Jesus is King - Luke 19:28-40

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In fulfillment of the Scriptures, King Jesus—who is humble and praiseworthy—has come to bring us true peace.

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Luke 19 beginning and verse 28 will read through verse 40. If you will one more time, invite you to stand with me to honor the reading of God's word, you were able

Luke 19, beginning and verse 28. After Jesus had said this. He went on ahead to goin up to Jerusalem as he approached Bethpage e and Bethany at the Hill Called Mount of Olives. He sent two of his disciples sing to them. Go to the Village ahead of you. And as you enter it, you will find a Colt tie. Their, which no one has ever ridden on tide and bring it here. If anyone asks, you, why are you in tying? It say the Lord needs those who were sent to had went and found it just as he told them, if they weren't telling the Colts owner's, ask them. Why are you in town and occult? They replied the Lord needs it. They brought us through their cloaks on the cult and put Jesus on it. As he went along. People spread their cloaks on the road when it came to the place where the road goes down, the Mount of Olives. The whole crowd of disciples begin joyfully to praise God and loud, voices for all the Miracles they had seen blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest. Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said the Jesus teacher rebuke your disciples. I tell you he replied, they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. The word of God for the people of God. Thanks, be unto God. You may be seated.

In four gospels, Matthew Mark, Luke and John, there are only a handful of events that are recording of North for Believe It or Not. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are known as synoptic gospels. Meaning, there's just a lot of similarity, a lot of synthesis between them. If you read through the gospels, I encourage you to do that. If you've never done that, but John is kind of an oddball. He kind of is unique and his portrayal of Jesus. A lot of tension on the last week of Jesus, his life at beginning, a John 13. That's when Jesus was in the upper room and and John 13 to the end chapter 21. It's all about that, but Matthew, Mark, Luke and John off. 4th is only a handful of accounts that are recorded in all four. Does anybody know any of them? Let me see, little, trivia, this morning, what's an account? That's recorded in all four besides maybe what we're looking at today? The crucifixion, bingo at Saint, all of them, anything else? It's only about 10, ish or so. Say it again. The ministry of John at the baptism, anything else. I see one more

Sitting in Jesus's birth. Not quite, not recorded in March, and John is a little iffy. So anything else.

Say it again. Prodigal, son that's only in Luke. That was only in Luke a couple of them right in the Resurrection. The Feeding of the 5000, the baptism Ministry of John and of course or at the reason I'm kind of bringing the shop is right here today Palm Sunday the count of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. You have to wonder at least myself, right? There's a lot of different important things in scripture regarding Jesus, arguably, one of them being the Nativity Jesus is entry into the world, the Christmas account, but that's only recorded in Matthew and Luke so something. So Monumental. So big is Christmas. Why is it only in two of the gospels? Where is Palm Sunday? The accounts of what we find here, is in all four. Why is it so important? What's so significant about this day? That all four gospel writers decided to included? And there were four accounts of Jesus. Well, I was, I've heard this account my whole life, I grew up in the church and as, you know, Palm Sunday, occurs the week before Easter Sunday. So, it's kind of obligatory for pastor to address or preach from this text and one of the gospels and part of me just reflecting over it. I was wondering, what is the point of this? Why is it so important? Because you read it, and it's kind of basic understand the movements of the story. We know Jesus borrowed the donkey, he rode into town. There's the palm branches. There's the shouting and they are the joyful exclamations. What's the significance of all of this? I believe in the text, we find this truth reveal to us since this. In fulfillment of the scriptures Jesus. The King has come to bring us true. Peace, and fulfillment of the scriptures. Jesus, the true king has come to bring us peace. Jesus is the king here. We see it clearly and verses 38. We're really a 38. It says blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest, right? The King has come. He has come to bring peace glory, in the highest peace. In heaven blessed, praise be to the king. He has indeed come Jesus is the true king. Sing for me to say that Jesus is the true king cuz it could be a Kim or if I were to say and rightly. So Charles the Third is the newly coordinated. King of England was just a statement was just a fact, but beneath that statement, I think a deeper question lies, who is the king And I'm not here. I'm not going to speak about the moral or immoral. Qualities of King, Charles the Third. Let you do that on your own time. But who is the king, who is the one who wears the crown? Who is the one who walks into the room as the King? This is important for you. Not understand. Jesus is the king, absolutely. It's clear from scripture, but who is this king? Who is Jesus? Who wears the crown? The gospels unpack and reveal that answer to us chapter after chapter. But in this passage in particular, what we see is that our King is a king who is humble and he is a king who is praiseworthy is my two big points through today. The king who is Cam is humble and his praiseworthy, let's look at verses 28 to 35 to see that. Jesus is the king, who is humble You seen the text verse 28, after Jesus said this. He went on ahead going up to Jerusalem as he approached by Fiji and Bethany the Hill Called Mount of Olives. He sent two of his disciples. I have been saying to them, The situation Jesus is about a few miles from the entrance to Jerusalem From The Heart of the City and Luke chapter 9, Jesus began. This Trek to go to Jerusalem in the Gospel of Luke. In particular, Jerusalem is mentioned 32 different times, so it plays a big part in the story of who Jesus is and why he came If you didn't know, Jerusalem, the literal word Jerusalem, means City or Foundation of peace and found, that was a little interesting for some reason, I've never heard that but Jerusalem, the city of Peace, the king of peace is about to enter in. And recently significance because that's where the crucifixion and Resurrection happened. And as one commentator said, This was to be the climax of his story. Jesus being in Jerusalem. This is the climax of his story of his public career and of his vocation. Jesus spent much time and now the kingdom Without announcement, could only come true if Jesus were to. Now, embody, the things you've been talking about, Jesus to talk about loving your neighbor as yourself, loving your enemies, praying and forgiving those who do wrong against, you serving the least of these, all of that is about to come in fruition the clearest display of Love ever revealed through his death in his resurrection. Before Jesus enters into the city verses 28 and 29, tell us he stops outside the city. Couple of few miles outside of it and sends two of his followers. We don't know who we don't know them by name, but since two of them had to Bethpage to arrange transportation. and we know many of, you know, Jesus borrowed a donkey and rode into town But the three kind of fascinating things. I want to point out about this little detail here. Sounds a little too, it's quite significant. The first when Jesus humbly interest and physically communicates a lot about the king who is come and 1st Kings. Chapter one when Solomon was coronated he likewise wrote on a mule. And when you read that first Kings chapter one, if you want to read it later on, you'll see that there is just a time of peace. There's a transition, a peaceful power of transition. Overall, there's peace amongst the people. So Solomon Road on Donkey, the Jesus riding in on a donkey indicates that he's come lowly humbly. Gently to bring peace, he's come peacefully. It communicates a lot. If there's a little picture online, the surface sometimes, and it has, I think maybe 10 different animals on it and it says something to the, to the effective. If you were to go into battle, which one of these would you want to ride into battle with you and there's different options such as 10 gorillas or ten thousand rats and maybe a hundred Falcons or something and But not on, none of that. There is ever a donkey. But do you want a donkey to ride into war with you? Right? And you understand that today, a donkey does not communicate a lot of power, a lot of money, it's just kind of today this to me. It seems a little funny little donkey, that's just, it seemed very daunting and back, then it was the same donkey was in a mighty War Horse. Jesus came, first lie in peace to bring us peace as we read revelation, we know Jesus, next time is going to come back on a mighty powerful horse to exact vengeance upon his enemies. But firstly he comes to offer. Peace to all people so significant for you. Not understand. Secondly about this encounter with the donkey noticed the adjectives with phrase there, look at verse 30. Jesus said, go to the Village ahead of you. And as you enter it, you will find a Colt tied there which no one has ever written. You catch that little phrase right there, which no one has ever written. If you read through this passage going to just fastly a normal bottle to study, you might miss that detail, but that communicates a lot. But what's the big deal? We'll in the Old Testament. Whenever you would offer an animal to the Lord, as a sacrifice. You offered to him an animal without blemish without defect, typically the firstborn animal, the best of the best. The one that was not given to You Secondhand. I kind of jokingly mentioned earlier if you want to get a you know him too old and give it to your mother and that would be a decent guess, right? But it's secondhand it's not something that you earned it. You work for that you bought that you purchased And when it comes to God, we are called to give God our best. Our first fruits, not secondhand leftover stuff, and when it comes here, this little detail, this is nobody's ever written this donkey. Or this was a new this was pristine. This was nice and it was offered to the king is offered to the one who deserved it. One commentator said that this little detail further affirms Jesus is Royal dignity. The third lie in Matthew 21 verses for 250 is the parallel passage in the gospel of Matthew about this account. Matthew 21 verses for 25. We are explicitly told another significant reason of what is going on here. Is Matthew 2145, this took place Jesus, getting the donkey riding on the donkey into Jerusalem. This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophets, Zechariah, say, two daughters. I see your king comes to you, Gentle and riding on a donkey. And on a Colt, the foal of a donkey This isn't just some random animal, it's not just some random time Jesus is fulfilling prophecy that was made about him centuries earlier. So this isn't just a random guy, random event. Oh just simultaneously happen to occur. Jesus, is fulfilling the scripture Paul talked about in Romans 1 that the gospel that you and I sing about bad at the resurrection Jesus Is Life. The Gospel was promised before hand through the prophets in the Holy scriptures on Jesus head or God Almighty. The father had Architects. Really planned the Salvation at the beginning of time and it's now coming to fruition. If you will invite you to turn to Zechariah Chapter 9 with me.

Going to camp out here just for a bit. because, anytime in the New Testament, Where the author quotes something from the Old Testament. It's helpful to read the surrounding, versus the surrounding chapters, the surrounding context. Just to help you situate what is going on. How does this? How did that author? How does Luke fit in this into the account, in Zechariah 9? How does that tie in with the surrounding contacts?

Zechariah 9:9, if you see, it's the verse Rejoice. Greatly daughter, Zion shout daughter Jerusalem. See, your king comes to you righteous and Victorious. Lowly and riding on a donkey on a Colt, the full of a donkey.

But in chapters 8 to 10 that the surrounding chapters, there is an overwhelming amount of Hope of promise and a joy and a peace in these chapters. I think it's quite beautiful. I just want to highlight a few excerpts for you chapter 8, Begin Again. Verse 7 in verse 8. This is what the Lord Almighty says. I will save my people from the countries of the east in the west. I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem. They will be my people and I will be faithful and righteous to them as their God. 8:23, this is what the Lord Almighty says. And those days, 10 people from all languages and Nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the Hem of His robe and say, let us go with you because we have heard that God is with you.

Did you see that?

Foreigners. Gentiles pagan people who do not follow Yahweh, who do not worship the true God. Jerusalem is going to be so blessed so prosperous. So abundant that the surrounding Nations, the surrounding people who speak different languages and take hold firm. Hold of one Jew by the Hem of His robe and say we've heard that God is with you. We want to go, we want a part of that. We don't know fully what's going on but we know we want a part of that.

Text continues. 9:8. Right before that the passenger was quoted. But I will encamp in my temple, to guard it to guard against marauding forces. Never, again, will an oppressor over run my people for now, I'm keeping watch. Verse 9 verse 10. Look, what's right? After that, I will take away the Chariots from Ephraim and the warhorses from Jerusalem and the battle bow will be broken. He will Proclaim peace to the nation's. University 16 and 17 chapter 9, the Lord. Their God will save his people on that day. As a Shepherd saves, his flock. They will Sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful. They will be grain, will make the young men Thrive and new wine. The young women All of this blessing, the piece, the protection, the Deliverance, the abundance of prosperity. All of that is going to be ushered in by the king who will come in verse 9 by the king who will come righteous and Victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey on a Colt, the foal of a donkey. The church, the king, we serve the king who wears the crown. He is humble and he came not to wage war. But the peacefully offer us, peace.

Turn back to Luke now. Luke 19 receipt so I can leave the king that we serve from verses 36 to 40. The king that we serve is praiseworthy He is praiseworthy.

The text says, as he went along, as Jesus went along, people spread their cloaks on the road. You might be wondering? What is that mean? I don't ever see that today. What is the significance of that was simply a tangible. Physical sign of honoring the king. I came so trying to think of a modern type of equivalent. If the president inter's the room, what's typical protocol You stand, right? Doesn't communicate a lot for say just standing, it's just a random stand. What's the big deal about that? Well, it communicates, you're honoring the office, the person of the president, when the king comes to honor them, as one commentator said, this was the ancient way to welcome a king. It was a way of saying that Jesus was two worthy to ride on an ordinary Road. He deserved Royal carpet. A physical tangible, way to honor the king and 2nd Kings chapter 9, verse 13. We see that when it comes to Jay, who won the Kings of Israel when he became king, when the people had heard the news that he was anointed the king, verse 13 tells us, they quickly took their clothes and spread them under him on the bear steps. Then they blew the trumpet, and shouted, Jay, who is King? The people here, the owner, Jesus, by their deeds by physically throwing their cloaks, their coats on the ground before him as he rides through, the honor him by deed. Also my word. And many of, you know, this next part, verse 37 when he came here, the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God and voices for all the Miracles night scene. Right here and Lucas says, blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest and the other accounts receive it. The word Hosanna was explained which means save us. We also see blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the king of Israel. Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. These were all phrases from Psalm 118, which I encourage you to read that one in your spare time, maybe today or this week, Psalm 118. And when the Jews would travel to Jerusalem for several of the different big festivals, like Passover in the Feast of Tabernacles the Jews would speak this to one another. It was a type of greeting one, another praise be to the king. Blessed is the king. Blessed is he who will come in the name of the Lord. But this greeting, that they use for one another. But now saying it to the one who is now come. They've been speaking about for centuries.

And then look at also at next, Friday's peace in heaven and glory in the highest. Is that the phrase sound familiar to you? Little reminiscent of something said the Christmas account and Luke 2:14. What do we see there? the Angels praising God and saying, glory to God, in the highest heaven and on Earth peace to those on whom his favor rests This piece, this glory is becoming more Crystal, Clear. It's becoming more tangible that the experience of it is about to happen more. So is Jesus is about to enter into Jerusalem.

Our King is praiseworthy. So much. So it look at the text. Also verse 39 and 40 so much. So that if the crowd were to keep quiet as the Pharisees were trying to instruct Jesus, to do a Jesus, rebuke your disciples silence. Then I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. Isaiah 55 verse 12 tells us, you will go out in joy in the left 4th and presents the mountains and Hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. All of creation testify that Jesus is King, nothing can prevent nothing, can hinder creation. Extolling Christ is King

What's wrap all this up? Church. Especially in regards to Jesus is praiseworthy. A lot of our time, we spent and Luke, we're barreling towards the end, all right? But all of the time we spent in Luke. I encourage you. Do not forget who it is that we're looking at. Jesus is not some mere historical figure for you to think about the kind of entertain you on Sunday morning is not just somebody that analyzing to pick a part. What did he say? What he teach? Jesus is the king and the king is to be praised. He's to be praised his be honored, he has to be glorified. And he has to do. So we had to do that because he's The Sovereign King is The Sovereign Authority. And because he is highly exalted above us. He deserves Our Praise Regardless of how you feel regardless of what kind of good deeds, he might have done against you as king, we deserve to praise him. But it's not the end of the story for the god that we serve that I could be. In the story. But we also serve the king because he's good. Between we service and his powerful is not just the one in Authority. He's the one who uses power. He's the one who uses authority to serve us to bless us, to heal us to save us. Psalm 150 verse 2. Beautiful versus has praise him. Praise the Lord for his acts of power. Praise him, for his surpassing greatness. You see those two Dimensions right there? Praise him because he is surpassing greatness, but also praise him for his mighty acts of power, which he has done for you. And to praise God. It it means so much more than just saying praise the lord. It's okay to say that it's okay to sing that. Praise the Lord, praise God, but that was kind of a command. When you think about it, praise God. It for example, if you were safe, today is Mother's Day to say praise mother. How many of you have ever said that in your life? Know how do you praise mother? How do you praise your mother in a mother? Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for being so loving and kind and patient with me, especially when I was young and foolish. That's how you praise your mother. How you honor how you esteem your mother saying with God, it's okay to praise say that. This word verbatim, Lord. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for X, Y, and Z. Thank you for being there for me. You praise him by word and deed. the last thing on island on the stairs soap, If today. You recognize that Jesus is the king of your life.

You will and you must honor him as such. You will and you must honor him as king. What did the crowd do when Jesus came? I didn't stand there, still weekly trying to be all reverent saying to themselves whispering.

No. They exclaimed loudly publicly with one another to one. Another to Jesus blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord glory to God in the highest piece in heaven. So when you truly recognized, that Jesus is King, you will publicly say it is not necessarily saying you need to do some call back here and Hillsboro. When I preached a good point and you have to say, praise the Lord. I'm not saying that. What I am saying is you will speak well of him to others. Do you speak of Jesus, to one another. You speak of who he is to one another. You speak of what he's done for you to one. Another are you bored? Are you proud to speak of him to the lost? To those who were hurting to those who were confused to those who were desperate for a need a touch a word of Grace. You sing Sunday morning, you sing your heart out to God. That's a tangible way to publicly with one another, to one another, for the Lord's, glory to declare your praise to him. If Jesus is truly the king of your life, you will praise him in word and deed. These are but a few little ways in which we can do that as his church today.

Encourage you to do that. Praise your mother today right on her steamer. Be reminded to praise God, there must be tangible acts about what you say and what you do in life.

Let's pray and then we'll close our time with the doxology.

Jesus. You are a king. We are your servants. You are good. You show that goodness to us day after day by giving us life? By giving us breath. What's rounding us with the family? The friends, the the house, the cars, the all the tiny little blessings, you've given us. We thank you so much for them. But most of all we give you, thanks. We're coming into the world to save us.

Thank you that you came in, peace. Thank you that you love us so much. To endure the shame, you endure, the suffering. But you humbly came, they keep that you fulfill the scriptures. But today, we can all look back on the events of Palm Sunday with gratitude. With reminders that you are the Righteous King, who is come. Jesus for everyone here today.

It is all of our need. To Worship You More to glorify you more help us to be bold in Our Praise of you. Help us to speak of you to one another. Elvis to glory and who you are.

And be immersed in your word. It reveals to us where you are.

Holy Spirit apart from you. We are nothing. Let me know that by your power. We can do all things for your glory for the good of others. Help us today. Help us the rest of our lives. Commit these things to you and not asking for our will, but yours to be done in Jesus name. Amen.


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