Untitled Sermon
Intro: Lunch box w/ sardines and bread
John 6:1-21.
We can talk all about how these miracles show Jesus’ power, but I think that would miss some of the point of what He did. Hopefully by now we’ve realized that Jesus is powerful and that reality bends to His will.
But, all of these miracles are not just physical, nor is their job just to talk about how Jesus is great (He is, but that’s not the whole point). Jesus doesn’t just feed the 5,000 for a meal, He does it for our lives, for our eternities; and so we have to ask, “What does this scene show about my spiritual needs?”
Jesus Provides
Jesus Provides
Jesus is teaching and noticed that a lot of people were around and we’re definitely going to get hungry.
So, He asks Phillip, who was from around there, where exactly they could go to get food for everyone.
Keep in mind, it’s about 5,000 men (plus women and children, because they only counted men at this point in history)
Jesus does this to test the disciples to see if they have faith.
Phillip fails. He just tells Jesus that it would take about 8 months wages to feed everyone.
That’s about $20,000 in today’s money.
But, i still think that’s a little light with inflation. If we were to take 15000 people (5,000 men, women and children) and feed them one meal at a camp for instance, it would cost about $45,000.
Andrew kind of passes.
He offers up a kid’s lunch, but even says that he doesn’t know how this would help
Then, Jesus thanks the Lord for this “bounty,” and then starts breaking the bread and feeding everyone to the point that everyone was full and they had leftovers.
This wasn’t an area where you ate to your fill! You at to survive, but these people ate to their fill.
So, what do we do with this/
Jesus provides for you.
It doesn’t matter how bad you think things are, God always shows up
God satisfies completely
The crowd was able to eat and still have a ton left over!
In the same way, God can satisfy you completely.
You don’t need something else to bring you full joy!
I love God, but when I get a girlfriend I’ll be happy
When I get into my dream college I’ll be happy
When I get on varsity I’ll be happy
When I get out of my parent’s house I’ll be happy.
God is the only one who satisfies.
God uses what we bring.
This kid didn’t have much to start with, it’s pretty much a lunch-able, but he brought it to Jesus anyway, and Jesus used it.
God uses what you have for His glory.
You don’t need to be better or older or smarter for God to use you, you just need to show up!
God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Jesus Reigns
Jesus Reigns
After everyone is fed, they get excited.
This is a miracle like with Moses, so they are understandably very excited.
So, they decide that they are going to throw down the current King and make Jesus the new king.
He tells His disciples to flee, and He goies on a mountain top to pray, and then does 2 miracles to get away (He walks on water and teleports)
Wasn’t that the point, that Jesus would become king and rule over Israel?
Jesus is King, but not on your terms.
The people wanted a king that they could control. They wanted a king who gave them stuff, but Jesus is more than that.
And so, He refuses to bow to their wishes and become a king in the way they wanted.
He escapes, walks on water, and sets the scene for the next week because everyone is looking for Him.
Jesus is supposed to be the King of your life, but on His terms, not yours.
He will not just be a God who you call on when you’re in trouble so that He can get you out of it.
He will not be a God who makes you healthy and wealthy because you go to church.
Jesus will be your God, which means that your life revolves around Him, not the other way around.
Everything you are and everything you have must belong to Him completely if you want to make Him King.
Don’t just give Him the scraps of your life, and don’t try to make Him a king with conditions.
We can say something like this because He already gave everything for you. He already lived a perfect life for you, He already died for you, and with that we have to give our lives to follow Him forever.
What would be one thing you would add in your dream house?
What is one thing that God has provided for you recently?
What are some common ways that we disqualify ourselves from serving God? Are these valid?
What does it look like to make Jesus your King in your life?