Right Thinking About The Body
Right Thinking About The Body
Jan. 28, 1996
1Corinthians 5 and 6
1. John 8:32-35 freedom from sin through truth
2. John 8:36 freedom in Christ
3. 1Cor. 2:12 freedom of spiritual understanding
4. 1Cor. 10:23-24 freedom to seek the good of others
5. 1Pet. 2:16 freedom to live for God
6. 1Cor. 11:31 freedom to judge ourselves
I. Proper judgment by the church as the corporate body of Christ
results in:
(1Cor. 5)
A. The witness of holiness in the church.
(1Cor. 6:1-11)
B. The witness of unity in the church.
II. Proper judgment by the believer as a member of the body of Christ results in:
(1Cor. 6:12-17)
A. The witness of holiness in the believer as the basis for holiness in the church.
(1Cor. 6:18-20)
B. The witness of unity in the believer as the basis for unity in the church.
Timeless Truth:
The catalyst of the community is the court of the conscience.
What we promote in others is what we permit in ourselves.