Always Room - LuJuan McCartney

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PRELUDE - Video Slideshow

OPENING - Pastor Chris

Opening Prayer
This morning, we have come to this place to honor and remember a very dear and sweet lady, LuJuan McCartney.
LuJuan was a member of this church who was always here when the doors were opened. And… she always had a beautiful smile on her face. She was a wonderful wife to Ron, a wonderful mother to her children, a grandmother who loved all her grandchildren, and an amazing friend to many.
Today is a hard day… and not completely unfamiliar. For it was just a few months ago that we said goodbye to Ron… and today we share memories and celebrate the life of LuJuan. And most importantly, today we say thank you to God for the faith that LuJuan displayed.
As we share stories and memories, we might find ourselves laughing together, or crying together. As we remember the good times and the special moments, we might find ourselves smiling or standing with tear filled eyes. These moments… are never easy. LuJuan was a friend, a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and great grandmother. But she was also something else. LuJuan… was a follower and a servant of Christ.
And that truth right there… makes all the difference in the world. That truth right there means that today, we do not say goodbye, rather today, we say “we will see you later.” Because LuJuan was a faithful follower of Jesus, we know today that she is now in His presence! We know today that what lies before us is but a shell… a vessel that once housed her soul. LuJuan is now celebrating in the presence of the King!
AND… if I had to guess… she is already working on the first of many quilts and other sewing projects she might find in heaven!
We celebrate LuJuan’s entrance into heaven… but we also grieve in her passing. LuJuan is no longer with us. We miss seeing her in the chairs at church, we miss seeing her at the table at home, we miss hearing her laugh and enjoying her stories and company. Her physical death separates us from our friend and loved one… but we know today that physical death… is not the end.
John 3:16 gives us this promise.
John 3:16 NIV
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
LuJuan… BELIEVED in Jesus! LuJuan loved and followed the Lord! Thus we know that as her physical body could not go on any more, her soul could not be more alive with Jesus!
LuJuan’s faith in Christ moved her to trust in Him in all things. And today, I ask and implore you to do the same - trust in Jesus and His promises. Promises such as the one found in Matthew 5:4 that says
Matthew 5:4 NIV
4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
This morning, as we celebrate and remember, I pray we will find our comfort and peace… in Jesus. He is here. He is with you… and He wants to comfort your heart today. May we find our comfort in Him as we thank Him for our friend, LuJuan McCartney and for the blessed hope we have in Jesus.
At this time, pastor Darrel Schmid is coming to read the Obituary.

Reading of the Obituary - Pastor Darrell Schmid

LaJuan (Hill) McCartney was born on the farm near Hughes Springs, Texas to Samuel Moses and Clara Evelyn (Rowe) Hill on April 15, 1936. She was originally the 10th of eleven children, but when her mother passed away and her dad remarried, she had two younger brothers that were added to the family. She graduated from Hughes Springs high school and after graduation moved to Dallas, TX to join the workforce. It was in Dallas at church where she met her husband Ronald McCartney. They were married in Dallas on Nov 25, 1955.
The couple had a daughter, Patricia Renee McCartney, in Texas. They moved to Kansas in 1960, where Ron was from. While in Kensington, KS they had two boys Samuel James and Mark Raphael. LaJuan worked as wife and homemaker while the kids were growing up. She was an excellent seamstress and made clothes and blankets for people. She taught classes on sewing, knitting, and crocheting for 4-H kids. She raised gardens, canned vegetables, and helped in the community. She was active in the Assembly of God church, initially in Kensington, then Phillipsburg, and most recently in Heartland Worship Center where she attended. After the kids were grown, LaJuan worked at the hospital as a ward clerk. She was honored for 10+ years of service. After her retirement she spent most of her time at home, taking care of the house and sewing clothes for family and quilts for gifts. She handquilted all the quilts that she gave away.
She was preceded in death by her parents, siblings, husband
LaJuan was survived by her daughter, Patricia McCartney of Phillipsburg; sons, Samuel & Mark of Phillipsburg; her brother, Lonnie Hill of Lone Star, TX; her sister, Pansy Short of Dangerfield, TX; 8 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren & 1 great-great grandchild.

Congregational Song - Marry Smith

Shall We Gather at the River - Marry Smith

Message - Pastor Chris Baker

In today’s economy… just how far do you think twenty five cents can go? How much can a person buy… with a quarter?
I can remember a day when Sam’s Cola, the Wal-Mart brand of soda… could be purchased from a pop machine for just a quarter. A newspaper could be bought with a quarter. And you could make a phone call with a quarter.
Today, the only thing that comes to mind that can be purchased with a quarter comes from the vending machines you might see in the lobby of a restaurant or a gas station. A quarter doesn’t go a long way at all in our present day.
But what if you could buy something that might seem simple by nature, but really represents something very special?
Ron and LuJuan made such a purchase together… and it was made at a garage sale. Ron and LuJuan bought… a table. That was a pretty good deal if I do say so myself!
Why is a table significant? What does a table represent? A table is… a meeting place. It is a place where the family comes to enjoy a meal together. It is a place of bonding, a place of of gathering… it is a place of fellowship.
This table was expandable. When friends would come over, they would insert the leaves into the table so they could accommodate their guests. When it was opened fully, they had to place the table in the living room because it wouldn’t fit in the kitchen.
And as the family was sharing these details with me, something Pepper said stood out to me… no matter how many people were in the house… LuJuan always made room for more. LuJuan welcomed all… to come to the table.
Through my conversations and time spent with LuJuan, there was one thing that stood out to me: LuJuan enjoyed blessing others.
Specifically, LuJuan shared with me her talent and passion for sewing. She made our Daughter, Shae, a beautiful dress that my daughter loved and adored. And anytime LuJuan started a new project, you could bet she would have a portion of it in her bag to pull out and show to this preacher.
LuJuan was an EXCELLENT seamstress! And she used this talent… to bless others. I asked the family how many quilts she made in her lifetime… TOO MANY TO COUNT was the answer. And… most were given away as gifts. She loved to sew… and she loved to give. And she also loved to show off… her pride and joy - literally - she carried a picture of a can of Pride dusting spray and a bottle of Joy dish soap!
I always enjoyed hearing about LuJuan’s sewing projects and seeing what she was making next… and I thought it was really incredible that she gave most of these creations away.
But when I heard the story about the table… I began to realize something about my friend… something never spoken of but often displayed… LuJuan wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to bless someone… be it through the giving of a hand-stitched item or by making room at the table. There was always room for more.
And I can’t help but believe LuJuan gained this characteristic from the Lord and Savior she served so well.
Jesus Christ was not One who turned people away… Jesus came to gather all people unto Him.
In one example, the disciples encouraged Jesus to turn the crowd away so they could go into the towns to get something to eat. Jesus then surprised them by saying what? You give them something to eat!
The disciples had nothing more than five loaves and two fish… basically a Happy Meal in comparison to the size of the crowd! There were five thousand people in their midst!
Yet… Jesus made room for them all. He blessed the food, and the disciples distributed it among the crowd. Scripture then reveals this amazing truth in Matthew 14:20… the disciples picked up 12 basketfuls of leftovers! They ended up with MORE THAN what they started with!
And I believe the key in this story is found in Matthew 14:14
Matthew 14:14 NIV
14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
Jesus… had compassion for the crowd. He didn’t see them as a burden. He didn’t see them as an irritation. He saw them and He met their needs.
Jesus was willing to go the distance for the people God sent Him to minister to! Jesus never turned people away!
Other examples of this compassion include when the friends lowered their buddy through the roof, Jesus healed him. When the woman with the issue of blood reached out, Jesus healed her. When blind Bartimaeus called out for help, Jesus healed him. When the woman was caught in adultery, Jesus stood in the gap for her.
Time and time again, Jesus didn’t send people away… Jesus didn’t view their request or their need as burden-sum. Jesus had compassion on them!
Just how far did Jesus’ compassion go for people? How far was Jesus willing to go for the sake of others… not just others… but for those who were lost and dying in sin?
Jesus did something no one else could do! He laid down His life so that we could be forgiven of our sins and set free!
He did not make excuse… nor did He ever complain. He simply gave of Himself… and He changed the world by doing so.
We may never know the impact that LuJuan’s hospitality and gifts may have had on others. But this I did see… as the story was told… it meant something to the teller… as tears formed in her eyes as she expressed there was always room for more.
That kind of giving make a difference. That kind of giving… touches hearts. That kind of giving… places the needs of others over our own. LuJuan, like Jesus, was this kind of giver.
There is something I have picked up over the years and I see it in motion in the life and legacy of the beautiful lady we honor today… When the heart is full of love… the house is always full.
Full of what you might ask? Full of life… full of people… full of happiness… full of joy… full of blessing… and full of togetherness.
The house may not be full of possessions or full of material riches. It may not be full of antiquities or full of polished silver… but it is full of what matters most.
And when it comes to love… it always makes room for more of what is important.
I found lyrics to a song that was written by none other than Fred Rogers. While they are simple by nature, I want you to hear what they say.
When your heart has butterflies inside it Then your heart is full of love When your heart feels just like overflowing Then your heart is full of love
Love is fragile as your tears Love is stronger than your fears
When your heart can sing another's gladness Then your heart is full of love When your heart can cry another's sadness Then your heart is full of love
Love is fragile as your tears Love is stronger than your fears
When your heart beats for a special someone Then your heart is full of love When your heart has room for everybody Then your heart is full of love
LuJuan loved the Lord and she loved others. She made room… as Jesus made room… and wouldn’t turn others away.
For Jesus, He makes room for us at the foot of the cross. ALL are invited to come. No one will be turned away. What might be an old rugged cross is truly a place of forgiveness, redemption, and freedom.
For LuJuan, it was a twenty five cent table that was open and welcome to all… just as her heart was open and welcome to all. She used her talents to bless others… and never asked for anything in return.
And in honor of our faithful sister in the Lord today, I wonder if you would be willing… to make room for Jesus?
The gospels are full of stories about how Jesus never turned anyone away. And now… He desires to have fellowship with each of us… will you make room for Him?
Revelation 3:20 says
Revelation 3:20 NIV
20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
LuJuan lived a life of giving and compassion because she served the Lord of giving and compassion. And today, the Lord stands at the door of our hearts… will we let Him in?
I invite you to bow your heads and close your eyes with me today. Maybe you haven’t made room for God in your life… but today, you hear the Lord knocking, you hear His voice… and you desire to let Him in. If that’s you, right where you are, simply pray a prayer that opens the door to your heart, give Jesus access to all that you are. State your belief in Him, ask for forgiveness of your sins, and make Him the Lord and Savior of your life.
If you just prayed that prayer… I want to welcome you to the family of God - a place where there is always room for more!
Like LuJuan, let’s shine the love and compassion of Jesus toward others. Let’s bless them and make room for them. Let’s allow the love of Christ to be seen in us and to operate through us!
And let’s thank God… for making room for us! Let’s thank God for His love and mercy. Let’s thank God for His amazing grace!

Congregational Song - Marry Smith

I’ll Fly Away

Closing Remarks - Pastor Chris

On behalf of the family I want to thank you all for coming out and celebrating LuJuan’s life and legacy. The graveside service will be taking place immediately following this service at the Agra Cemetery.
The family would also like to invite you to attend a lunch reception taking place here at Heartland Worship Center after the graveside service. Again, the family is very thankful for your love and support in this difficult time.
Will you join me in prayer one before we close and ask God to continue to be with us today?

Graveside - Pastor Chris

I would like to start out by reading the words to a song… words of comfort and promise. These words echo the truth we talked about earlier in our service… but I want you to hear this one more time.
The cross upon which Jesus died Is a shelter in which we can hide And its grace so free is sufficient for me And deep is its fountain as wide as the sea.
Though millions have found him a friend And have turned from the sins they have sinned The Savior still waits to open the gates And welcome a sinner before it's too late.
The hand of my Savior is strong And the love of my Savior is long Through sunshine or rain, through loss or in gain, The blood flows from Calvary to cleanse every stain.
There's room at the cross for you There's room at the cross for you Though millions have come, there's still room for one Yes there's room at the cross for you.
LuJuan was certainly one of the millions who has found Christ as friend… as Lord and Savior. LuJuan followed the leading of the Lord. She found new life through the work Christ did for us on the cross. And no matter how many have already come, there is always room for one more. And in this moment… God is calling us right now, through the sorrow and pain of loss… He guides us with the comfort and peace only His Spirit can bring. He knows what loss feels like… remember, God watched His Son breathe His last breath on the cross. But the cross wasn’t the end… it was the beginning. While this moment may mark the end of LuJuan’s life here on earth… we know it only marks the beginning of her eternal life with Jesus!
It is never easy to approach this moment… this end of life as we know it moment. For it is in this moment that we say our final goodbyes… that we say farewell to a loved one, a family member, and a good friend. LuJuan will be greatly missed.
And we understand today that even Jesus knew what this moment felt like. When He recieved the report that His friend, Lazarus, had died, the Scriptures tell us that Jesus wept. He wept for the loss of a friend… and He wept for the heartache of the loved ones. But even in that moment of death… there was hope of new life.
Even in this moment… there is hope. Even as this body is laid to rest, we know his soul has never been more alive. For LuJuan loved the Lord… she served Him with all her heart… and with that faith was given entrance to heaven.
Our hearts grieve through the loss… but we find peace in knowing that in this moment, we say goodbye only to the body… for we shall see ron once more when our time on earth is done.
John 14:1-6 reads,
John 14:1–6 NIV
1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus came to lead us back home. Jesus came to make a way where there seemed to be no way. He came that through Him we might find our way back to the Father.
He has gone to prepare a place for all who place their faith in Him. And because LuJuan knew the Lord… she has found his way home.
We know that in this moment, LuJuan is not here. She stands in the presence of the Lord who said to one who was dying on a cross, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” What lies before us is but the earthly tabernacle, the house in which she lived among us for a time. Tenderly and reverently we commit that house to the grave. The body returns to the earth from which it came: earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The spirit returns to God who gave it, waiting the day when both spirit and body shall again be united at the coming of the Lord; “for the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise.”
“For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.”
“Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”
LuJuan will never again feel the pain or discomfort of sickness. She will never again experience the hardships and trials of this world. LuJuan has forever been set free as he came into glory… undoubtedly while hearing the words, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
LuJuan… has made it home. She is in the Father’s house… no doubt sewing together new robes for the angels and quilts for the saints… doing all she can to honor and celebrate the One who gave His life for him.
May the Holy Spirit continue to comfort you and bring you peace… and may the Spirit of God fill your hearts as we pray...
PRAYER - Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for Your leading. We are so thankful that You lead your children home. We are so thankful for the gift of Your Son, Jesus, as He made for us the way back to You. It is in Christ that we find our peace… that we find our comfort… and that we find our hope.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort family and friends as we share this final moment.
Fill us with your peace as we navigate this difficult season.
Help us to listen to Your voice and to find our direction through Your Word.
Keep us in Your loving arms and surround us with Your Spirit. We thank you again for being with us all as we remember Your faithful servant. Bless us and keep us in Your precious Name we pray, Amen.
This concludes our service today. We will be praying for you and available to help or serve in anyway we can. God bless.
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