The Text
Let's look at the Text we are going to launch from today
Healing then
Although the Bible seems full of miracles, these events were not common during the biblical period. Of course, by definition, miracles are uncommon or “extraordinary.” But even in the biblical period, in which many miracles took place, these events were not evenly distributed over time. Many centuries went by (as from Noah to Abraham, Abraham to Moses, and Malachi to Jesus) without many miracles39 being recorded. During Abraham’s lifetime, there were theophanies and the miraculous birth of Isaac. But Abraham lived many years without seeing any miracle. For most of his life, he was made to wait, anticipating the fulfillment of God’s promise. That he was, for the most part, patient during this waiting period is one of the exemplary features of Abraham’s faith. Similarly, Moses spent forty years in the wilderness before God appeared to him in the burning bush and inaugurated a new era of miracles. So God evidently reserves miracles for special occasions, including the attestation of his messengers, as we have seen.
Origen,14 who was born in AD 185 and brought up in a Christian family, stated the case thus:
There were signs of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of Christ’s teaching. Immediately after He ascended into heaven, He showed forth more of these signs; but afterwards there were not so many. Still, even now there are traces of them among a few who have had their souls purified by the Gospel.