Faith Test: Pass or Fail
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In the educational system we test to demonstrate mastery of a subject.
The test was between God’s blessing of God Himself. What was more important to Abraham? What is more important to you.
what you have or your obedience to God?
Abraham was tested…Joseph was tested…Moses was tested…Joshua...Sampson…Esther was tested…Jonah was tested…Job was tested…Mary was tested…Peter was tested…Paul was tested…Harriet Tubman was tested…MLK was tested…even Jesus was tested. and if all these people were tested before they could move on and up, don’t think that you won’t be tested either.
Faith that Prompts Obedience (v.1-4)
Faith that Prompts Obedience (v.1-4)
Why it’s difficult to obey God. 1 John 5:3
The difficulty of offering up Issac could only be prompted by faith in God.
Faith that informs Perspective (v.5-8)
Faith that informs Perspective (v.5-8)
exeget v.5 “we will return to you”. Hebrews 11:19
what a difficult walk. For Him and Issac. They both have to carry what will kill.
God will provide.
Faith that experiences God’s Provisions (v. 9-14)
Faith that experiences God’s Provisions (v. 9-14)
How far will you go?
We can’t expect to see what faith produces if we don’t have the faith and the works necessary to receive them.
Nor can we expect God to bless us with more if we don’t trust God with what we have.
Abraham was tested…Joseph was tested…Moses was tested…Joshua...Sampson…Esther was tested…Jonah was tested…Job was tested…Mary was tested…Peter was tested…Paul was tested…and Jesus.
Moriah, burnt offering. 2 Chronicles 3:1
Issac was his fathers legitimate son, Jesus was the only begotten of the Father
Issac carried his wood, Jesus carried a cross.
Issac walked up the hill, Jesus walked up Golgotha
Issac was with his Tather, the Father was with Jesus
Issac was confused, Jesus felt abandoned
Issac was laid out, Jesus was stretched wide.
But, Issac was saved by a ram, Jesus is the lamb that saves
Issac never died, But Jesus died
Issac was lived and died, died and yet lives.