The Means Versus The Mission
Luke 10:25-37
A Quandary of Confusion VV. 25-29
The Quest for Clarification V. 29-36
The Quintessential of a Christ Follower
The good Samaritan gave up his work, time, and energy to help the man. Note what he did. Each step is significant in showing how we are to love our neighbors.
⇒ He went to him: went forth, reached out personally to help.
⇒ He bound up his wounds: eased his pain.
⇒ He poured oil and wine into his wounds: gave of his own goods.
⇒ He set him on his own beast: sacrificed his own comfort.
⇒ He provided rooming for him: provided the basic necessities.
⇒ He took care of him: nursed, looked after him personally.
Note the time, energy, and money involved in this. Showing love to one’s neighbor is putting love into action; and putting love into action requires time, energy, and money. Love is not just an idea or a feeling toward God. It is practical acts and commitment to help any who need help.