Derrick Trent - You Must Be Born Again (full service)

Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 1:41:28
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Let’s turn together
in our Bibles
to the gospel of John.
John, chapter 3.
& we’re gonna read
verses 1-10.
John 3:1-10.
& when you find that
in your Bible
pls stand for the reading
of God’s Word.
The title of
today’s teaching is:
You Must Be Born Again.
In John 3:1-10
The Scriptures say:
John 3:1–10 (MEV)
1 There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
2 He came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”
3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born [again] when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”
5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’
8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
9 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can this be?”
10 Jesus answered him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, but you do not know these things?
You may be seated.
You must be born again:
Five of
the most important words
Jesus ever spoke.
But also
five of the most
misunderstood words
Jesus ever spoke—
especially in
modern times.
Those words
still leave many
in our day
Like Nicodemus
w/ a lot
of questions.
Question like:
What does this mean?
How can this be?
Today we’ll learn
what this means
& how this can be
as we answer three questions
abt this foundational truth
of the Christian Faith:
You Must Be Born Again.
Let’s pray.
Holy Father
Sanctify us by
the Truth of Your Word.
Illuminate our minds
to understand the truth.
& give us your grace
to live out the truth.
For Your glory.
In Jesus name.
[Transition: the 1st question
We want to answer
abt being born again is...]
1. What does it mean to be born again?
John introduces us
to a man
named Nicodemus.
Nicodemus is a Pharisee—
& religious ruler
& teacher
of the Jewish ppl.
He was part of
the Sanhedrin.
comes to Jesus
at night.
& in John 3:2
Nicodemus says to Jesus
“Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”
Here John shows us
Nicodemus is coming
as a representative
of at least some
of the Sanhedrin.
Nicodemus says we
have seen & heard abt
the many miracles
Jesus did among God’s ppl—
& those miracles convinced them
that Jesus must be
a prophet sent
frm God.
So some of the Sanhedrin
recognized Jesus as
a Rabbi who had been
sent frm God
to teach them
something abt
God’s will for them.
But what Jesus
came to teach
is what Nicodemus
& the other rulers
were ignorant of.
So, in some sense
When Nicodemus
comes to Jesus at night
It’s symbolic.
It represents
the spiritual darkness
that Nicodemus
& the other spiritual leaders
in Israel had led
God’s ppl into.
Nicodemus is Israel’s teacher
But he’s ignorant
abt the true nature
of God’s kingdom
& how to enter enter it.
So, Nicodemus
Comes to Jesus—
the one John calls
the true teacher of Israel
& the light of the world—
Nicodemus comes to Him
under the cover
of darkness.
& Jesus exposes
Nicodemus’ ignorance.
& explains to him
how to have
the darkness lifted
frm His eyes.
In John 3:3
Jesus answered Nicodemus
John 3:3 (MEV)
3 “Truly, truly I say to you, unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
When Jesus repeats the words
Amen. Amen.
Truly. Truly
He’s stressing
the certainty of what
He’s abt to say.
In other words:
Jesus says:
“You can be absolutely certain
“unless someone is
“born again
“they cannot see
“the kingdom
“of God.”
The kingdom of God
is the
Messianic kingdom.
The kingdom where
God rules the world
in &
thru His Son
the Messiah.
God’s kingdom
is not of this world
It’s not an
earthly kingdom.
It’s a heavenly kingdom.
The kingdom of God
is a spiritual kingdom
that can only be seen
by spiritual ppl.
& that does not mean
God’s kingdom
is not real
or tangible.
God’s kingdom is
a real kingdom
w/ a real King,
real citizens,
& real laws.
But God’s kingdom
is not a kingdom
we can see thru
earthly eyes.
This is why:
Jesus tells Nicodemus.
“You cannot see
“The kingdom of God
“You cannot understand
“The true nature—
the heavenly nature—
of God’s kingdom
Unless you’re
born again.”
the Greek word
translated “again”
in John 3:3
has several meanings.
It can mean
& frm Abv.
& the question
Nicodemus asks Jesus
In John 3:4
shows us
Nicodemus thinks
Jesus has only one
meaning in mind.
Nicodemus asks Jesus
John 3:4 (MEV)
4 “How can a man be born [again] when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”
thinks Jesus
is talking abt
a physical rebirth.
So, he asks:
“Can you put
“a grown man
“back into
“his mother’s womb?”
How many mothers
wld volunteer
for something like that?
His question reveals
that Nicodemus
is thinking only abt
earthly things.
His focus is on
an earthly kingdom.
But Jesus
is trying to change
the way Nicodemus thinks
abt the kingdom
of God.
Jesus is talking abt
heavenly things—
a heavenly kingdom.
So the birth Jesus
is talking abt
Is not a natural birth
Brought abt
by human beings
or human means.
The birth Jesus has in mind
is a supernatural birth
a miraculous birth
brought abt frm abv
by God.
The rebirth
Jesus is talking abt
is not only a
new birth
It’s also
a birth frm abv.
So this is the answer
to our 1st question.
1. What does it mean to be born again?
To be born again means to be born ANEW from ABOVE.
[Transition: Let’s look now
at our 2nd question
abt being born again...]
2. How are we born again?
In John 3:3
Jesus says:
John 3:3 (MEV)
3 ...unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
& in John 3:5
John 3:5 (MEV)
5 ...unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
The 2nd statement here
explains the 1st.
Being born again
Is the same
as being born of water
& the Spirit.
A person
must be born of water
& the Spirit
to be born again.
there’s a lot of debate abt
what Jesus means by
being born of water
& the Spirit.
The biggest debate
is abt what Jesus meant
by “water.”
Some say:
Since Nicodemus
talked abt
Going back into
our mother’s womb
Then Jesus
is talking abt
The water
of the womb—
or amniotic fluid.
You know
that stuff babies
float around in
in their
mother’s womb.
Here’s a fun fact
abt amniotic fluid
That stuff starts out
as mostly water
frm mom’s body.
But as the baby grows
it becomes mostly
urine frm the baby.
Mix in
some nutrients
& antibodies
& you’ve got
the perfect protective
to produce
a little tiny person.
that’s what some say:
Jesus means
by ‘water’.
It’s the water
of the womb.
In this view
Jesus is talking abt:
Two births
One natural birth
& one spiritual.
He’s saying:
“You must not only
“Be born of the waters
“of your mother’s womb—
“Which is equivalent to
“flesh giving birth
“to flesh—
“You must also
“be born
of the Spirit.”
Now I can see
how ppl
Who hold this view
get there.
It’s not an
irrational interpretation.
But rational interpretations
are not always
the right
This interpretation
starts frm our time
& reads that back into
the times of Jesus.
Just bcs we
call amniotic fluid ‘water’
Does not mean
the ppl in Jesus day
called it ‘water’.
According to world-renowned
NT scholar D.A. Carson...
“...there are no ancient sources that picture natural birth as ‘from water’…” — D.A. Carson
So there’s really
no chance
that either Jesus
or Nicodemus
Wld’ve associated water
w/ natural birth.
Jesus was not
talking abt
the waters
of the womb.
Another view says:
The words
‘water’ &‘Spirit’
are synonyms.
In this view
Jesus is saying:
“You must be born
“of water.....
“& that water
“is the Spirit.”
But this view fails
to deal w/
what Jesus
actually said.
Jesus said:
You must be born of water
AND the Spirit.
He’s talking abt
two things.
Water &
the Spirit.
So water
is not the Spirit.
& the Spirit
is not water.
So Jesus is not
saying the water
is the Spirit.
There are other views
That interpret
the ‘water’ as
the water of the Word
some say it means
something else.
But I think
the best view
is this:
What if
the word ‘water’
really just
means ‘water’?
That’s the most
That’s the interpretation
held by every
Christian writer
for the 1st
1500 years
of the Church.
& I think it’s
the right interpretation.
When Jesus says
you must be born
of water
He’s talking abt
real water.
He’s talking abt
The water
of Christian baptism.
We find support
for this view:
in the immediate
After Jesus talked to Nicodemus abt
Being born of water
& the Spirit
The nxt episode
in John’s gospel
is abt baptism.
As we read
in John 3:22
John 3:22 (MEV)
22 After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea. He remained with them there and baptized.
John says:
after these things.
After what things?
After Jesus
talked to Nicodemus
Abt being born
of water & the Spirit
The 1st thing Jesus
& His disciples did
was go into the land of Judea
Where His disciples
were baptizing.
& this is not
a coincidence.
This is the HS
Carrying John along
Inspiring him
to be
a good writer.
Jesus & His disciples
Were speaking
The same message
in Judea
That Jesus spoke
to Nicodemus
in Jerusalem.
You must
be born again
You must be born
frm above
to enter
the kingdom of God.
& the way
this rebirth comes abt
is thru water
& the Spirit.
& those who
responded to that message
were baptized.
So, the water
Jesus talked abt
in John 3:5
is the water
of holy baptism.
We need
to be clear:
It’s not
water alone
that brings abt
the miracle of
the new birth.
It’s thru water
AND the Spirit
that we’re
born again.
This means:
The HS is at work
in the waters of baptism
To produce
the new birth
in us.
Water w/o the HS
is just water.
Water w/ the HS
Is energized
by God’s grace
& so baptism becomes
the regenerating
recreating bath
thru which God
transfers us frm
the kingdom of darkness
into the kingdom
of light.
In some
mysterious way:
The HS
Is present & active
in the waters
of baptism.
& He uses
the waters of baptism
To impart
God’s grace to us
& bring abt
our new birth.
Jesus says
We must be born again?
We must be born anew
frm above.
Jesus is talking abt the regeneration
God brings abt in us
Thru the Holy Spirit
When we’re baptized
in water.
2. How are we born again?
We’re born again through WATER and the SPIRIT in Holy BAPTISM.
That’s what Jesus
is says
in John 3:3 & 5.
We must be
be born again
born anew
frm abv
by being baptized
in water.
& in the waters of baptism
The HS will be active
To regenerate
& renew us
in the image of God.
When we step into
that water
To be baptized
The HS
steps in w/us.
The Spirit of God is at work…
in that water…
To impart the grace…
of the new birth…
to us in baptism.
We’re born again thru
baptism. [one…two]
So, we’ve answered:
Our 1st two questions
abt being born again.
What does it mean to be born again?
It means to be born
anew from above.
How are we born again?
We’re born again thru water
& the Spirit
in Holy baptism.
[Transition: & that brings us
to our 3rd
& final question
abt being born again...]
Why must we be born again?
Jesus answers that question:
In John 3:5
John 3:5 (MEV)
5 “Truly, truly I say to you, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
I’ve already said
God’s kingdom
is a spiritual kingdom.
& this spiritual kingdom
is the sphere
of salvation.
In God’s kingdom we find salvation
Frm Sin.
Frm Satan.
Frm Demons.
& Death.
In God’s kingdom
We’re saved:
Frm our old sinful life
frm the realm of darkness
& born again
to live a new life
as citizens of heaven.
Why must we be born again?
We must be born again
to ENTER God’s kingdom
and be SAVED.
& since Jesus
links baptism in water
w/ being born again
Unless we’re born again
thru water & the Spirit
in Holy baptism
we cannot be saved.
This is why
being born again
is so important.
& this is why understanding
How to be born again
is so important.
in our day
too many have
nullified God’s Word
thru human traditions.
That replaced
God’s means of
being born again
w/ their own.
Instead of being baptized
they’ve invented
the altar call
& a sinners prayer.
But Scripture is clear:
God has chosen
to save us thru
water & the Spirit
in Holy Baptism.
As Jesus told
His disciples in
Mark 16:15–16 (MEV)
15 “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned.
Preaching the gospel
is preaching the good news
that the kingdom of God
has come.
& Jesus is
God’s Son—
& Anointed King
of God’s kingdom.
God is now reigning
thru His Son.
& all who blv
in the Son of God
& submit to Him
as their King
Can bcm a part of
God’s heavenly kingdom
& be saved.
Jesus says:
Whoever believes the gospel
& responds to it
by being baptized
will be saved.
So, Jesus connects baptism
w/ salvation.
Just as in John 3:5
Jesus says
We must be born
of water & the Spirit
to enter the kingdom of God
Here Jesus says
one who believes
& is baptized
will be saved.
Being saved
& entering God’s kingdom
are the same thing.
Paul teaches
this same truth
In Titus 3:5
Titus 3:5 (MEV)
5 ...He saved us, through the washing of rebirth and the renewal of the Holy Spirit,
This is Paul’s way of saying:
We must be born again
thru water & the Spirit.
God saved us
frm our past
& gave us:
A new life
A new heart
& a new start
thru the new birth.
Thru the regenerating
& saving work
of the Spirit
that God accomplishes
in the waters of baptism.
It’s in the waters of baptism
That we’re born anew
frm above
Thru water & the Spirit.
It’s in the waters of baptism…
That God saves us.
Peter talks abt:
The saving effects of baptism
in 1 Peter 3:20-21.
He says
1 Peter 3:20–21 (ESV)
20 ...God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water.
21 Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ...
Notice Peter says…
Baptism is not abt
removing dirt
frm our bodies.
In baptism
we’re appealing to God
To cleanse our conscience
& make us
a new creation in Christ.
God uses
the outward sacrament
of baptism
To do something spiritual
inside of us.
To renew
our hearts.
To regenerate us.
To birth us anew
into God’s kingdom.
Peter says baptism
now saves us.
Just like Jesus did.
Just like Paul did.
God saves us
thru baptism.
I’m laboring this point
bcs ppl keep telling me:
“Baptism does
not save us;
“Baptism is
merely symbolic;
“Baptism is not
“You don’t need
“to be baptized
“to be saved.”
I keep hearing ppl
passionately say such things
as if they’re true.
But those are
traditions taught by men
that set aside
Christ’s commands
& nullify
the Word of God.
The Word of God says
Jesus said
baptism does save us.
Paul said
baptism does save us.
Peter said
baptism does save us.
So, we shld say
what God’s Word says.
& for those
who don’t like
what the Scriptures say
we shld tell them
to take it up
w/ the Lord.
The Scriptures say:
We must be born again
to enter
the kingdom of God.
We must be born again
to be saved.
& the Scriptures say
The way we’re born again
Is thru water
& the Spirit.
& that means
We must be baptized
to be saved.
So once & for all
let’s blv this truth
Baptism now saves us.
A question always comes up
When we start saying
what the Scriptures say
abt the necessity
of baptism for salvation.
& many of you
may have this question:
or something similar.
“What abt ppl
“who have not
“been baptized?”
“Can those ppl
“be saved?”
“What if
“they were taught wrong
“abt baptism?”
What if
They never had
the opportunity
to be baptized?
Maybe they’re in prison
Or in a place
where water
is not available.
Or maybe—
As often happened
in the early church—
Maybe they were martyred—
Killed for their faith in Jesus—
Bfr they cld
be baptized.
What abt those ppl?
I want you to write this dwn.
Bcs this is a nugget of truth
you need to remember.
What happens
to someone
who has never
been baptized?
What does God do
w/those ppl.
Write this dwn……
“I don’t know.”
I’m not God.
So, I’ll stay off
of God’s throne.
I’ll let God
be the Judge.
& I’ll just be
God’s servant
who says what
His Word says.
& I blv God
will always do
what’s just & right.
& whatever God does
w/ ppl who
have not been baptized
will be just & right.
You might not like
that answer
But that’s the only answer
you’ll get frm me.
But listen:
The fact that some
ppl do not
or cannot get baptized
Does not change
what the Scriptures clearly say
abt the necessity
of baptism
for salvation.
We have a fine way
in the modern church
of making exceptions
into the rule.
The rule is:
Baptism is the normal means
Thru which God has chosen
To bring abt new birth in us
& make us a new creation.
Baptism is the normal means
Thru which God has chosen
To save us.
To purify our hearts.
To wash away our sins.
To cleanse our conscience.
To unite us
w/ Jesus Christ
In His death
& resurrection.
To make us
a part of His body.
So, I don’t know
what God will do
w/ ppl who
are not baptized.
But I do know
that the Bible says
We must be born again
to enter the kingdom
of God & be saved.
& we must be baptized
to be born again.
So, I’ll keep teaching
the rule
& let God deal w/
the exceptions.
As far as you
& I are concerned
none of us
are the exception.
None of us
will be able to stand
in frnt of God
on judgment day
& say:
“I was ignorant
abt baptism.”
“I cld not
“be baptized.”
“I was never taught.”
Or “I was never gvn…
the opportunity
to be baptized.”
Bcs as we close.
We shld all
be able to answer
these important questions
abt being born again.
What does it mean
to be born again?
It means to be
born anew from above.
How are we born again?
We’re born thru water and the Spirit
in Holy Baptism.
Why must we be born again?
We must
Have you been born again?
Have you submitted to Jesus…
As your King?
& been born again thru water…
& the Spirit?
You must be baptized…
to be born again.
You must be born again…
To enter the kingdom of God.
You must be born again…
To be saved.
You must be born again.
Let’s all stand for prayer.