From One Master To The Master (Romans 6:15-23)
We Are All Slaves To Something!
Every person who is living is a bond servant to someone or something.
Now let me use a very homely illustration. There is a very swanky club across the street from the church I served in downtown Los Angeles. It is made up of rich men, and I’m told that it costs several thousand dollars to join this club. If you belong to it, you probably own a Cadillac and have a chauffeur. Well, one day as I looked out the window, I saw a group of chauffeurs standing around talking, and there were several Cadillacs parked there. It was after lunch. Finally, I saw a very distinguished-looking gentleman come out of the club; he made a motion and said something. I couldn’t hear what he said, but I saw one of the chauffeurs leave the group of about fifteen men. He went over, opened the door of the car, the distinguished-looking man got in, then he went around, got in the driver’s seat and drove off. Now, I came to a very profound conclusion: that chauffeur was the servant or the employee of the man who called him. I don’t think those other fourteen chauffeurs were employed by the man in the car because they didn’t obey him. Only the man who obeyed him was working for him. He obeyed him because that man was his master.
When We Are Slaves To Righteousness, We Can Experience True Freedom in CHRIST! (17-18)
Change Your Way of Living (vs. 19)
The Benefit Of Following THE MASTER! (20-23)
When sin was our master, we were free from the control of righteousness (v. 20). And what benefit did we reap from that lifestyle (v. 21)? (We are now ashamed of how we lived.) We received no benefit at all, unless of course we consider the negative reward of death!57 But now we are set free from sin’s bondage (v. 22). We have become slaves of God. And is there benefit in this? Most certainly! The reward for serving God is growth in holiness and, in the end, eternal life.59 In fact, apart from holiness there is no eternal life. The author to Hebrews counseled a holy life because “without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Heb 12:14). Slavery to sin results in death. Slavery to righteousness leads to eternal fellowship with God. Or, in the words of Jesus, the broad road (the path of sin) leads to destruction, but the narrow road (the way of righteousness) leads to life (Matt 7:13–14).
SANCTIFICATION Process of being made holy resulting in a changed lifestyle for the believer