John 17 - I Pray
1. Sanctify
their origin and character were different because they had believed in Jesus. Jesus spoke of the Father and the world as opposing loyalties
The way that Jesus asked the Father to sanctify the disciples was by using His word. This means that it is essential for disciples to know, understand, believe, and obey the revelation that God has given us. The words of God that Jesus revealed, and that stand recorded in the Bible, are the key to believers’ practical sanctification. Practical sanctification involves separation unto God from the world, the evil one who rules it, and the lies that he propagates throughout the deceived world.
Jesus did not mean that He intended to make Himself more holy than He already was, since that would have been impossible. He set Himself apart to do God’s will partially for the sake of His disciples. He is our example of perfect sanctification, and His sanctification makes ours possible. Without the sacrificial death of Jesus there would be no salvation and no mission for us. There would be no sanctification for us either. One of the purposes of Jesus’ death was to set believers apart to God, and His mission, in order for them to function as priests in the world
2. Unite
This unity rests on adherence to God’s truth, and it reflects the unity that exists between the Father and the Son. Furthermore, it is union with the Father and the Son: “that they also may be in Us” (cf. ch. 15). God answered this prayer initially on the day of Pentecost, when He united believers with Himself in the body of Christ, the church
This verse is a favorite of promoters of the ecumenical movement. The ecumenical movement seeks to unite the world’s Christian churches in one all-embracing church. However, as the content and context of this verse clarify, Jesus was not speaking about institutional unity but personal unity among genuine believers
The Father and the Son are distinguishable (the pre-incarnate Word is ‘with’ God, 1:1; the Son prays to his Father; the Father commissions and sends, while the Son obeys), yet they are one.
Similarly, the believers, still distinct, are to be one in purpose, in love, in action undertaken with and for one another, in joint submission to the revelation received
That is to say, just as his true glory was to follow the path of lowly service culminating in the cross, so for them the true glory lay in the path of lowly service wherever it might lead them