Title: " The Pardon Of God - Presented - Part 2 "
Theme: "Jonah Finally Following His God “
" The Prophet Running With God "
" God Controlling Jonah "
Text: " Jonah 3: 5 - 10 "
I - The Spiritual Concept That Was Revealed ( 5 - 9 )
A) The Word Had A Convicting Affect - Sin Acknowledged
1 - The Word Assuredly Convicts
2 - The Word Individually Convicts
3 - The Word Strategically Convicts
B) The Word Had A Converting Affect - Salvation Attained
1 - The Preached Word Invoked Fear
2 - The Preached Word Invited Faith
3 - The Preached Word Initiated Forgiveness
C) The Word Had A Changing Affect - Sacrifice Accepted
1 - The Kingdom Was Deeply Affected
2 - The King Was Dramatically Affected
II - The Sudden Change That Was Recorded ( 10 )
A) The Condition For Repentance Initiated Change
1 - Man's Duty & Decision Initiated Change
2 - God's Demand & Desire Initiated Chane
B) The Condition For Revival Instigated Change
III - The Successful Charge That Was Rewarded ( 5, 10 )
A) The Prophet Was Rewarded For Submitting
1 - God Is Not Looking For Those That Are Able
2 - God Is Looking For Those That Are Available
B) The People Were Rewarded For Surrendering
1 - The Beauty Of This Story
2 - The Blessing's Of Our Saviour
C) The Plan Was Rewarded For Sharing
1 - Man's Story Is Still The Same
2 - Man's Salvation Is Still The Aim