Ruth: Introduction and Themes Present
Ruth • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Introduction- History and Themes
Introduction- History and Themes
Ruth takes place during the times of the judges, which was a desperate time in which the Israelite people “did that which was right in their own lives. Ruth is a story of redemption, faith, and God’s love in the midst of depravity, despair, and men turning away from God.
Themes present in Ruth
Themes present in Ruth
God’s redemptive plan extends beyond the Jews to the Gentiles Ruth 1:4 2 Corinthians 5:15.
God’s redemptive plan extends beyond the Jews to the Gentiles Ruth 1:4 2 Corinthians 5:15.
The Great Commission is to preach the gospel to ALL nations and make disciples. This is why I preach the necessity to spread the Gospel to EVERYBODY.
Women are co-heirs with men of God’s Salvation 1 Peter 3:7.
Women are co-heirs with men of God’s Salvation 1 Peter 3:7.
The role and place of women throughout history has not been according to God’s will. On top of that, many people would have you believe the Bible suppresses women, when in fact God spends the whole Bible uplifting and protecting women. Ruth is one of my favorite women as an example of this, but there are so many more.
Ruth resembles the excellent woman in Proverbs 31:10-31 Ruth 3:11
Ruth resembles the excellent woman in Proverbs 31:10-31 Ruth 3:11
God lays out what an “excellent” woman’s traits are in Proverbs 31, and according to Ruth 3:11, she falls in that category. This is a large part of the reason she is included in the lineage of Jesus in a culture that only ever included men in that list except for very extraordinary circumstances.
Ruth shows God’s sovereign and providential care of insignificant people which prove crucial to God’s plan Ruth 2:3.
Ruth shows God’s sovereign and providential care of insignificant people which prove crucial to God’s plan Ruth 2:3.
It is because of a law laid down by God in Leviticus, and Boaz’s willingness to follow God that Ruth was able to glean from his field. God will provide for the faithful!
Ruth, as well as Tamar, Rahab, and Bathsheba recieved the honor of being included in the lineage of Jesus Matthew 1:3, 5, 6.
Ruth, as well as Tamar, Rahab, and Bathsheba recieved the honor of being included in the lineage of Jesus Matthew 1:3, 5, 6.
This is a big deal because in ancient, patriarchal culture men recieved all the honor, and each of these women were included in the lineage of our Savior for specific reasons, Ruth’s was her faith and love for God.
Boaz is a picture of Christ as Ruth’s Kinsman-Redeemer Deuteronomy 25:5 Galations 4:4-5
Boaz is a picture of Christ as Ruth’s Kinsman-Redeemer Deuteronomy 25:5 Galations 4:4-5
In ancient Jewish culture, if a man died with no heir his closest relative would “redeem” his land, property, and wife. If they then had a child that child would be born in the name of the name of the original husband to continue his legacy. Christ is the Kinsman-Redeemer of the church (His bride).