Grace to Give
Background: Chap 1-7 now break + Chap 8+9 Paul’s instruction particular collection for poor saints in Jerusalem. Richest, most detailed model of Christian giving in the NT. Paul not writing of Corinthians giving, but churches in Macedonia. These churches in Macedonia was apart of an impoverished province that had been ravaged by many wars and then by the Romans.
Illustration: Silvanna, Jenny shirt, life Seen people give million dollar, car
What Problem: not want to give, financially burdened, already giving “too” much, not trust Lord
Question: Why should we give?
Big Idea: God gives us the grace to give and makes us rich in Christ.
1. God’s Grace in Giving (v.1-5)
1. God’s Grace in Giving (v.1-5)
V.1 The generosity of the churches was motivated by God’s grace. Paul did not just commend them for their generosity, but rather gave the credit to God for what He did through them. Christian generosity is always a response to faith. V.2 These churches faced difficult circumstances(in extreme poverty), yet their joy was abundant because of their devotion to the Lord. Lack of joy? Devotion leads to joy even in difficult. Church face severe test, results in abundant joy generous giving. Do you need wealth/riches to be joyful? Do you need everything going perfect to be joyful? God’s grace leads the poor and oppressed to experience abundance joy. V.3 Freewill offering is not to be confused with tithing. three parts of freewill offering. 1) ”according to means” Giving in proportionate. God doesn’t set a percentage or amount to freely give, but expects His people to give based on what they have.(Shunammite Woman, gave to Elisha as a generosity to the God he serves) 2) ”beyond their means” Giving is sacrificial.(widow who gave to Elijah) 3) ”of their own accord” Giving is voluntary. Do not give out of compulsion, manipulation, or intimidation. Give as the Lord leads you and stirs your heart. (Joseph bought land for grave of JC, He was moved and he gave.) These believers viewed giving as a privilege, not as an obligation. V.4-5 The church in Macedonia was impoverished. No one would have been surprised if their response to those in need was, “We’d love to help, but we’re strapped.” Instead, they begged for the opportunity to take part in the relief effort.Paul was not expecting the churches to give that much. Who is your priority given to? Here we see the Macedonians presenting themselves and their finances to God. There were dedicated to the Lord’s work. Generosity should define the life of every Christian, and this is more than Christians being “nice.” As we give freely of our time, money, and abilities, we’re demonstrating our reliance on a God of unlimited resources who wants to bless others through us. (Jm. 1:17) While God promises us a return for our generosity, true generosity is apparent when it expects nothing in return.
Why give? Grace given to you, devotion to God, love for people, True Christian generosity is an act of obedience.
Why don’t we give? selfish, love/idolize money, not devoted to God
Who doesn’t give? computer/gave used typewriter, said would give, went back
Grace of God give, flesh doesn’t want to
2. God’s Grace through Christ (v.6-9)
2. God’s Grace through Christ (v.6-9)
V.6 Paul encouraged Titus to have the Corinthians join the giving for the saints in Jerusalem as well. Titus encouraged them 1 year earlier. Paul encouraged Titus to help them finish this collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem. V.7 Paul recognized how the Corinthians excelled in many things like: Faith-trust in Lord. speech-sound doctrine. knowledge-application of doctrine. earnestness-spiritual passion. love-love for others. Paul encouraged them to likewise excel in giving, because they not give. V.8 Freewill giving in never according to command, but leading of Spirit. Giving is proof of genuine love. V.9 though He was rich: pre-existence of Christ, posses all power, authority. He became poor: Christ’s incarnation, took on human form died on cross like common criminal. By His poverty become rich: through the sacrifice of Christ believers become spiritually rich. Rich in salvation, forgiveness, joy, grace, mercy, peace, joint heirs with Christ
What has been given to you? gift of eternal life, riches in Christ, Christ gave freewill offering
Why is that not enough for us? value things of this world more than Christ
Apply: He offers you gift, offers riches to you
Is God’s grace enough? Is His grace enough for you to give? Is Christ enough for you?
Who can you give to in our body, community
What can you give? Time, resources, fiances
Is God prompting your heart to give?
Who has God helped you to give too?
God’s Grace is enough for you to give