Title: " The Plan Of God - Neglected - Part 1"
Theme: " Jonah Hastily Fleeing His God “
" The Prophet Running From God "
" God Choosing Jonah "
Text: " Jonah 1: 1 - 15 "
I - The Mission Statement ( 1 - 2 )
A) The Man Was Called - Arise
B) The Mission Was Clear - Go
C) The Message Was Concise - Cry
II - The Missing Servant ( 3 )
A) His Flight - The Downward Path
B) His Fare - The Designated Price
C) His Foolishness - The Dumb Perception
III - The Mighty Storm ( 4 )
A) God’s Storm & It’s Simple Purpose
B) God’s Storm & It’s Selected Person
C) God’s Storm & It’s Strong Power
IV - The Mortified Sailors ( 5 - 10)
A) The Powerful Storm Was Unwanted
B) The Prophet’s Story Was Unwelcomed
C) The Painful Situation Was Unwarranted
V - The Morbid Statement ( 11 - 15 )
A) Jonah’s Opportunity To Fulfill God’s Plan
1 - He Could Calm The Storm
2 - He Could Correct The Situation
3 - He Could Change The Story
4 - He Could Convert The Sinners
B) Jonah’s Opposition To Fulfill God’s Plan
1 - The Deep Root Of His Opposition
“ Society Must See His Hatred “
2 - The Dark Reality Of His Opposition
“ Society Must Search It’s Heart “
3 - The Disquised Reasoning Of His Opposition
“ Society Must Solve The Heartache “