Jonah's Prayer
Jonah • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 37 viewsAs Jonah spends three days and nights in the fish, he prays
Last week we started a series on Jonah
We talked about how Jonah was a prophet
Prophets, typically, have one job, deliver the message given given to them by God and deliver it to others
Typically these messages pertain to the Israelites, God’s people
However, Jonah receives a message from God about Nineveh the capital of Assyria
In particular, how Nineveh must repent or face destruction
After receiving the message Jonah refuses
He allows his preconceived notions and bigotry to blind him of what God asked of him
Now not to the defense of Jonah, these were the Assyrians
Nineveh was the capital of Assyria and Assyria were the bad guys.
Assyria were often viewed as an enemy of Israel
They were known for committing atrocities
Yet Jonah did not view them as God did, so Jonah refused
Jonah only saw the Assyrians as the enemies and not as God’s creation
So what does Jonah do? He runs. He runs to the other side of the known world
He goes the literal opposite way than what he was called
But God didn’t give up that easily
And so we get to the famous scene
A storm breaks over the ship
The crew frantically trying to fight it, but are losing
They pray seeking divine help and that’s when Jonah reveals what he has done, that he ran away from God.
And while they don’t at first want to do as Jonah suggest, they soon have no choice and throw him overboard
Jonah is there in the water seemingly condemned to his fate, doomed to die
But then the unexpected happens, God appoints a fish to swallow him whole
And then scripture tells that is where he spent three days and three nights
So it is in that three day stint that we find Jonah in chapter 2, Stuck in a fish, no way out, waiting
And so he prays
God Listens
God Listens
See chapter 2 of this story is less of narrative and more poetry
It is through this poetry, this prayer, that we see how Jonah internalizes what has happened
So while in a fish he prayed
From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God. He said:
“In my distress I called to the Lord,
and he answered me.
From deep in the realm of the dead I called for help,
and you listened to my cry.
It was in a fish that Jonah prayed to his God.
Of course, it was his God that Jonah said no to
It was his God that Jonah ran from
It was his God that Jonah hid from
Yet it is in a time of distress Jonah called out to his God
When Jonah was doomed, cast away, when he was sinking, it was then cried out to his God
And now it is in the depths of a fish, Jonah prays to his God
Much like the prodigal son returning to his father, we see Jonah return to his God
in this prayer we see from Jonah’s perspective how he thought of the event that just happened and even where he is now inside a fish
When Jonah was in the water, he considered himself to be dead, or at least on the brink of death
It is at the very brink of death that Jonah cries out for God
And God listened
The same God that Jonah said no to
The same God Jonah ran from
The same God Jonah tried to hide from, listened to Him
God listens, even when we don’t
In the darkness there is hope, even when on the brink of death
God listened to the fleeing prophet
Light in darkness
Light in darkness
And so now, in this place of death and despair, Jonah acknowledges who God is and what he has done for him
You hurled me into the depths,
into the very heart of the seas,
and the currents swirled about me;
all your waves and breakers
swept over me.
I said, ‘I have been banished
from your sight;
yet I will look again
toward your holy temple.’
The engulfing waters threatened me,
the deep surrounded me;
seaweed was wrapped around my head.
To the roots of the mountains I sank down;
the earth beneath barred me in forever.
But you, Lord my God,
brought my life up from the pit.
Jonah recognized that God was in control
It was God who hurled Jonah into the depths
It was God’s waves and waters that swept over him
It was God’s waters who threatened his life and engulfed him
Jonah viewed the the very water as an agent of God, sent to punish Jonah for what he had done
Jonah continues this language of despair as he hammers home that he was banished, to sink to the depths beneath the earth; the land of the dead
Jonah feels as though he was being separated from God,
Yet there is hope
Jonah also mentions, in the middle of him talking about being banished and separated, that he will look again towards God’s temple
Maybe not literally, bet that there would be a chance of a connection with God again
That maybe this banishment may be undone, and he could be brought back to life
That even though he feels he is being deservedly cast away, Jonah may again have communion with God
And God saved
Jonah didn't view the fish as the destroyer but a deliverer
Jonah’s fight with being cast away was while he was in the ocean
It was currents that swirled around him
It was waters that threatened him
It was the deep that surrounded him
It was seaweed that wrapped around him
And Jonah sank
It was there in the land of the dead, in the depths of the waters, Jonah still hopeful, God saved, God gave a fish
Even in the currents whipping us back in forth, even in the depths of despair, even in the chaos of life’s waters, there is still hope
You see, at the end of Jonah talking about being cast down, Jonah says it is God who brings him back
That even though Jonah is dead, he is brought back to life
Even in the depths of overwhelming darkness there is hope
And so Jonah ends his prayer
New Life
New Life
“When my life was ebbing away,
I remembered you, Lord,
and my prayer rose to you,
to your holy temple.
“Those who cling to worthless idols
turn away from God’s love for them.
But I, with shouts of grateful praise,
will sacrifice to you.
What I have vowed I will make good.
I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the Lord.’ ”
And so we see a change in Jonah
As Jonah entered death, as his life ebbed away, Jonah looked to God
And now with viewing the grace of God that Jonah was not abandoned by God, that God heard his cries, he makes a vow
He will not cling to idols but instead God’s love
He will shout grateful praises and sacrifice to Him
He will make good on his vow and proclaim salvation comes from the Lord…
And so with that Jonah ends his prayer
Jonah, tried to run away from God, but God followed
And when Jonah was as good as dead, a fate even Jonah would have seemed to agree he deserved
And God gave life
See it wasn't about what Jonah deserved
Why should God follow one who ran away
Why should God look for the one who tried to hide
Why should God connect with one who caused separation
Why should God bring life to to one who chose death
Love, love is why God gives life...
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Motivated by this love, Jonah seems like a new being after his prayer
Of course, in Jonah’s words, God did bring him back from the land of the dead
Jonah declares that he will proclaim that salvation comes from the Lord
Jonah would seem ready to go to Nineveh, to tell them of the salvation that comes from God
Jonah seemed to know that he, like all of us, do not deserve deliverance, it is an act of mercy by a gracious God
An at least for the time seems to be thinking about if not convinced to go to Nineveh, to proclaim God’s mercy
The mercy he experienced first hand
In the inside of a fish Jonah may yet find new life
When Jonah let his prejudices control his decisions and ran away from God, he was choosing death
After all God is the creator of life
There is a reason why the sailors who were praying to other gods were terrified when they learned that Jonah ran away from the God who made the sea and dry land.
This was the creator and sustainer of life
Yet Jonah runs from life and into the storm, into the waters, into darkness, into the land of the dead
Yet God doesn’t let him go
God goes to where Jonah is, and just when you think God is going to destroy the one who disobeyed, God gives life
See Jonah was ready to give up on God, God wasn’t going to give up on Jonah
Jonah Ran away from God, God ran after Jonah
And so chapter 2 ends with a fitting conclusion
And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.
Just as God commanded the storm, the waters, and even the fish to swallow Jonah, so God commands the fish to spit Jonah out
So here we have the prophet who ran away, was brought to death, was swallowed by a fish, and brought new life
Here Jonah is alive, humbled by mercy, and now has to decided what to do with his new life
And this is what I love about Jonah, he is such a great parallel
I don’t care who you are in this room, in this community, in this world, we have all ran away from God at some point
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
We have all said no, we have all gone the opposite direction, we all deserve to be over taken by the waters, taken to the land of the dead.
But here is the amazing thing, just as the fish came and delivered Jonah from death so Jesus delivers us.
Its no longer about what Jonah deserves, about what Nineveh deserves, its not even about what we deserve
God is good and merciful, and brings salvation
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Its not about what we’ve done, its about what God does
So no matter where you are today, pray
Call out to God in times of distress, call out to Him in times of safety
You don’t have to be perfect, or have your life in order to talk to God
Jonah called to God when he was near a death that even he thought he deserved
Call to God, rely on His perfection to make up for your imperfection
Just pray
Knowing that God loves you
Salvation is a gift of God given freely, salvation comes from the Lord
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Just as the whale was appointed by God to give Jonah new life, in a much more fulfilling way Jesus came to bring us all new life
God came down and died on the cross so we could have newness in life!
God Didn’t give up on Jonah, even when he deserved it, God’s not going to give up on us
God listens
There is hope
There is new life
Redemption is not a peripheral matter, rather it cuts to the very core of Divine activity. From the foundation of the world God has determined to bring about redemption in Christ. - R. C. Sproul
God’s goal for Nineveh was not destruction, God’s goal for Jonah was not destruction, and God’s goal for us is not destruction
Salvation comes from the Lord