No Prophet Accepted In His Own Town
As you might imagine, going from a Christian killer to a Christian prophet is not a simple transition. Paul did not have very many friends for a while. What was his early ministry like? We will find out in this sermon.
Stop Arguing
If you can’t beat ‘em kill ‘em
The First Escape
Here, in the solitude of the desert, Paul had ample opportunity for quiet study and meditation. He calmly reviewed his past experience and made sure work of repentance. He sought God with all his heart, resting not until he knew for a certainty that his repentance was accepted and his sin pardoned.
He emptied his soul of the prejudices and traditions that had hitherto shaped his life, and received instruction from the Source of truth. Jesus communed with him and established him in the faith, bestowing upon him a rich measure of wisdom and grace.