Stop Running From The Knife
Acts 16:1-5
Now Paul traveled to Derbe and also to Lystra. A disciple named Timothy was there, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer [in Christ], however, his father was a Greek. 2 Timothy was well spoken of by the brothers and sisters who were in Lystra and Iconium. 3 Paul wanted Timothy to go with him [as a missionary]; and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those places, since they all knew that his father was a Greek. 4 As they traveled from town to town, they delivered the decrees decided on by the apostles and elders who were in Jerusalem, for the churches to observe. 5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they continually increased in number day after day.
On the 8th day, a man-child - no name was to be given to a son, an heir. It was after the circumcision…
It was a FATHER that named the child.
Typically, taken to a mountain to have this happen…
Jesus had them wait 8 days because until then, Babies' blood cannot clot. That way, what was going to cut him couldn’t kill him.
How fast do we name things before we can see if they/it can handle a cut?
For example - you shouldn’t call anyone a friend until you have had an argument. Your problem: You made a covenant at conception.
People can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves.
You don’t even believe a representative that shows up on day one. How can you handle being fired, walk through grief, can you be honest about where you are in life… You can’t trust what can’t be cut.
Important: Many of us like to name it before we knife it.
Important: Many of us like to name it before we knife it.
This creates premie projects and things. When you don’t focus on the knife first, you’ll do Stuff you’re anointed to do just not now.
Even Jesus, when tempted by the enemy - the devil said all the right things but the mistake came in when He was giving it to Jesus without being processed. You should never trust a promise without being processed.
It was the knife before the name.
It was the knife before the name.
Everyone wants a name and no one wants a knife.
because God uses you doesn’t mean He’s pleased with you. Popular here and not in Heaven.
With a knife comes new instructions
With a knife comes new instructions
You could cause yourself an issue because you’re stuck between the last instructions and the new ones that are here. Joshua had instructions: Gather all the strong men (not the weak ones) and had to choose which ones that could be cut. Certain wars can only be fought with people who are cut. That’s why you should never enter a covenant with someone who’s not cut. Maybe the cycle is still in your life because you’re with someone whos not cut. Attached to someone who is not cut.
God can do amazing things through someone who is circumcised.
God can do amazing things through someone who is circumcised.
Luke 22: The last miracle of Jesus was healing the ear. THEY LIED TO US!
The Bible says - He touched the place and the new ear grew. what was had… a new one is coming.
The parable - Jesus said if you're growing fruit, it’ll get cut back… I was just going forward well… now you wanna cut me back ??????
He can’t touch the fruit… just cut back…
Gideon, an army leader…
Gideon, an army leader…
Had too many… cut some
The expansion comes from a decrease
He’ll cut you back to make sure that the fruit you’re bearing isn’t more substantial than your roots
Let’s get to the scriptural story...
Let’s get to the scriptural story...
The women in Timothy’s life knew they didn’t have what he needed. So, they tossed him.
The altar starts the process - it doesn’t perfect the person. YOU are the reason. Clean the house before the guest are kicked.
we have to stop dancing over what needs to be CUT.
Paul takes Timothy
Timothy was 16-17 or up to 20.
They believed at 12, you were grown. If you don’t submit yourself to the correction of something, you’ll loose your life.
Something in you died and you haven’t recognized it. What haven’t you grieved?!
They are normally 8 days old… when they are circumcised.
imagine submitting to a man, who takes you, first things first… and you want to cut.
He’s about to go into an area where new people are… WORD: You aren’t going to have to go alone!!!! Because of where you’re going, it’s your calling that determines your CUT! Paul knew where he was going. Tim was just doing what he was doing and reached a place of plateau. I’m cutting you for THEM. He just hadn’t been cut.
We can’t ordain whom we can’t cut.
No one likes a knife… we want hugs and kisses. NOT. We need correction - that’s LOVE.
Paul cut him!
Circumcision isn’t all about because you did something wrong. Often, it’s because of what’s in you.
His mom married in Mixture. His dad was Greek and the Jews knew it. This is a TEA situation…
Everyone isn’t bound because they want to be.
It’s what conceived you! Stop resurrecting an old you.
He cut him because the mixture couldn’t mess up his mandate.
Sorry for the cutting, but this is needed. Paul said: I need to do this because someone else needed to do it. It’s not control - it’s cultivation!!!!
Why is this necessary?! It’s reproach - That’s the point!
Why is this necessary?! It’s reproach - That’s the point!
you need a father/apostle that has the anointing and grace to CUT you. For the sake of reproach.
Heal while he was on his way… Timothy didn’t have time to sit.
You want to be private, contrary, undetected, stagnant.
Don’t like what was said, how it was said… offended easy..... ENOUGH!
What is the knife nowadays?!?! It’s a direct confrontation of what grew on you in the wilderness.
It’s DIRECT, dealing with: character, behavior, appetite, perspective, emotions, friends, your circle, tendency, snare, desire, proclivity, potential, stagnation, the sword of the spirit does this……..
Cut means to see me naked - and I have to trust that person to see. Don’t weaponize what I was vulnerable about.
We can’t have a covenant without a cut.
Circumcision seasons, people, and relationships aren’t about punishment it’s about promotion.
If you can’t handle a knife, you can’t handle a name.
it’s not easy pastoring talented people
There are things you can’t do that are not sin - because of reproach.
A lot of decisions you’re going to have to make in the name of your freedom.
You can’t believe God for a blessing that your life isn’t ready for.
Don’t be drunk on your own wine.
The applause
You marry at the level or acknowledgment of your assignment.