focus to where we forget what “Thus Says The Lord. . .”
We must always remember that His Word Is Forever True. . . Paul was able to continue on, on The Word Of Christ Jesus spoken to him in a vision. . .
Are we willing to continue on even when our thinking is attempting to overthrow The Verdict that because you have The Holy Spirit, you have The Power!!!
Because, you cannot pretend to have The Power, being that The Greater Is Happening Now, you must be filled with The Holy Spirit Of God!
Acts 19:22 he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.””
In this season of Greater, you will have to Be Ready for when those moments of despair arise, and you are James 1:1414 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.” tempted to think outside of The Power of The Holy Spirit Whom guides you, keeps you and assures you that you are positioned properly, remain “steadfast” in The Way!
The Greater Is Happening Now!
Jesus has risen, He is showing Miracles of His Resurrection, can you see past the layers of the natural, and become awakened to The Power Who is within you!
Jesus said; “Matthew 24:4444 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Let Us Magnify His Name

Acts 19:17 “17 This became known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.”
In this season of Greater Is Happening Now, we must keep our mind fixed on the purpose, and that is God Will Get All The Glory!
We cannot take His Glory, it is too great for us!
He is The Father Of Lights - His Name is a Strong Tower, we run in and are safe!
The prince of the air and these world systems are promoting fear, and I have seen some whom should realize that fear is torment, but yet they are succumbing to the advertisement of the enemy!
Regardless of what may come; recession, sickness, war, famine, etc. . . We must remain in The Mind Of Christ, Whom have shone us infallible proofs of Our Father’s True Word!
You will face contentions, but we have The Power Of The Holy Spirit - to do Greater Works than these - Not Greater than Jesus, greater works than these!
And when the darkness attempts to promote doom, catastrophe, we must not allow that, to keep us from knowing this: Psalm 68:19-2019 Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah 20 Our God is the God of salvation; And to God the Lord belong escapes from death.
God is performing many miracles right now - The Greater Is Happening Now - You just need to get out of your own thinking and see The Goodness of The Lord!
We were talking on Wednesday, What Is Prayer? We learned that Prayer is constant communication with God! It is not about begging Him to do a thing, it is about Praising Him for knowing that He has already done everything!
The OT focused more on the request system, they did not have The Power we have now, although they were in His Presences always!
The NT focused prayer on establishing a Relationship With The Father!
Mark 11:24 “24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
We have received The Power of The Holy Spirit - Whom guides us into The Truth Of God!
Therefore, we pray to GOD to Glorify Him for His Name Is Greater - And because I am in Him and He is in me, I am Great!
Paul went from breathing threatenings against those of The Way, to preaching The Way to those whom were astray!
He did not look back after his encounter with Christ on his way - Christ chose him, and he accepted the choosing, and surrendered to The Purpose of God!
So Paul was able to stand when the contentious people were against him - He was able to purpose in his heart in The Spirit, to go where he was guided to go!
As Paul realize that The Greater Is Happening Now, we too must realize that even though we may see chaos all around, The Greater Is Happening Now!
And it is all to Give God The Glory - Give Him The Praise!
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