Title: " The Pity Of God - Ignored - Part 1 "
Theme: "Jonah Tragically Frustrating His God "
" The Prophet Running Ahead Of God "
" God Correcting Jonah "
Text: " Jonah 4: 1 - 5 "
I - The Fiery Wrath Of Jonah - His Great Anger ( 1 )
A) Jonah's Anger Ruled Him
B) Jonah's Anger Revealed Him
C) Jonah's Anger Ruined Him
II - The Foolish Wish Of Jonah - His Gloomy Attitude ( 2 - 3 )
A) The Prophet Described His Past Contentment
B) The Prophet Detailed His Previous Conversation
C) The Prophet Depicted His Present Condition
III - The Fleshly Way's Of Jonah - His Grievous Action ( 4 - 5 )
A) The Prophet Is Found Listening & Wondering
B) The Prophet Is Found Leaving & Wallowing
C) The Prophet Is Found Looking & Waiting