What are all these scrolls and Why do I care
Yep, The set time has come!
Who likes to keep the biblical holidays?
A lot of us, right? Do you realize we could at any time be one month off? Exactly one month off. Do you know why the biblical holidays are set on a what do you call it? Lunar calendar. Which every once in awhile, every 3rd in half-year roughly, they have to add a month. It's just the way it is and tell mudak tradition was that they would decide when to add that month and so the Sanhedrin, then I see the prince of the Sanhedrin would decide when to add a month and we not to add a month and they would decide to add the month or not, add the month, depending on the condition of the roads, depending on the weather, depending on a lot of things. And if the Sanhedrin decided to add a month on a month, that the Nazi was away for a little while, and he came back and leave out of the month already, that the rule has been made. They've got the Nazi could change it back to the other way because he was the one that won the rules, so it anytime we could be a month off, but God still honors. Our attempt honor him. However, feebly, we may do that. So, we're handing out copies of the slides. If you don't like the size of this, I apologize. I'm going to be working on that overtime, but if you want a bigger copy, I can I can email it to you. So, there you go. Before I start this first century discipleship, we talked about first-century discipleship.
What was written down? What was written down, scrupulously without error. Scripture not recipes cheese.
She's you learned, you learned the recipe from your mother, she was your teacher and you supposed to memorize those words. Yeah, okay, so, first century disciples, I was thinking about this again, what did they do? They walked after their teacher, they sat at his feet. They studied his teachings and his actions, they basically did everything. You did kind of sorta. So, do you know any first any disciples in the Bible, where we have the teacher in the disciple, other than Jesus, Elijah and who Elijah related all alike?
No. when were ratty clothes, when were real nice clothes, 18 flies or whatever. The other one.
Yeah, it's just, you know, then that you don't have to be exactly like your Rabbi but but they they like to try to understand them and appreciate him and celebrate him and teach the way he taught. And the main thing was, whatever your teacher taught. You were supposed to learn that kind of teaching and passed that on to your disciples who in here is a teacher. Who in here is a student. I sure you're not raising your arm. Are you a teacher? Yes, you are.
Do you know why if you only know a letter teach that this is a rabbinic tradition, whatever you do teach wherever you go, try to teach truth to anyone who's listing, do you know that you taught me something one time?
At Sukkot. I'm up here trying to explain a little loved. And you remember what you said? Do you remember how she said? Well, that's the Holy Spirit Rob and I said, okay, I'm going to sit down now. Thank you very much. I can see this congregation is a good hands. Sit in the rabbi's feet. So, I'm almost like, I can actually handle this out if you want, but covered in the dust of your Rabbi, an urban legend lowest to verburg years ago in Jerusalem perspective, she gave me permission to reprint this if you're, if you're interested. That's when we go talk about it on with the talk, Rob. Yes. So traditional if you learn something from someone and you're going to teach it, give credit to the person, you learned it from this is important, you shouldn't put forward, something in your own words, if you learned it from someone else, it's just a good idea. Give honor where honor is due. So years ago, a good friend of mine, Steve's dad, Danny, Sullivan put up, many, many, many pamphlets. And one of them was who are all these people and how did they get into my Bible? that's a really nice pamphlet, so We're talk to you about Jesus among the sages and we're looking at a lot of ancient materials. And my question is, what are all these Scrolls? And why do I care, why? So, that was the kind of topic that we've all been talking about. Not the what of what we're doing of of, of, of the Scrolls of the information of the data of the rules. Not the, what, the, why, why do I care? Why do you want to do this? Why do we want to study these things that aren't the Bible? That's an excellent question. It really is. I don't know how to do actually Okay. So I couldn't find a really good picture of Jesus teaching his disciples. So I cheated kind of this is AI at work.
Artificial intelligence. This happens to be Dolly Dalle like Salvador Dali. It's there a automatic paint program, you can tell it whatever you want and we'll paint the paint something for you to draw something for you. They're not real good at faces, you know. So this is the best I could do on Dolly, but I wanted to show you a picture. Why do I do this years and years and years ago? 1994 I started attending church the Messiah and my good friend John Hoffman back there said Dwight Pryor has a weekly Torah study would you like to come and sit with us? And I said, I'd love that John. Thank you very much for the invite. And I went that, I went that week and I started going. And my wife said, so, why are you, why are you every week? Driving a half an hour to sit in a room for 3 to 4 hours to drive, back a half an hour. Have a late lunch with me and you're not even studying Jesus.
And I said, no, I am studying Jesus Will, how can you be studying, Jesus? I'm studying what Jesus studied, I'm trying to learn Jesus Bible. I'm trying to understand the Bible in the context of the time and period of his life. I'm trying to be as close to Jesus feet as I can be.
And I still am trying to do that. Can I get very close to his feet?
I can get closer than I used to be able to get And each year, I think I get closer.
In more ways than one each year, I'm closer.
And I'm not in a hurry, but I am in a hurry to be close to his feet. Carl had this beautiful picture? I wish I could remember to. So, Much better.
Intelligence Trump's artificial intelligence any day.
I love to sew. He had some problems, but them I really like his attempt to honor Jesus. So why do I do this her am near Cesery Abilify. Does anyone recognize that River?
Huh. It's the Jordan. It's glowing out. Near. Cesery of Philip 5, terrible place and the wee wee. We baptized ourselves, we self immersed. We self dipped, we sell sprinkled. Whatever it was, I was not going to dip In this River even though the Decay the ugliest, earliest Church documents on how to do. Things says the baptism is best obtained in cold water. I was not going to immerse myself in this water. Franklin was fine but this was a serious moment. I want to be as close. As I could be to Jesus feet. Anyone else? A few of us, praise the Lord. That's why. What about the spirit? The holy spirit of God, the Holy Spirit? God is necessary. This is a graph showing all the locations in the Bible, where the spirit is mentioned. It's not even all of them. It's not even it says that's it's not even close to it because you have breath and wind and other things. This is this is significant now. Does it look like there are only there virtually? No. Scriptures in the Old Testament that speak of the spirit or is it theirs or a substantial amount of them? You see where Matthew begins near the bottom of the chart. Can you read that? Okay, so the spirit is present all the way through the Bible.
In all of the writings that we have and that's it, the spirit wasn't active than any other way, right?
That's stupid Rob. The spirit was active not as active as we could have him today. Be active, but the spirit was active throughout the Old Testament in some way. Not only with the Riders, Also, with others.
This is the other thing, sit is Jesus feet and do what Jesus did. Be a disciple, first century disciple, try to learn what he said, try to learn what he did, try to emulate what he did, try to continue what he did, go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that. I have commanded you and behold. I Am With You Always to the End of the Age. What is the? What are the imperatives here?
Go is not an imperative. and you're going, Teach. Peach.
Asher. Teach your teacher, got it. You have been one. You can be one. And I appoint you as a teacher for me.
Teaching them to observe, teaching him to observe teaching again to observe the command of all that, I've commanded you the command have commanded you. So you've got to come in but that's not an imperative command here. But it is a command do teaching them to observe. What I have commanded you and behold. I Am With You Always to the End of the Age. This this is this is always in my in my Forefront, try to do this, Rob. This is what God's calling you to. Guided by the holy spirit. So back to the scripture verse that I showed you, before you see there, lots of versus the skirt was present. It's going to take a couple examples, Moses gathered, $70 in Lord came down, spoke to Moses. Took the spirit that was on Moses and put it on the $70. He didn't take it away from Moses. It's a distributed spirit. It's complete and it's not a partial Spirits, God's spirit, he's placing on them. So God spirit is present here today. I hope and pray. God's spirit is present and going through me. I hope and pray that God's spirit is present in you and and working through you and your listening and in your questions and in your discussions. Etc, cast me, not away from your presence, which is a holy thing.
Which is the highest form of worship. Study doing or being with God.
I think the presence is the first thing. If you don't have the presents, you have no value in study. If you don't have the presents, there's no value in doing. Doing because, you know, it's supposed to be done. Isn't a bad thing. You can learn from it. But his presence is more critical. It's a hard thing to understand because sometimes you can't believe that God is present with you in his spirit. Until you realize it is. When I'm teaching sometimes I'm just teaching facts and sometimes I say something that's not totally from me and it's not just because I had a good idea and it went out through my mouth. It was truth. It was eternal it was wholly, wasn't something. I thought I was going to say anyone else had this experience ever? That is the spirit of God that is God spirit and God's spirit moves from one person to another person to another person to another person. We don't know where it's going or where it's come from. We do nuts, come from God, but we know it's the spirit. When you speak words and they're from God spirit.
I hear the authority, the truth of it. It's, it's significant. Many times in Torah study, someone would say Rob could you say that again? And I'd go. What did I say?
What was really good? Could you sit back again? kind of, And then I'd say it and they say, well, it wasn't quite that. Okay, well, I'm glad to God's purpose, but you can experience God's spirit's presence in the midst of what you're doing. You can't control it. When we think we can control it, we don't understand God at all.
No one can come to me unless, unless the father by way of his Spirit draws him. Jesus has no one can come to me in the less than a spirit draws him. Well, you accept Jesus as Lord, and then you receive the spirit and the spirit guide you, right? Well, you can't even accept Jesus. Unless the spirit is drawing you to him,
the spirit is active in the lives of non-believers.
We need to realize that the real thing and we need to learn to speak. Like Jesus spoke with authority.
Not because we memorized a chapter or because we speak. But because he's speaking through us, when he speaks through us, we speak through the authority that Jesus had when the people said he doesn't talk like this garage and Pharisees, he teaches with authority, I'm paraphrasing. But that authorities significant hear those without God's spirit reject. The things of the spirit is folly if the things that these sages wrote down our God, and many of them seem to be consistent. At least if they didn't have God's spirit somewhat, they would reject them as folly. According to 1st Corinthians.
And many Christians are rejecting things of God as Folly that aren't necessarily folly. They're taking things as truth that aren't necessarily truth. You can use the scripture for the wrong reasons. And not be teaching truth with authority. Don't make this a real uncomfortable that anyone who comfortable that I am. But but that I think it's true.
What are all these Scrolls? And why do I care anyway? Well, these aren't Scrolls that I care that much about. I do care a little bit about them. These are the Scrolls of parliament Parliament decided that they, they've had it with trying to keep scrolls are too hard to organize too hard to keep. So they've digitized them and put them in paper and electronic form and now the laws of England are not codified this way but this was the best picture of massive piles of Scrolls I could find. I hope the British museum would have them. The British museum has pictures of fragments of Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls collections have pictures of fragments of Scrolls but they've lost the Integrity of the Scrolls that they come from so they have to piece them together. So much of our information that we're getting from. Scrolls is pieced together piece by piece by piece. Sometimes accurately sometimes not accurately
where, Did I imagine that I wanted to be? If I couldn't be with Jesus, I imagined I wanted to be in the Library of Alexandria.
Why Alexandria? Well I learned that disciple named Levi. Who we know has Matthew had been a tax collector and tax collectors, what are they really? Really good at Writing down things.
Feeling. I don't think the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew is about stealing. Thank you for the humor. Oh boy, I should stop asking questions.
Anyway, it's believed by the Jerusalem School of synaptic research, which we are kind of affiliated with
Steven notley call studied under him. He's when he's one of those people, I got a degree from the same colleges as as Khal Nayak. I got mine through Seminary. He got his in ancient Jewish and Christian Studies, which is way more technical than what I went through. I also took three semesters of Biblical Hebrew. So I'm not a slouch in this, but I'm not as studied in rabbinic Judaism has, as Kyle is, but The Scroll of Alexandria, I wanted to see the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew.
I had a dream that Denny Sullivan Steve's could dad showed up at the gate, Golden Gate and Bob Mass was running over to him slowly. He was shuffling but he could have run, but he was getting there anyway. He said that, then you won't believe what they have up here. What do they have? Danny asked the scroll, the scroll scroll, the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew and, and then goes, that's great. Show it to me. Bob and Bob takes him over to the scriptorium. And, and Son rolls is Scrolls. Beautiful pristine, scroll in my dream. It's even pristine. And then he starts going across Industries, fairly fluent Hebrew. And any is kind of going across, his eyes, can't be right. This is classic, Danny arguing with the authoritative text. Just to know. That's the way Danny was. Steve's Danny son. A lot of humor in this. I love. Anyway. Bob says, I had a problem with that when I got here too. But you know, what? The guy, who wrote this, he's here to. Let's go talk to him.
So I wanted to see the scroll but the Library of Alexandria was destroyed to church. Fathers sought, not before this was destroyed. There was another copy somewhere to church fathers sought that the duck documented that they thought it did exist, it doesn't exist anymore, the for so-called Hebrew gospels of Matthew are not it. It's kind of my best understanding and the scholars at the school of synoptic Ruth research, research, JC studies, not JC studies.
Jerusalem School, synoptic research. So this was destroyed, maybe, maybe maybe.
Maybe we'll find it at the bottom of the ocean someday, and we'll have evidence. That you requested, Maybe.
Artist depiction of the Alexandria library. Earliest Bible. So I'll talk to talk a little bit about this. I wanted to actually put dates in there because Lupe is always single. When was that when was that? Why is this older? What, what are you talking about? There's things handing out if you want them, if you want a better picture, I can email it to you. 1312 BCE roughly Moses received the tablets and he also began writing things down. We think none of those are extant, they don't they're no longer available in inform, we may find them someday. That would be great and 1273 BCE Five Books of Moses. Were completed and Moses died, roughly around that time, and those things are not extent. We know that Moses wrote the Torah, we know that it was amended by some people a little bit like saying that Moses was the most humble man who ever lived at cetera. You know, those citations saying what Moses was like Moses would not likely have written but those Scrolls that are written that we have
Evidence of we don't have an extant copy that doesn't exist 1273 BC. We don't have it just before the second temple. And you might remember that they went into the Babylonian captivity with the destruction of the first Temple. And so, sometime a little bit later the Samaritan Group, which had been in Samaria, which was in Israel, which was the side of the nation that committed serious.
Pagan worship. Idolatry. So I'm not saying the Samaritan pentateuch is Pagan, but I'm just saying, that's the group from which that came from. It was a written apparently pre second temple. We don't have any copies that old but we know that it's been fairly accurately copied since then 4:30 BCE the Tanakh, the Holy Bible. Tnk, torrenova, MK2, Ventura Five, Books of Moses. Now that the prophets tattoo of them all, the rest of the writings were completed. We do not have that book. That scroll, that set of Scrolls. There is none extant into 46 BC. The Septuagint was translated into into a Greek by Ptolemy the second and I'm ninety-nine percent. Sure. And Emmanuel Cove agrees with me. This was only the first five books of the Bible, the Torah They continued writing according to Immanuel Tove and others sometime between 3270, BCE, everything else had been translated, other Scholars say there was still translating the Septuagint in the second century Haydee. I think Emmanuel toes, probably the best experts. I'll stay with Emmanuel toe Hebrew. Matthew was recorded around, the time of the life of Jesus. He was taking notes about Jesus life, which Jerusalem School snapped, research, believes, became Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I'm not John the synoptic gospels around 40 to see James wrote the first book of the New Testament between 48 and 66. Paul wrote his books and are the other books written in the same. That some say weren't Paul. I'm not going to get into all that. The synoptic gospels were recorded sometime in 5270 which is at least twenty years after Jesus death roughly
Why did they write it down while he was living?
Memorize your teachers words.
And when you memorize your teachers words, you memorize them in order, right?
On the second day of March.
Of the wr30 after the birth of our Lord. Jesus said, no, we don't have that. We have their Memories, We have what they remembered. That's why they're a little bit different. Wait a minute. God actually ordained. What they wrote. And so Matthew, Mark. Luke Etc are divinely inspired by God. Okay, I agree. Sort of. How do I deal with that? God wanted mark. To record words so that they would reach a particular group of people. God wanted Matthew to record words. So they could reach a particular group of people, God wanted Luke to record words. So they would reach a particular group of people. So I do believe the divine inspiration of the Bible, but I also believe in man's involvement in that and I praise God that he wants this involved. I praise God. He wants us involve today. I praise God for this idea. John's gospel and all the things of John were written, sometime around the 90s to the hundreds, roughly ish. So, first Millennium texts for a thousand years Call talked about this, the mishnah. Okay. So I'm going to give you a verse You're ready? Jesus loves me this. I know for the Bible tells me so, can you remember that? Okay, repeat it.
Okay, mishnah.
Do you understand Miss now?
Huh. It means repeat. Say it again.
That's what Michigan means. Mishnah.
Gamora. Sometime.
Sometime in the second century. Judah. Hennessy recorded the mishnah, compiled the mishnah. So who the heck is Judah? Honda Si Judah, the prince This is because this always comes up and no one understands that, I decided I'd do this today. It came up this morning. How well and shumai How well was he more liberal in his interpretation or strip than shamai? More liberal more open, more, allowing Freer.
Hello Wells, record. Her Wells. A rulings were recorded but in general, they were recorded after shemaghs ruling. And the reason for that is halal or whoever recorded it, thought it was important enough to record both sides of an argument, why? Because it would be possible one day if they found a law or ruling to be. Not right to reverse the ruling. Do we have an example of this today? Why? Because of hilal? Oh well made this idea that you can overturn a wrong ruling after it's been ruled. And if that's what, that's how the mishnah is recorded. And that's how our law system works, even to this day. How many people don't believe that? I believe it. I'm grateful for it. If I'd been a Persian king, I would say, oh well, I wrote it down. It's a long now. Can't do any about it. Can't change it. I can just tell Esther and her folks, if they can protect themselves, I'm not going to prison prevent the slaughter, but they're allowed to protect themselves.
I know it can be overturned. A wrong ruling, can be overturned. That's hilal. He had a son Shimon Ben, hello. He had his son one, which was Paul's teacher. He have a son Shimon Simeon, Ben Gamaliel. And he had a son, jamali. All the second and he had a son Judah, The Prince and Judah was. Now the leader of the Sanhedrin, the ruling community of the Sanhedrin at the time that he was recording the stuff around 125 to 150 to 200 at the latest c, e Judah, the Prince, why did they call him the prince, the talmud records. That he also had Messianic lineage davidic lineage So when you ask the question, is there any evidence that any of these people could have been Christians? Yeah. Absolutely Kamali. L in my opinion, could have become a believer. Shimon Ben gamla, L could have been a Believer Gamaliel. The second could have been a Believer Judah. The prince could have been a Believer, but there was some friction going on in the 100, the 1:50 ish time frame. If you're interested in that friction, there's a really good book called partings. And I like the last chapter best, which argues, there was never a Schism between Judaism and Christianity. There was a drifting apart, which wrong kind of unforced with all kinds of persecutions and taxes, and everything else is
Mr. See you sometime before 200cd mishnah tosefta some of the rabbis in this community decided well that's nice. We got that. We better. Write some more about it and so they wrote commentary. Oh no, that's a Septa. They wrote A supplement to the mishnah, they supplemented the mishna and then the gemara more, rabbis later up to about 500 CC Road Kamara. A for the for the mishna and if you take mishnah repeat it again, the, what was the toilet or Ali and the gemara, the commentary that you learn to teach later, those two together are the talmud. They're two talents Jerusalem, and Babylonian
Jerusalem talmud was written about two hundred years before the Babylonian talmud and they would have continued writing it. But something happened to their community and leave that they shipped off their most important documents to Aleppo, which was the farthest away from tiberias and wherever you want where the great Scholars were living. And that's why we have the Aleppo codex, which is our earliest documented masoretic text,
Babylonian talmud the Jerusalem, talmud favors, the gemara of the rabbis of the West, which is the land Babylonian talmud favors the gemara of the East Babylonian Babylon, ESV Yep, cuz they might have a k. J v. Does anyone have any other Bibles? Those are targums.
Target only reason we used car, is it identifies the translations that were in Aramaic or Syriac and other Aramaic type dialects? When we say they're only Aramaic were it's more than that to bigger translate or important. First 26, maybe top Kyle had different dates Common 6 order 63 tractates. Is there? I am not ashamed as a king cone of shame and tore her wrote. With many subdivision 63 tractates. To tell him it's most likely independently. Written all Scholars, who look at these two talismans and try to correlate the, to the goalies are similar, but they're different. The people in in the land interpret things a little bit different than the people who were in Babylon and one of the reasons for that is in the land and the Galilee they were very interested in agriculture. And so the Jerusalem talmud as a complete track date of seeds agriculture they don't have some other things badly talmud Babylonian has 49 attract Ace and the gemara is so attractive or 60 depending on how you count. The Jerusalem talmud only has Gomorrah commentary on 39 of them and the Babylonian talmud only has commentary on 40 of them so sometimes you'll see us reference a.m. and then a track tape name and a verse that's from the mishnah or you'll see a t and the track date name. That's from the tosefta. And if you see, Abby is the Babylonian talmud. If you see why, it's the Jerusalem talmud, Questions. Is that too complicated?
Yes. Sorry, those are the two main areas. In the land, and in the east. The Babylonian talmud records in the in the East we finish the Torah reading in a year and the people in the west, finish it in three, which is why people think it's a triennial cycle but they don't understand what a Jewish three means. It might mean three and a half or pretty sure. Today, it's a three and a half years so I called twice and 7, which we've been using
Now, I'm going to begin with the nearly the last verse of purity of vote. Judith P. Previous first referring to and I'm giving I'm giving a citation for someone who he learned it from Juda bente ma used to say at 5 scripture at 10 mishnah at 13 Etc. Here it is a little bit easier to read at 5 to study scripture. 10, you study, you begin to memorize Mission at 5 the other Bible with you, Asher. Joe Bible with you. Okay, when do you start memorizing, scripture?
5 years old.
Attend. You start memorizing, mishnah.
According to the ancient tradition. At 13, you're a son or daughter of The Commandments. You have a bar or bat mitzvah. You now of age, you're not responsible for your actions, your mother and father are no longer the main ones who are responsible. You need to answer for the things you've done wrong answer for the things you've done right by 15, you're studying talmud, which means you're able to elucidate and teach about what you've learned in scripture and Miss now. Mrs. Ancient Ancient. Ancient stuff. 18, you get married. Not a mandatory age if you happen to be 22, it's okay.
But around 18 you find yourself being attracted to some other people 2020, you need to make a livelihood, why? Because you got a bride now or her husband will, the actually, the wife doesn't have to work, but I know she does work. She's Works in different way. 30 strength, Jesus began his ministry at 30 at 4. You gain wisdom so-called gain wisdom, when he became 40 and we gave him a k for, so he could learn more wisdom now. They can't give Council yet. It's 60, you get old age, 70 fullest of years. That's me for massive years. I don't have full strength yet. I am getting a bent body and I am somewhat Beyond this world but that's another discussion altogether. Tokyo boat. Judaism's most important and oldest collection of rabbinic ethical teachings. Most people believe that this book Yorkie of vote which you can print it about 14 pages it's not very long without the commentary of these were the oldest thing. The first things recorded, right? The things that come from the sages from the father's. It's from the word parekh which means to break. So what they're saying is they're taking all the sayings of the fathers and their breaking them into in diverse so you can memorize one verse at a time. They didn't number them initially and so you'll find different numbering systems used. It's the most important oldest collection. Most of the track dates are put them by Judah. The prince in the second century of the from 100 to 200 ish. They instruct on how to fulfill the Torah most of the truck dates how to fulfill the Torah but not pure can vote call made a big deal out of the missioner talking about how you do something. Not pure keto vote. If it doesn't have a single, how in it,
About speaks to the person beneath the action, not to the what, or the how. But to the Y and to one's own character. I vote insist that you love and honor others. That they would be as dear to you as your own.
Did Jesus say something like this?
Remember, the verse?
Couple places. Not that you should do something, but that you should want to do what God wants. It's not about the doing, it's about the Desiring.
it's not about the study or the doing, it's about the being with In my opinion. Exemplified by the simple words that I will be done. That's not a key of vote but I think it may as well be Jesus a kid boat. Here you go. 5, memorizing, 10, memorize 13, accountability, interpret, learning and interpreting more. That's the talmud by 30. He was working with Joseph. Where was he working? I think it's probably most likely he was working at sepphoris, sepphoris was being completely rebuilt. Its a beauty beautiful place and it's believed by many scholars that Joseph picked Nazareth because of its reasonable proximity to sepphoris. He could work as a project manager in sepphoris Peak strength, Jesus ministry. I vote 522 and 523. These are the last verses in proper first. 5 chapters 6 was added later. I love these two guys names Ben bag bag. And Ben, hey, hey,
I just love the name. There's no explanation on what these names mean anywhere. They're not things like this. You know? This name means this or this is. This is this is named Ben bag bag. Some people think they were Converse. Some people think they were being protected by using a circumlocution of their name, somehow been bag bag. Said, turn it God, instruction whatever God is teaching you turn it over and turn it over again. All that's in it. All it's in. God's instruction be as close to Jesus feet, as you can be learn it, think about it, let it guide your life. Turn it over continue studying it, become grey and old, and don't move away from it for you to have no better portion than God's instruction been. He said, according to the labor is the reward. The more you work at understanding and appreciating applying God's word. The more the reward for what you're trying to do. That's the end of it. Beginning a catboat Moses received the Taurus sign. I transmitted at the Joshua, Joshua to the elders, elders to the prophets, in the profits, to the men of the great assembly. They said three things be patient in the Injustice, raise up a disciples and make a fence around the Torah. Moses received the Torah at Sinai, it doesn't say Moses. It doesn't say God gave the Torah to Moses at Sinai. It says he received it, this is a classic circumlocution of the name. They don't want to put God's name here if they don't need to. So he received it at Sinai who from we know who from we don't need to ask the question. We know the story. now, some people think they know the Bible story and they don't and they they get there again about knowing what's in the Bible, but they haven't studied it. I haven't thought about it. When I was in elementary school, I remember one of my Sunday school teachers was saying something to this one boy teases. I don't need to know that. I know everything is in the Bible and she said, oh yeah, how many animals did Moses put on the ark?
You know what he said? Two of each kind. I land more Moses didn't put any on the ark.
From the scholar in the front row.
Jesus a kibble 11 be delivered in judgment, don't judge by appearances judge with right judgment. Is that the same thing? Absolutely make many disciples disciple of all disciples Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing and teaching them to observe my Commandments. That's what disciples do they do with the teacher taught them. Protect God's word. I don't judge I come to save the world. The one who injects me and doesn't receive my words. God's word has a judge. The word that I've spoken, God's word will judge him on the last day. God's word is going to protect is going to protect you but it's also going to judge you. This is Jesus on a v 11. About 12 Shimon. The righteous was one of the last member of the great assembly.
They said three things, the men of the great assembly. The great assembly was the Assembly of men that collected at the beginning with Ezra and Nehemiah. Ezra Nehemiah appointed the great assembly. After they got back from the Babylonian captivity. And the last man of the great assembly was Shimon, the righteous and Shimon, the righteous was at Sadiq, but it was mainly the Nazi. He was the prince of the great assembly. The prince of the Sanhedrin. If you will before the Sanhedrin, the great assembly Shimon, the righteous, it's recorded. I had a dream that he was supposed to go out and meet someone and another person had a dream that he was supposed to go out and meet someone. And the other guy that had this dream was Alexander the Great. And Alexander, the Great have give been given the ruling by the Sanhedrin, not to send her in by the Samaritan people that he should destroy Jerusalem and the temple in Jerusalem because they had the right Temple and Samaria. When she moan the righteous was waiting to meet this guy. He didn't know who it was. Alexander. The Great was coming the other way to meet this guy. Didn't know who it was? And he thought that he was going to be destroying this Temple. and he came up on stream on the righteous and trim on the righteous was in Jersey East, son coming in on the the breastplate of Shimon, the righteous, I think, and the gleaming glow of light, Alexander the Great. It's recorded fell on his face. The worship Shimon the righteous. You decided not to destroy the temple. They didn't worship Shimon the righteous, but he understood. This is this is greatness. This is Authority.
Shimon the righteous. He said, three things. The world stands on three things Torah Temple service in the practice of Acts of piety. What's it mean? They said three things. Does it mean that's all they said? know what it means is, these are the things that the people who remembered them felt their lives were exemplified by His life said, three things. The lives of Moses, Joshua, the elders, the prophets and the men of the great assembly. All the all their lives, said, three things. Be delivered in judgment. Raise up any disciples protect God's word.
Questions. Good. Tora this is Shimon the righteous. Torres. God's word.
The world stands on three things Torah, Temple Service, practice of Acts of piety. If I tried to find all the verses in, in, in the Jesus ministry, where he's sing something really, really good about God's word. I don't even want to think to get started. That's too many for me to begin Temple service, don't make my father's house, a house, a trade Zeal for your house, will consume me. Jesus was dedicated to the idea of true Temple service piety, when you give given sight secret, your father will reward. You are many places in the stages where we're giving it supposed to be secret and not not in the in everyone's face, like the Like the bad priests in the in Jesus day. How about 13 and ticket? He's a man of Soco received, the oral tradition from Chemung the right. To cease to say, do not feel like servants who serve the master in the expectation of receiving a reward to be like servants, who serve the master, without the expectation of receiving a reward and let the fear of Heaven Beyond you. Did Jesus say anything about this? Be servants without expectation. Heal the sick, raise the deck, dead cleanse, the lepers cast out demons you received without paying give without pay. Let the fear of Heaven Beyond you don't fear Those Who Kill the body, but cannot kill the soul fear Him who can destroy both soul and body and gahena love. Casts out, fear. You're a liar. If you say, I love God, but hate your brother. Whoever loves God, loves his brother. How about 14? I'm not going to talk about this one cuz it's about not talking too much with women. But I can see it has good Merit, but I didn't I didn't see any place where Jesus particula spoke to it. Joshua of this perahia, and the tie, the arba lights received. The oral tradition from them. Joshua been Pariah used to say a point for yourself. A teacher work well for yourself and companion. Judge all men with the scale, waited in his favor. So this is the 5th verse. This guy and that guy received the tradition from them. I think it's saying all the people before them, that have been mentioned.
This is this guy's these guys assessment of what all these guys exemplified? Pick a teacher. Appoint the teacher. He can't reject you. Asher may not may want to reject me as his teacher but he can't cuz I've appointed them.
Acquire friend. I hope that Asher and I are friends.
And we try to invest time towards that. A Jojo man with the scale. Waited in his favor Jesus Jesus said Mary and she replied rabboni teacher. She appointed a teacher, require a friend, Jesus, loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, they were very good friends. Judge every man, favorably don't judge, so you won't be judged with the measure. You judge will be measured back to you to see a speck in your brother's eye but not the log in your own eye, how can you say? Let me take the speck out of your eye. When there's a log in your own eye. First, take the log out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. So everyone knows I love music. Even weird music. Illusions and so, my favorite quote on this is I can see clearly. Now, the log is gone.
That's all I have. Thank you Lord. I hope this was beneficial and a blessing, ask your favor a favor as we go forward from this place. Amen. And amen.
References in case you're interested. In looking at them, I'll leave them up here like Kyle's
We probably have time for one question for Rob. And I have a burning question. That must be asked. I answered them all. He's good like that. Well, it don't ask anymore.
Okay. So close so, we'll take a fifteen-minute break and again,