Philippians 1:12-18 Preach Christ
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Turn Bibles to Philippians 1:12
written by Paul
to the church in Philippi, while in prison,
this letter of Philippians is a letter full of joy
as he is writing to these believers
that means so much to him
he loves this church dearly
and started off his letter with encouragement
The last time I taught
We saw that verses 1 -11
show us that from salvation
till the day we are with Jesus
that God continues to work in our lives!
Now Paul like you would with anyone you are close to
gives an update on what has been going on.
in his life
in the first part of verse 12 he says
“but I want you to know brethren, that the things which happened to me”
he wants them to know
what has been going on in his life
So in verses 12-18 that were looking at today.
We get a powerful section of the Bible
that emphasizes the gospel advancing in difficult circumstances
This passage gives us a glimpse into Paul's own experiences
of proclaiming the Gospel ..
but we also see Paul’s reaction to others preaching the gospel
Through his example,
he encourages the Philippians and us
to live boldly for the Gospel,
regardless of the challenges we will face.
we can still find joy
that even in the midst of
persecution and imprisonment.
and despite difficult circumstances,
we can rise above
with joy.
Overall, Philippians 1:12-18
we will see that when we preach the gospel
be a witness of Christ.
and preach confidently
Out of goodwill (v.15), love (v.17), & truth (v.18)
and when others preach Christ have joy (v.18)
It will challenges us to
live focused on the gospel
Lets pray
So today we will see examples for us
in preaching Christ through Paul, & the believers.
and how we should react to when other’s preach Christ.
Lets read verse 12
12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel,
I love that word “actually” here (GK: “mallon” - more, rather)
it conveys a sense of surprise and paradox.
because you would think that Paul
the great evangelist.. preacher of the gospel throughout the world
that if he is thrown in prison
you could contain the spreading of the gospel
This guy in preaching the gospel has overcome
persecutions with beatings, threats
oppositions with religious leaders
Cultural barriers with encountering people from different beliefs and practices
Language barriers, with difference, of Hebrew and greek cultures, as well as with the people in the city of Lystra
personal struggles - with his thorn in the flesh,
Paul overcame all these things in spreading the gospel.
So maybe if you can just contain the guy in prison
you can stop him.
Paul says.... “actually”
Instead..... the gospel is being furthered.
How is this possible?
well the greek word for “furthered” gives us a hint
the Greek word is “prokope” (“pro-koh-pay”)
means to make progress or advance.
and not just in moving ahead
but doing so against obstacles.
like an explorer hacking a path through trees and brush
its like a “blazing a trail”
and so Paul's imprisonment was "blazing a trail"
for the spreading of the Gospel
Pretty awesome!
This guy cant be stopped!
but how is this happening
lets read about it in verses 13-14
13 so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; 14 and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
so the gospel is continuing to be furthered
With the whole palace guard (v.13)
The whole palace guard wasn't
just aware of who Paul is
but why Paul was there...
The palace guards also called the Praetorium
which were elite unit of soldiers handpicked from thousands of soldiers
these guys were some of the toughest, smartest, and dedicated
they were to be feared.
they were to be respected
as they defended and protected
an Empire consumed with pagan
evil practices.
Now it doesn't exactly say that
Paul was directly preaching the gospel to them
it wouldn't be a far reach to assume
he was preaching at or towards them.
most commentaries make that assumption
especially because he was probably chained to them
in 4 hour rotations.
What else would Paul be talking about?
but what we do we know is that
it was evident / visible / clear
they definitely knew Paul was in chains because of Jesus.
and no doubt Paul loved that
they knew why he was there.
They weren't just aware of Paul
but they knew what he was about
Which makes me wonder
What do people who know us
know about us?
do they know what we are about?
In our own lives...
Do the people around us
know what we are all about?
When I was in High School
when my parents brought me to church
I knew how to act like a Christian
then when I went to school
my atittude, my words, and my actions
were like the world
I remember a few times when
a friend from HS found out I went to church
they would be surprised.
they questioned my Christianity
and my representation for Jesus was lost.
it was evident to the palace guards that Paul
was in chains because of Jesus
Whether it was evident to them through
testimony, Pauls words, attitude, or actions
or all of it
They knew what Paul was about.
There was no questions about it.
What we are about is seen in the way
we talk, our attitude, and the things we do.
Is our faith in Jesus evident in our words, attitudes, and actions?
Do people truly know what we are all about?
Is it evident to people that we are about Jesus?
Does what our friends, family, co workers, or neighbors know about us,
point people to Jesus?
What does our words say about us when were outside of church?
What does our actions say about us when we are outside of church?
What does our attitudes say about us when we are outside of church?
These palace guards knew why Paul was in chains
Do the people in our lives know why we go to church?
Well it wasnt just the palace guards
that knew what Paul was about
it says in verse 13
Philippians 1:13 (NKJV)
13 so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ;
Little is known about who exactly Paul is referring to here
but these were people in Rome.
who somehow some way have heard about
who Paul was and what he was about.
Showing us that our witness is crucial to everyone
whether our witness is to others,
or to people in position of power.
the common person, the politician, the police officer, the neighbor
we should be a witness of Jesus to everyone around us.
because we all need Jesus!
the position that someone holds doesn't
change the fact that we need Jesus
We can be a light to our bosses,
to our employees
you never know what being an example
might do!
God wants to use us church!
Be open to what God may want you to say to someone
Be open to what God may want you to do for someone
but may it be with us
That it is evident we are about Jesus
without question.
as it was with Paul
So when we preach the gospel
be a witness of Christ.
now lets see how
show next slide
Lets read verse 14
14 and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
The church saw Paul be unfazed by imprisonment
It didnt slow him down
In fact he has joy and isnt stopping
So the church got confident
in Pauls chains
seeing that if Paul can do it so can they
espiaclly since they are free and he is in prison.
Paul showing no signs of slowing down.
so why should they?
Paul hasnt been stopped at persecutions or prisions
what an example.
and while this may be convicting.
Because we should be using our freedom
in spreading the gospel!
this is not here to condemn us
it is to give us
seeing his boldness,
his faithfulness
his fire
it should inspire us!
if he can do it… so can I
the church when they saw Paul in chains
got much more bold
they didnt get scared
like what if the same thing happens to us?
what if we get persecuted
what if we get thrown in jail
They got more bold to preach the gospel
so may we become more bold
to preach Christ without fear!
to speak the Word without fear!
and so that is how in Paul’s chains
that the gospel was being furthered.
Satan and the world cannot and will not be able to stop the gospel
they may try to stop us
but they cannot stop the gospel!
In Paul’s last letter he says
8 Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel, 9 for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained.
The gospel is going to be continuing to advance despite opposition
The gospel is going to continue to advance despite persecution
it is not going away
it is not changing
The gospel is not conforming to laws
The gospel doesnt adjust to culture.
The gospel is unchanged from 2k years ago and it still continues
The question is what are you doing with it.
“hide it under a bushell no!… im going to let it shine”
so may we also grow in confidence!
in boldness to preach the gospel that is the power of God to salvation
knowing that the gospel cant be stopped
and even they try to stop us
they tried to stop Paul and couldn't!
In verses 15-18 we see that the gospel is advancing through 2 types of people
with different motivations
in verses 15-18
15 Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill: 16 The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; 17 but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.
Here we see that there were some preaching the gospel in two different kinds of motivations
Some (brethren) were preaching the Gospel:
1. Out of envy, strife (v.15), selfish ambition, not sincerely, to add affliction (v.16), and in pretense (v.18).
These people weren't heretics, or Judaizers
like we read about in other NT books
They were preaching the gospel.
but had impure motives
These individuals were hoping to cause
Paul distress and suffering by preaching the gospel
I don’t know why exactly but I do know that these impure motives comes when
you feel like you have something to gain for yourself
or you have jealousy or bitterness towards someone
James 3:16 says
16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.
Thats what we got here
and is possibly the people he had in mind
just a few verses down
in Phil 2:3
3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
This is a lesson to us
that just because we are believers doesn't
mean that we are always doing things with the right heart.
Whether that is preaching Christ or not
what you are doing may be a good thing
but why are you doing it.
1 Samuel 17:7 says that:
1 Samuel 16:7 (NKJV)
7 ...For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
What is the motive behind it?
May we ask God to search our hearts in the things we do.
Whether in preaching the gospel or not.
but despite this motive
even though… it was towards harming Paul
he rejoices that Christ is just being preached.
Which is an example of being sacrificial
especially for us with trying to move the gospel forward
There may be moments where
it may hurt,
you may suffer
you may feel alone
Yes you may get stabbed in the back
but does this move the gospel forward?
Even though these people were preaching the gospel
to harm Paul
he was rejoicing
because he cared more for the gospel!
Some were preaching the gospel:
2. Out of goodwill (v.15), love (v.17), & truth (v.18)
This motivation comes when:
you see the need of the gospel
you share God’s heart for the lost
you know the honest, sincere, truth.
There is a real Heaven and Hell.
This Bible is alive and real.
There is eternal life
And eternal suffering
What does God feel when he looks down at this world?
I cant tell you exactly how He feels
But I know that when He looked at this broken world
it caused Him to come down and die for us.
He see the results of sin
He sees the hungry, the sick, the dying,
People depressed, anxious, hopeless.
He looks down and see people lost in sin,
Some have ruined their life as a consequence of their own sin
People guilty, carrying the weight of all their mistakes
God loves them!
He proved it with
Jesus paying the price for them to be saved.
To have eternal life, by trusting in Him!
If only we share God’s heart for them
we would tell them this great news!
Which is why Paul says in verse 18
18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.
Paul easily could have
whined and complained
saying “why me God… not only am I thrown in prison
but even some of the believers are trying harm me”
easily he could have felt alone…
betrayed by his own brothers
Paul has a much better excuse
then most to have lost it
gotten upset.
and complained through this letter.
and here we see Paul finding joy in adversity.
his joy was not based on his circumstances at all
his joy was found in Christ
so he had joy in others preaching Christ
even if it was to harm him!
So it didnt matter where he was that even
in jail
He had joy watching the gospel advance
seeing God continue to work
as he is in jail
the gospel keeps pushing forward!
Corrie Ten Boom said
"Look around and be distressed. Look inside and be depressed. Look at Jesus (our Joy) and be at rest."
As believers it is excited to see the Lord work
in lives
So Paul
So when we preach the gospel
be a witness of Christ.
and preach confidently
Out of goodwill (v.15), love (v.17), & truth (v.18)
When others preach the gospel
Whatever your motivation is
just preach Christ!
Are you glad that someone spoke the gospel to you?
Then who cares what people may think...
People who are like we once were
need to hear the gospel!
the gospel is a message of hope for all
It speaks to the deepest needs of the human heart,
offering a way forward even in the darkest times
In a world that often seems to be
filled with chaos and uncertainty,
the Gospel offers a hope
we all need.
It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles,
and that there is a way forward,
no matter how grim things may seem.
That no matter what happens today,
there is always hope that
things will be much better later
When someone places their trust in Jesus
to be their Savior
the price of their sins is paid
and can enter into eternal life
that will be filled with joy, peace, and perfection.
May our lives be evident those around us
that we are about Jesus
that we are an example of Jesus
May we be confident and bold to preach the gospel
Out of goodwill (v.15), love (v.17), & truth (v.18)
And may we rejoice when others preach the gospel!
Even if it comes from wrong motivation!
Corrie Ten Boom said
"Look around and be distressed. Look inside and be depressed. Look at Jesus (our Joy) and be at rest."
What can man do to us?
As we have the hope of the gospel.
And even when we face trials
even if they want to persecute us
God will still use us
the gospel cant be and wont be stopped
God can use us when we are free
God can use us if we are not
HE wants to and will use
us to further the gospel
whether we are broken or whole
suffering or not
People need to hear and
He has people He wants us to reach!