The Servant of Christ (Jr High)

Jr High EPHESIANS  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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(V1) Paul a prisoner of Christ for you Gentiles
A) Paul formally Saul was saved in a radical way according to Acts 9 for a purpose (For the sake of the Gentiles)
B) As he was faithful to preach Christ to the Gentiles, he faced beatings, imprisonments, and his eventual death
C) God sacrificed Paul for the sake of the Gentiles ( Remember the Gentiles were a hated bunch )
Application: The servant of Christ my lay down their life for others
Who are the servants of Christ?
2. (V2) Dispensation of the grace of God
A) Other translation use the word “Stewardship”
B) Pauls has been given special office (Apostolic), gifts, and knowledge for a period of time for the sake the conversion of the Gentiles
3. (V6) Gentiles are fellow heirs
One body of believers
The Gentiles are now written into the will of His promises, which at one time they were excluded
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