A Holy Revelation • Exodus 21

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Review & Overview

1.1 Previous Study’s Review

In chp.20:  Moses & the Children of Israel are at the base of Mt. Sinai…    Mt. Horeb…    the Mt. of God… 
And Moses received the 10 Commandments…        or      the Law of God…
We mentioned that there are 3 major divisions regarding the Law of God…
Moral Law: 10 commandments   
Civil Law: crimes & punishments    
Ceremonial Law: religious events

1.2 Current Study’s Overview

As we come to chps.21-23…          we’ll be looking primarily at the Civil Laws…   
Though there are some Ceremonial Laws…      but     most of them will be in the book of Lev:.
These laws are not meant to deal with every situation in life…    but     general principles regarding life…

1.  Laws Regarding Indentured Servants Vs. 1-6

1.1 The Judges Moses Raised Up Vs. 1 

Remember in chp.18: Moses raised up judges at the request of Jethro… 
So judgments or ordinances are to be given to them…      the judges that Moses raised up…    

1.2 Buying Servant For 6 Years Vs. 2

Buying a Hebrew servant was probably done to someone who was destitute or didn’t have a job or trade…             he would be hired or bought as a servant…
But his servant hood would only last for 6 years…     on the 7th year he would be free or rest…
Like the 4th commandment in Ex.20:8…         patterned after the creation account…
Comparing Slavery to US & Hebrew
HEBREW - The "slavery" mentioned in Exodus 21 is more accurately termed indentured servitude.
It was primarily a form of debt repayment or a social safety net. People who could not provide for themselves or their families could enter into a contract to serve a wealthier family.
It was not based on race or ethnicity, and it had explicit rules and regulations, including the provision for the release of the servant after six years (Exodus 21:2).
Slavery in Exodus 21 also had several protective regulations. For instance, it was illegal to kidnap a person to sell them into slavery (Exodus 21:16).
In addition, masters were required to provide adequate living conditions and respect the basic rights of their servants.
If a master caused serious injury or death to a servant, they could be legally punished, even with death in some cases (Exodus 21:20, 26-27).
USA - In contrast, slavery in the United States was an institution based on the systematic dehumanization, exploitation, and oppression of African people and their descendants.
It was predominantly racial, with Africans and their descendants being enslaved purely based on their race.
This form of slavery was hereditary and lifelong, meaning enslaved people were born into slavery, and they and their offspring remained slaves for life.
The conditions of American slavery were brutal, with physical and psychological abuse being common. Enslaved people were considered property, and their masters held virtually unlimited power over them.
Unlike in Exodus 21, there was no mandated release after six years, and laws did not protect the enslaved from injury or death at the hands of their masters.
The legal system, in fact, supported and perpetuated this system of racial slavery.

1.3 The Love for the Master Vs. 3-6

So if he loves his master he will serve him forever…
APPLICATION: Beautiful picture for us…   1 Cor.6:20 we’ve been bought with a price…  we belong to our master...
1 Corinthians 6:20 NKJV
20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
APPLICATION: I guess the question is do we love our master so much we’re willing to serve Him forever…
2 Corinthians 5:14 NKJV
14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died;

1.  Laws Regarding Indentured Servants Vs. 1-6

1.4  Protection for Female Servants Vs. 7-11

Why Sell Daughter as Slaves Vs.7 - Typically in the case of extreme poverty, girls & guys could be sold willingly as servants…
Usually the girl maidservants would become the wife of the master or his son …
Wives are not Servants Vs.8-11 - So even though she was a servant, if she were to marry the master or his son she was to be treated as a wife not as a servant… &      if she was mistreated she was free to go…
APPLICATION: This is a good encouragement for us…    because our wives or our future wives are not our servants…     &  all the women say…
My wife serves me, but she is NOT my servant.
There is Hierarchy, Eph.5:23 husband is the head…
there is also Equality, Gal.3:28 neither male nor female
The bible says we can only have 1 master...
Ephesians 5:23 NKJV
23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.
Galatians 3:28 NKJV
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

2. Laws Regarding Murder Vs. 12-14

In Ex.20:13 we have the 6th commandant:     Thou shall not murder…
Here we see the penalty for murder…  death…      same thing God said back in Gen.9:6…

3. Laws Regarding Disobedient Children Vs. 15-17

We’ve really come a long way from these verses…  in fact even disciplining your child today can land you jail…            
in fact children are suing their parents and winning…  
disciplining children provides a framework of boundaries and expectations that help children understand the consequences of their actions. It teaches them self-control, responsibility, and the ability to make informed decisions.
Without discipline, children will struggle to understand the effects of their actions on others, leading to potential struggles in relationships, school, and eventually in their adult lives.
Turning to the Biblical context, Exodus 21:15 and Exodus 21:17 both touch on the theme of respecting one's parents. Exodus 21:15 states, "Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death," and Exodus 21:17 continues with, "Whoever curses his father or his mother shall be put to death."
These verses highlight the severe consequences outlined in Mosaic law for disrespecting or causing harm to parents, emphasizing the importance of discipline and respect within the familial structure.
In Hebrews 12, the concept of God's discipline is introduced, with Hebrews 12:6 stating, "For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives."
Hebrews 12:6 NKJV
6 For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.”
APPLICATION: This is a reminder that discipline is not a form of punishment, but rather a sign of love and concern for the individual's growth and moral development.

4. Laws Regarding Conflicts Between People Vs. 18-27

4.1 Vs.18-19

So if you injure someone, you pay all back wages & medical expenses until he is better…

4.2 Vs.20-21

Since servants were considered property there was great leeway…  &   leniency…
In effect the master can do with his servant as he see fit…  as he pleases…  
The Hebrew phrase in Exodus 21:21 that is often translated as "property" is "כִּי-כַסְפֹּו הוּא" (ki-kaspo hu').
The word "כַסְפֹּו" (kaspo) is derived from "כֶּ֫סֶף" (kesef), which means "silver" or, "money."
The phrase as a whole can be translated more literally as "for his money he is," implying that the servant is part of an economic transaction or investment.
This phrase does not indicate the servant is "property" in the sense that we commonly understand it, especially not in the sense of chattel slavery where people were considered the personal property of their masters.
The context and legal stipulations surrounding this phrase in Exodus 21 indicate that the servitude was part of an economic arrangement with certain protections and rights for the servant, rather than absolute ownership by the master.
ILLUSTRATION: For example, like a professional sports player there is a legal stipulation of service the athlete is providing to the owner of the team.
He belongs to the team for x amount of years.
Same with the military, you come into an agreement with the government and you in essence become their property for at least 4 years.
APPLICATION: So in the same way, we are bond slaves of Jesus…   we are His property…    He can do with us as He sees fit…
The question is are going to let Him…    are we willing to submit to His will as our Master…

4.3 Vs.22-25  

This is the Law of Retaliation…  in other words   the Punishment must fit the Crime… 
Because no doubt the husband of the injured wife or child would want to inflict greater pain than that which was received…      
This is typical for most of us…   we want to get more than even…  so God regulates the punishment.

4.4 Vs.26-27

So if servants were abused there was freedom… 

5. Laws Regarding Animals Vs. 28-36

This section of coarse deals with Negligence…    taking responsibility for the things that happen…
APPLICATION: This is an important issue…    it seems like nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions…
The Adam Syndrome:  Gen.3:12 it’s the women You gave me…  she said it’s the serpent You made. In other words, God its all your fault…  not mine…
That is pride simple as that…  not willing to humble ourselves and say, yea it was me, my fault…
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