Simeon and Levi
Jacob’s pronouncement regarding Simeon and Levi centers on their violent disposition. Undoubtedly, this relates back to their treatment of the men of Shechem whom they massacred on account of the humiliation of their sister Dinah (ch. 34). Distancing himself from their fierce anger and cruel wrath, Jacob indicates that their descendants will be scattered throughout the other tribes (49:7). As a result, their strength will be dissipated, preventing them from bringing destruction on Israel. In fulfillment of this, the Levites (whose inheritance will be their ministry at the sanctuary) receive 48 cities distributed throughout all the tribal areas (Num. 18:23–24; 35:1–8; Josh. 21:1–45) and the Simeonites obtain land within the territory taken by Judah (Josh. 19:1–9). These arrangements prevented either tribe from dominating the rest.