The Hard to Translate Wife
A Latin American minister was touring the U.S. in an effort to boost financial support for missionaries and ministries in his home country.
At a church luncheon, he was telling the guests about this home country, his family, and the important work being supported there. As he concluded, he said, "And I have a charming and understanding wife but, alas, no children."
After a pause, he said, haltingly, "You see, my wife is unbearable."
Puzzled glances in the audience prompted him to try to clarify by saying: "What I mean is, my wife is inconceivable."
Observing the laughter in the audience, he realized his mistake, but floundered deeper into the intricacies of the English language by correcting triumphantly, "That is, my wife, she is impregnable!"
Mikey's Funnies, Thursday, February 25, 2010