Every Good Thing That Is In You

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  2:47:46
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The concept of a Christian or a Christian Community encountering an unsolvable problem is a contradiction in terms because in Jesus are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3) and we are complete in Him (Col 2:10). Paul’s remarkable letter to his friend Philemon sets before us the application of this truth.


Every Good Thing That Is In You

The concept of a Christian or a Christian Community encountering an unsolvable problem is a contradiction in terms because in Jesus are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3) and we are complete in Him (Col 2:10). Paul’s remarkable letter to his friend Philemon sets before us the application of this truth.

This study invites you to follow the beautiful process by which one man (Philemon) dug deep, discovered, and displayed the treasure of Jesus which forgives as we have been forgiven, which receives one who once was ones defrauder but is now profitable as ones brother.

These inspired principles presented in Philemon’s not-so-private letter will be sufficient to meet any crisis for the treasures of Jesus are found when we reach by the Spirit for every good thing that is in us in Christ Jesus.

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