Sermon Tone Analysis
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> .9
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, our Lord, our King our Saviour – Amen
I love Palm Sunday – I think that I have always loved Palm Sunday
And I am going to go out on a limb here and say I believe that God wants us to love Palm Sunday
I Think that God made us, each one of us slightly different, yet made each and every one of us with a desire or longing to Love Palm Sunday
The story of Palm Sunday is a very simple one and it is one of those stories that most children’s bible story books include
They include it, for one simple reason….
– it’s a celebration of Jesus being the King of kings
Children’s bible story books got it right!
True not every story is in them, even the very thick and comprehensive ones can’t have every story – but most have Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem
It has become a modern adjustment to our Lent and Easter time to transform Palm Sunday into Passion Sunday
Sometimes with Palm Sunday and sometimes without
For some churches, if you have the time or make the time, you might have the service broken into two parts
the first being some form of telling the Palm Sunday story
maybe done as an active and extended Children’s focus
and the other, much larger part, to tell the Passion narrative
often this is the responsible adult time of the service
For many, if not most churches, Palm Sunday has been all but erased
The reason for this stems from when the lectionary was last revised
It was determined that many people, are only able to come to church on Sundays, missing what can be daily services in Holy Week, missing Maundy Thursday and most significantly missing Good Friday.
Good Friday the service that each year tells the Passion of our Lord
Good Friday, the day in the year where we don’t celebrate
The day when we collectively go to a Funeral service
The day when we are faced with the cross
The most brutal form of torture that the Roman Empire could think up
So it was decided that if people are unable or unwilling to go to Church on Good Friday, missing the Passion of our Lord – then the Church would change the Sunday before, to either a blended Palm~/Passion Sunday or leave out palm Sunday altogether
If you can’t bring Mohammed to the mountain – then bring the mountain to Mohammed … to mix religious metaphors a little
But I have to say… I believe that Children’s bible story books got it right!
I believe that the modern accommodation is simply foreign to the whole telling of the story
I believe the answer, in this case, is not to accommodate to the culture – but call the culture to accommodate to the whole reality of Jesus Christ’s story
I will explain in two parts and close with a short remembrance
First, Theologically… Jesus tells us that His triumphal entry is a vital part of the whole story
We heard the story read this morning and for many of us this is a well known story
Jesus is nearby the Holy City of Jerusalem, in Bethpage and Bethany
He has only a day or so ago preformed His most incrediable miracle of raising Lazarus back to life after four days of decomposing in the tomb
Then He instructs a couple of his disciples to go get a colt for Him to ride on
Whether it is Matthew’s choice of colt being translated to the humble work creature of that of the donkey
Or it is Luke’s choice of a colt, one that has never been ridden to indicate this as a majestic moment - a beast that has been reserved specially in God’s long vision for this majestic moment
The point is that Jesus will not be walking in but making a grand entrance into Jerusalem – He will be making what we (who know the whole story) call His triumphal entry
As He approaches people lay down their cloaks on the colt and then also on the ground in service for the coming king
Luke the evangelist, our reading this year, was a Gentile – not a Hebrew, and he doesn’t include the Palm branches
But a harmonized reading of the Gospels and appreciation for Jewish culture has the crowd in joyful celebration waving palm branches for the coming of the Messiah
But all of this is too much for the by-standing Pharisees
It is too much celebration – it will draw too much attention during this the first day of Passover
They are worried about how the ruling Roman authorities will see this celebration – will they feel threaten that someone other than Caesar is treated like a king
History tells us that there were many ‘so-called messiahs’ and there were many riots and uprisings within a few years of this
Each time the Romans dealt with it effectively and brutally
The most brutal was about 30 years previous, where 2000 Jewish rebels where put on crosses and lined all roads to Jerusalem for 20 miles
The Pharisees want to keep the peace – they want the Passover to be peaceful remembrance and their most sacred festival of the year
And Jesus is not helping their cause – not with this commotion and celebration
And certainly not with the way in which Jesus is being revealed as a king – the Messiah, arriving to the Holy City of Jerusalem
So… /Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, order your disciples to stop.”(Luke
19:39) /
And here is the moment – Here is the time where Jesus tells us that His triumphal entry is a vital part of *the* whole story
Here is where Jesus is whispering in the ears of the Children’s Bible story book editors
/“The story must be in”/
Here is one of the moments that all creation has been groaning for
Where in the fullness of time – the wholeness of the message must be told
From the mouth of our Lord we hear His response to the Pharisee’s
/“I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.”
(Luke 19:40)/
Jesus declares that this is so important that – even if he told His disciples to stop
Creation would SHOUT OUT … that the messiah has arrived
As I said the story is really quite simple – but it has profound implications
Jesus enters in Jerusalem riding on a colt and people celebrate the arrival of the coming of the messiah to the Holy City
I said in the beginning of this sermon that I believe that God has made us each slightly different, yet made each and every one of us with a desire or longing to Love Palm Sunday
And what I meant by that is that I believe each one of us – like the stones that would shout out if we didn’t – each one of us loves a celebration – and particularly loves a parade of some form
Whether it be the record crowds that gathered across this nation for the Olympic torch run
Or the thousands that flooded downtown Toronto – when our hockey team won gold on home soil – a game that was said to be watched by 80% of all Canadians
Whatever the celebration – but especially some form of parade – it is a wonderful - life enriching moment – and I believe that God has hard-wired us all to celebrate
God has made us with a desire at some point in our life to long for and Love Palm Sunday, regardless of what temporarily abates and satisfies the desire
We want to celebrate – Our Lord – Our Messiah - arriving to where He belongs
The last thing I want to share with you in a memory of a Palm Sunday – long in the past
I grew up going to a Church that celebrated Palm Sunday
Each year numerous palm branches were brought in for the special day
Each year the children of the church got to take a special role in the service
For this one service of the year, we were told repeated to sit still and be quiet
No, we were given palm branches as we entered and we were part of the choir procession into the church.
We were not only allowed but encouraged to wave them about wildly and enthusiastically
Because On Palm Sunday we celebrated the coming of Jesus as King of kings
And I remember that after the service, after all the celebration of the worship service
There was this one older gentleman – I seem to remember his name being Mr. Andrews or something like that – he was soft spoken with an English accent, shorter even to a kid and kind
He came alone, His wife was not in good health, but I remember him especially on Palm Sunday
I remember him, because he was the one that patiently taught us kids how to make palm crosses
I imagine now, that many other adults could probably have also made palm crosses, but he took the time to teach us kids
That to me explains a lot of what Palm Sunday is – it is the memory of celebrating in church – Jesus – and it is the beginning of the Passion story – it is the palms of celebration turning into the cross of our lord
Jesus knew that all creation was groaning to declare this moment – that Jesus is the King of kings
That Jesus is the stone that the builder refused – becoming the chief cornerstone
And Jesus knew that by coming to Jerusalem, coming in this way, that He was coming to His death
So I close by encouraging you to take some instruction out of a children’s bible story book and keep Palm Sunday in – celebrate our Messiah
And I encourage you as well to respect the cross of Christ – and join in the passion story – not today – but this coming Good Friday
/The whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the deeds of power that they had seen, 38saying, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!
Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven!” (Luke 19:37b-38)/
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