Easter 4 (2)
Secondly, they devoted themselves to the fellowship (tē koinōnia). The koinōn- words in Greek normally mean ‘to share with someone in something’ above and beyond the relationship itself, or ‘to give someone a share in something’. The sharing in this case could simply refer to material blessings, as described in vv. 44–45, where we are told that the believers had everything in common (koina). Yet this sharing was clearly a practical expression of the new relationship experienced together through a common faith in Christ (cf. vv. 38–41). This is affirmed in 4:32, where a similar statement about having ‘all things common’ (hapanta koina) is prefaced by the words ‘All the believers were one in heart and mind’. That relationship brought a certain sense of responsibility to one another. The sharing of goods came to include the distribution of food to the needy in their midst (cf. 6:1–2) and was certainly not restricted to formal gatherings of the believers. It may be best, therefore, to give koinōnia its widest interpretation in 2:42, including within its scope ‘contributions, table fellowship, and the general friendship and unity which characterized the community’.
The second was fellowship, which is defined as the breaking of bread and … prayer. The omission of “and” between “fellowship” and “to the breaking of bread and to prayer” indicates the last two activities are appositional to fellowship.
The fourth and final element of their life together, another expression of their fellowship, was “the prayers” (RSV). The presence of the article in the Greek text before prayers has led some interpreters to see this as a reference to their keeping the formal prayer hours of Judaism in the temple. They may well have done so to some extent, for their faithfulness in attending temple worship is noted in 2:46 and 3:1. The reference, however, is probably much broader and involves primarily their sharing in prayer together in their private house worship.
If the temple was the place of witness, homes were the place for fellowship.