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Philippians 4:11-13 “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
INTRO: What makes someone successful in life?

1. Be Content w/ Little v.11

Phil 4:11 “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.”
Paul in v.10 THANKS the Philippian church because they sent him a gift while he is stuck imprisoned in Rome. So he thanks them but makes sure they know that he isn’t discontent with His life.
That word for content is only used once in the entire Bible but when you look at how other ancient writers used it outside of the Bible, you see that is means self sufficient. It refers to a country that supplies itself and has no need for imports.
Paul has NOTHING - yet WANTS nothings, He is content to sit in Jail, shackled to a Roman Guard and await a trial in which he would likely get sentenced to death.
This is counter cultural. We live in a world of ‘more’. As Americans, it is ingrained in us from a young age to ALWAYS WANT MORE.
ILLUS: You know one of the most common first words for babies HAS to BE “MORE”.
You know the sign for more in ASL?
I see countless babies - who refuse to say “mama” “dada” but when they take a bite of something they like, they are so eager to do the sign for more. and what happens if they dont’ get more? They cry?
But then babies grow up into little kids, who sit in the little seat of grocery carts and they see a candy or toy and they don’t have it, so they want it and nowadays typically they get it BC if they don’t they CRY in the middle of the store as loud as they can
The kids become teenagers and they don’t get attention from their friends, they don’t get permission from their parents, they don’t get a spot on the team, they don’t get enough likes, enough followers, enough love, enough sexual satisfaction, enough clothes, enough money and so in THEIR HEARTS THEY SAY “MORE!” and they don’t get it and cry, steal, covet, complain and obsess over getting MORE.
Unless you learn the secret to contentment NOW - you will spend the rest of your life chasing after what cannot be caught. You will be like a hamster on a wheel, constantly working but getting nowhere.
And know this! The thing that you so desperately crave but do not have RIGHT NOW may seem small BUT the heart of discontentment (if allowed to fester) will grow a larger and larger appetite.
It starts w/ a look, then becomes a fantasy, then moves to provocative pictures, then to pornography, then to the DARKEST, GROSSEST, things online, then to sex in actuality and even then it will not be enough.
It starts with a rebelious heart towards parents, then to teachers, then to pastors, until there is no one who can tell you what to do and in fact you WANT all authority and are discontent until you have it
DISCONTENTMENT should be the one word slogan for the USA - Men need better jobs, nicer cars, bigger homes. Women need hansome husbands, high paying careers, children.
This is why the “depression rate in America” is 2nd in the world and guess who we are BARELY BEHIND… Ukraine!
True contentment is not based off of the cultures definition of success BUT the secret about true contentment is that contentment comes when we freely submit to and delight in God.
So I wonder if you’re here tonight with the WRONG GOAL - I wonder if youre sitting here tonight quitley but your heart is SHOUTING MORE!
Know this - you have exactly what you need. God has supplied everything he sees fit for you to have. So contentment wont come with that NEW thing but it will come when you submit to God’s will for your life.

2. Be Content no matter the circumstances v.12

Phil 4:12 “I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.”
Paul now paints this WIDE spectrum of circumstances he has been in
in any and every circumstance he LEARNED the secret to contentment
this term learned (RPI) is different from the previous word Learned (AAI) in v.10
BECAUSE the previous word meant that Paul like a student set himself up to learn
BUT this word means that Paul had knowledge revealed to him at some point in the past
He didn’t just learn contentment in theory BUT he learned it in the classroom of LIFE. They say that experience is the best teacher AND Paul had sat under that teacher maybe more than anyone else.
I love examining the life of Paul because I think most of us think that he was a 1st century celebrity. Like an ancient Joel Osteen - huge church, nice suit, good life style BUT that couldn’t be further from the truth.
I mean listen to the highlights of Pauls life that taught him to be content - He was converted and then began teahcing in a city called damascus where he was so hated that guys were waiting for him at the gates to hill him, so he was lowered out of a window in a basket at night and ran away.
On his frist missions trip he was beaten up and stoned so bad they thought he was dead
Then He went to Philippi and was beaten with rods and thrown into prison
Then he went to Thessalonica where a mob chased him out of the city - so he went to Berea but the mob heard he went there and they chased him and stirred up an even bigger mob
He then went to greece, got kicked out
He went to Jerusalem and got beaten up
then imprisoned and sentenced to go to rome. Which on his way he was shipwrecked for 2 weeks.
How can this guy be content? We he tells us 2 Cor 4:17 “For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,”
He knew that as long as he had his mind set on eternity and what awaits him on the other side of death - he could be content. Because just a little while longer and he would be in the presence of God, out of the presence of sin, experiencing more joy than anyone has ever felt on Earth.
APP: So the secret for us to learn is that we need to live above our circumstances and not allow them to affect our contentment.
You know the person who is SO FOCUSED on their phone that you can say anything to them and they are unfazed?
my dog died
Im dying
North Korea just sent a nuke at us
They are so focused that they aren’t swayed - we should be SO FOCUSED on God and eternity that no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in, our contentment isnt swayed because its in the UNMOVABLE person of God
Col 3:1-2 “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.”
Set your mind! Choose to think on, care for, talk about, study and meditate on heavenly things. Through reading the Word, prayer, conversations, music - make an effort to point those all towards things that matter.

3. Be Content through God’s power v.13

Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
Finally we come to the bottom of the secret and the most essential part of the secret. Paul’s contentment was not from his own will power or positive outlook on life. It was from his union with Christ.
JMAC “What he is saying is that when he reached the limit of his resources and strength, even to the point of death, he was infused with the strength of Christ. He could overcome the most dire physical difficulties because of the inner, spiritual strength God had given him”
What does this mean? Simply, when you are ONE WITH CHRIST (He is in you and you are in Him) you have an unlimited supply of power to endure any and all hardship.
The world provides you with NO HOPE and NO POWER -
The worlds ways force you to be swayed by circumstances
The world says to manifest your desires
The world says to accept and love yourself
pursue relationships that benefit you
find meaning in your work
Do whatever it is that make YOU HAPPY - even if its things that GOD HATES
Which basically means try to satisfy yourself with sin until you die and spend eternity suffering for your sin
The gospel says FORSAKE the sin that leaves you empty anyways and place your faith in Christ alone - who took the punishment for sin on the cross and covers those he saves in his rightousness.
When you repent of your sin and trust Him - you are brought into the deepest and most intimate relationship with Jesus Christ - you are united to Him.
So that no matter what - you find strength in Him to endure difficulty.
Listen student - decide now if you will listen to the world and run the hamster wheel and be discontent fr the rest of your life
or trust and delight in Christ - who will keep provide full satisfaction no matter the circumstances
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