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If you could eat at only one restaurant for the next year, which one would it be?
Today, we’re continuing our study of the Bible.
We’ve already talked about how the Bible is God’s Word and how the Bible is true.
Now let’s talk about how we can use the Bible as a guide for our life.
Group Activity: Blindfolded Time Trials
You Will Need
Blindfolds, one per team
Several cones
Optional: Small prize for the winning team
Before we dive into our discussion, let’s test your communication skills in teams.
One member of each team has to complete a simple walking course by hitting each checkpoint.
These checkpoints are marked by cones.
The team that completes the course the fastest wins.
Here’s the catch: the person competing on the course is blindfolded.
The way to navigate the course is by listening to the guidance of your team members who will be telling you where to step.
As they give verbal directions, complete the course by stepping on each piece of paper before moving to the next one.
If you were blindfolded, how challenging was it to complete the course? Did hearing more than one voice make it harder?
Trying to go through the course without a guide would be difficult, if not impossible.
In the same way, we need a guide as we go through life, too. Lots of voices in the world are trying to tell us how to live, but many of them couldn’t care less about God or us.
Let’s take a look at how the Bible is the right guiding voice to listen to as we follow God.
In many countries, Jesus and Christianity are at least somewhat familiar to most people. If it’s not illegal to have a Bible, many of those people probably have more than one to choose from.
But in the Bible passage we’re about to read, Jesus makes it clear that it’s not just about knowing what He says.
Doing what He says makes all the difference.
God’s Word Deserves Obedience
God’s Word Deserves Obedience
Luke 6:46–49 (NIV)
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.”
Jesus used this bit of teaching to contrast two different types of people—those who do what He says and those who don’t.
Those who really make Jesus their Lord follow His teachings.
Here He taught that God’s Word makes a solid foundation for our lives, but only if we obey it.
According to Jesus, what foundation will withstand the storms?
Jesus taught that obeying God’s Word is the only foundation that will last.
It doesn’t matter how rough life gets if your life is built on what the Bible says. You can get through it!
The more we make the Bible our guide, the more we can obey it and enjoy the benefits of it being our life’s foundation.
What are some reasons why we don’t always obey God’s Word?
It can be overwhelming a times
It goes against the flow
Maybe it’s embarrassing
God’s Word Offers Security in Difficult Times
God’s Word Offers Security in Difficult Times
Jesus uses a picture of a storm to represent the challenges of life.
Notice how it says when the storms hit, not if the storms hit.
Following Jesus and obeying what God’s Word says are not guarantees for life to be easy or for no bad things to happen.
It’s a guarantee that when the storms of life come, we’ll have a firm foundation that will not collapse.
What are some storms we might face in our own lives?
Parents fighting
School not going well
Friendships going wrong
When facing a storm in your life, we need to turn towards to God’s Word
God’s Word is a trustworthy foundation.
When we are obedient to do what He says, we can trust that no storm of life will crush us.
That’s not all, though. God’s Word also guides us when life isn’t stormy.
God’s Word Offers Guidance through Life
God’s Word Offers Guidance through Life
Psalm 119:101–105 (NIV)
I have kept my feet from every evil path
so that I might obey your word.
I have not departed from your laws,
for you yourself have taught me.
How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
I gain understanding from your precepts;
therefore I hate every wrong path.
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
Because The bible has become a guide for my life I have left a lot of things behind
Porn addiction
As we’ve talked about today, true guidance doesn’t just come by hearing or talking about God’s Word.
We need to obey and do what it says.
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
In all seasons of life, obeying God’s Word puts us on the right path.
When storms come, our obedience lays a foundation that is built to last and won’t wash away.
When life isn’t so bad, we still need God’s Word to guide us on the right path. It will give direction for the decisions we face.
And as we spend more time in Scripture, we’ll love God and His Word more just as David did (Psalm 119:103).
If a storm (challenge) hit your life, would your foundation be solid enough to stand firm? If not, what might need to change?
Jesus knew storms would come for everyone, even those who are fully committed to Him.
He also knew that in the darkness of those storms we would need a guide to make right decisions in this life. That’s why He gave us His Word.
It’s a sure foundation and a trustworthy guide, no matter what we might face.
Now, it’s up to us to read it, listen to God’s teaching, and then do what He says to us through His Word.
Salvation Opportunity
The first step in building a sure foundation for life is to place our hope and trust in Jesus.
We can only experience true peace, security, and guidance when Jesus is the Lord of our life.
Jesus proved His love for us by living a perfect life and choosing to die on a cross to carry the weight of our sins.
We can respond to that kind of love by committing our lives to Him.
Is anyone here that we can pray for who doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus or wants to renew their relationship with Him?