Jonah 4 - What's Your Problem (Mother's Day?)

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Big Idea:

God’s people should share His heart.
We are a great mess, but we have a great Savior who wants us to spiritually mature by sharing His heart.


Good morning [Church Online]...
Moms are some of the most important, influential people in the world, amen?
I believe this is by God’s design. God has a special purpose for their role in our lives. Yes, there are times when sin has corrupted that role… and some of us have experienced this kind of broken motherhood. But overall, moms are a blessing, which is why we honor them on a day like today!
Our River Kids Director, Jackie Owens (who is a mom herself), shared a recent video with me from MOPS (a Christian organization aimed at supporting moms of young kids) that shared the following statement...
“Moms are evangelists and if you want the fastest, smartest, and most efficient method for spreading a message, start with the mom.” Unilever Corp 2022
This is from the marketing department of a non-Christian organization. But it supports the statement I shared a moment ago: God has created moms to be some of the most influential people in the world.
They influence how we think, act, and even worship! According to another stat from MOPS, almost 80% of all people connect their faith to their mom. Many people share the heart of their mother.
This is a big deal. It can change your life. The apostle Paul wrote about this to one of his disciples, and closest friends, Timothy...
2 Timothy 1:5 ESV
I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.
This tells me three things:
Moms are influential.
We often share our mom’s heart.
Who you share your heart with can impact your spiritual maturity.
… and that last thing is a lesson God teaches Jonah in chapter 4, our final chapter in this series.
Today’s our last week in our series on Jonah, which is Phase 2 of our 4 phase 2023 Vision. That sounds way more complicated than it needs to be. Basically...
Our 2023 Vision (that is, what God is calling our church to focus on) is to “Move on up,” or to spiritually mature as a church.
In prayer and planning, our leadership team broke up this up into four phases. We already completed Phase 1 which was “Growing in Christ.”
Phase 2, which we started after Easter, is studying the book of Jonah… and spiritually messy book. What I mean by that is God’s prophet is a spiritually immature dude. Wicked people gets saved, which is theologically messy. Then, the book ends with Jonah once again in rebellion. It’s a mess.
And a major reason we picked Jonah is because... how many of us can relate to the spiritual journey of Jonah? Up and down. Two steps forward, three steps back. Messy.
And yet God’s will is still done. His Kingdom is still furthered. A harvest is experienced.
A mess doesn’t disqualify us from the harvest. Actually, it might just mean we’re right in the middle of it. Because the Bible tells us...
Proverbs 14:4 NLT
Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.
This is a lesson we need to learn as we focus on spiritual maturity in 2023. We need to have a biblical expectation and understanding of the mess. And Jonah has helped us learn these lessons.
So, let’s finish up Jonah today so we can continue growing towards the harvest...
Jonah 4:1 ESV
But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry.


What is Jonah so upset about? Well, in chapter 3, Jonah preached a few words and the entire wicked city of Nineveh got saved. What a miracle!
I’ve been preaching in Glastonbury for almost 7 years and I can barely get people to raise their hands for prayer… even with “every head bowed and every eye closed!” I dream of experiencing Jonah’s success.
Jesus said...
John 4:35–36 NLT
You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!
In chapter 3, Jonah experienced the harvest! You would think he’d be joyful… but Jonah is mad. And it only gets worse…
Jonah 4:2–4 ESV
And he prayed to the Lord and said, “O Lord, is not this what I said when I was yet in my country? That is why I made haste to flee to Tarshish; for I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster. Therefore now, O Lord, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live.” And the Lord said, “Do you do well to be angry?”
So, we finally discover the real reason why Jonah ran from God. He ran because He knew God wanted to save the Ninevites, who he personally hated. He knew the power of God’s word. He knew God’s patience, grace, and love. He knew God was mighty to save. And now that it has actually happened, he’d rather die than live to see God’s salvation come to the nations.
...This is supposed to be a man of God. A prophet from God’s people.
And let me reemphasize… Jonah is a true prophet. Even His rebellious words reveal this. Because Jonah quotes...
Exodus 34:6–7 ESV
The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”
It was not uncommon for the prophets and priests of God to have the first five books of the Bible memorized. I believe Jonah quoted this from memory because he’s a true prophet. But this dude is also a mess, because here’s what we see here…
...although a preacher of God’s word, he didn’t like the God of the Word.
Man… that’s a messy statement. It gets worse...
Sometimes, when I tell my boys, “Clean your room,” after about 45 mins, it’s not rare for there to be little progress. That’s when I give the final warning, “You have 30 mins to finish. And it better look like I cleaned it. You know my standard. Don’t make me have to start looking, because you know what happens then. I find more mess and then you’ll really be in trouble!”
Let me use that dad principle (on Mother’s Day) on this passage. Let me show you the additional mess I found that gets Jonah in more trouble!
In verse 2, Jonah says, “O Lord, is not this what I SAID...” When we read this, the author intends for us to interpret it as, “O Lord, this is MY (JONAH’S WORD)!”
And then… he intends for us to place it side-by-side with the two times GOD’S WORD came to Jonah in chapters 1 & 3. And the sense is, Jonah says, “I’m putting my word against Your word… and I like my word better!”
Whew, that’s messy! I mean… how are we supposed to believe this guy is truly God’s prophet?
Personally, I think that’s why sometimes people believe Jonah wasn’t real or truly walking with God… because it’s easier to draw a clear line in the sand and say, “He’s fake.” It’s messy to deal with a spiritually immature prophet who God uses to bring forth a harvest!
But here’s the thing… isn’t Jonah’s story our story? We also don’t like the God of the Bible. Now, we in church, so we might say that out loud… but our thinking and actions reflect it!
How often do we get mad because of who God is and what He does?
How often do we think our word (our way) is better than God’s word?
Let me further the mess… verse 5...
Jonah 4:5 ESV
Jonah went out of the city and sat to the east of the city and made a booth for himself there. He sat under it in the shade, till he should see what would become of the city.
The author’s imagery and strategy in this verse is amazing. It brilliantly persuades us to arrive at a specific thought...
First off, it says Jonah sat “east of the city.” In the OT, the idea of the “east” can communicate rebellion. We see this in the book of Genesis. After Adam and Eve sinned (rebelled against God), look at what happens...
Genesis 3:24 NLT
After sending them out, the Lord God stationed mighty cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden. And he placed a flaming sword that flashed back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
Additionally, after Cain killed his brother Abel, God judged him and the Scriptures say...
Genesis 4:16 NLT
So Cain left the Lord’s presence and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
Finally, after the flood and as the people prepared to rebel against God by building the tower of Babel, it says...
Genesis 11:2 NLT
As the people migrated to the east, they found a plain in the land of Babylonia and settled there.
The author strategically mentions Jonah sitting to the east because he wants us to see his rebellion. Furthermore, Jonah makes a “booth.”
This would’ve reminded people of the Feast of Booths, where the Israelites built and lived in temporary shelters for 8 days, for the purpose of worshiping God and celebrating His salvation. Yet, Jonah builds a booth in rebellion, angry at God for bringing salvation. What a mess!
Furthermore, Jonah sits and waits because he wants God to change. He already knows God is patient, kind, loving, and desires to save. But he doesn’t like that God… at least not outside of his personal preference. And that limited perspective causes Jonah to shake his fist at God and say, “God, how dare you save them?!?”
But before we get too disgusted with Jonah, can we be honest? Is this us? Some of us have personal preferences that cause us to say, “God, how dare you? That makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like that. I don’t like You. I want You to change.” Sometimes, we too don’t like the God of the Bible. Because the reality is… We’re a mess too!
Yet, God looks at us in the same way He looks at Jonah...
Jonah 4:4 ESV
And the Lord said, “Do you do well to be angry?”
In other words, “What’s your problem?” And verse 6 says, “Now the LORD God sent a lightning bolt from heaven and Jonah popped like a water balloon.” Does it say that? No. It says, “Now the LORD God APPOINTED...”
We gonna see this word “appointed” 3 times over the next 3 verses. And the sense is, “God is going to teach Jonah a lesson to draw him back to His heart.”
Aren’t we thankful for the moms in our lives who teach us lessons that shape our hearts? Moms who never give up on us even when we’re a mess? Who aren’t afraid to discipline us, but also do so with grace so we can grow up?
Here’s the truth: When moms do this, it ultimately comes from their Heavenly Father. Because that’s what God does with Jonah. He hasn’t given up on him. Instead, He pours out grace. And he teaches Jonah a lesson to help him spiritually mature…
Jonah 4:6–8 ESV
Now the Lord God appointed a plant and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to save him from his discomfort. So Jonah was exceedingly glad because of the plant. But when dawn came up the next day, God appointed a worm that attacked the plant, so that it withered. When the sun rose, God appointed a scorching east wind, and the sun beat down on the head of Jonah so that he was faint. And he asked that he might die and said, “It is better for me to die than to live.”
God begins to teach Jonah two lessons at the same time. The first lesson is this: Jonah, here’s what happens we we do things your way. When we exalt “your word” over “My Word.” When I (God) change who I am and conform to your preference. Remember...
You don’t want Me to save the rebellious Ninevites by grace, which is why you ran.
And now that I saved them, you want Me to change my mind and send judgment instead.
So, as Jonah sits in rebellion...
God appointed a plant to grow and save Jonah - by grace, he didn’t deserve this. And Jonah was filled with joy because of the plant.
But, God changes His mind and appoints a worm to kill the plant.
Then, God sends judgment with a scorching east wind.
And Jonah doesn’t like it. In fact, Jonah repeats what he said previously, “It is better for me to die instead of live.”
Here’s the first lesson: When things happen our way instead of God’s way, it either...
Creates more of a mess (amen?)...
Or, it keeps us stuck in the same mess.
Because nothing changed for Jonah when he got his way.
God’s speaking to somebody about this right now...
Finally, God says, verse 9… “Do you do well to be angry for the plant?” In other words, “What’s your problem? Isn’t this what you wanted? You want me to be a God who doesn’t save people by grace, right? And when I do, to change My mind and send judgment instead!”
But listen to Jonah’s response, “Yes, I do well to be angry, angry enough to die!”
[Somebody say, “I don’t think so.”]
I know we don’t see this much anymore. And let me be clear, I’m not saying we should see this… but remember back in the day when a mom would pop you in the back of the head for talking back?
My mom would pop me and I didn’t even do anything. We’d be in the Target and another kid done lost their mind and talk back to their mom. My mom would pop me! And I’d ask, “Mom, what was that for?” And she’d say, “Just so you don’t get any ideas!”
Jonah’s momma needs to come pop him in the back in the head for talking back to God like this! But God is patient.
Don’t get me wrong. God’s not afraid to discipline too. And it can hurt. But even in that, God’s heart (God’s intention) is for restoration and spiritual maturity, not for the furtherance of pain.
But in this instance, God patiently asks, “Do you do well to be angry for the plant?” By grace, God gives Jonah time and the opportunity to grow.
And now, God is going to teach Jonah the second lesson...
Jonah 4:10–11 ESV
And the Lord said, “You pity the plant, for which you did not labor, nor did you make it grow, which came into being in a night and perished in a night. And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?”
Here’s the second lesson: Jonah, can’t you see… you don’t share My heart.
You’re selfish, rebellious, and spiritually immature.
And more importantly, you care more about the plant than for people.
Jonah didn’t create the plant. Jonah didn’t know or spend time with the plant. And yet, the plant brought him great joy. And when the plant was gone, Jonah was angry. He was emotionally invested in something that was both temporary and didn’t matter.
Yet, God… the One who “appointed” all things. The Creator of all things. The One who abounds in steadfast love not only created the plant, but He also created the people. People who (as the book of Genesis… a book Jonah would’ve have likely memorized… says) were made in God’s image. God loves the 120,000 people of Nineveh.
Now, there’s a little debate on how to interpret this number. Some believe it could refer to the children of Nineveh. And that’s why he says they don’t “know their right hand from their life.” Which also means there were even more people than that in Nineveh who were made in God’s image.
Or, it could refer to spiritually immature adults… those who are stuck in spiritual darkness, unable to see their right from their left.
Either way, God - like moms- loves children. And God loves people. And His heart is for them and wants to save them. And the heart of heaven rejoices when one sinner comes to repentance, let alone an entire city!
And God is showing Jonah that the biggest problem here is you DO NOT SHARE MY HEART. And that the pain Jonah feels for the plant cannot compare to how God’s heart aches for the broken people of the world.
…and then... the book ends. It ends with a mess. There’s not happily ever after. And the reader is left wondering, “What happens next?”


I believe the author intended to end this way. Because what does Proverbs 14 teach us?
Proverbs 14:4 NLT
Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.
It teaches us that a mess doesn’t mean it’s over. With God, it means a harvest coming. Because I believe the author of the Jonah is Jonah. And that this powerful story exists because Jonah eventually spiritually matured. And Jonah strategically show us God brings harvests from messes.
Basically, Jonah is preaching the gospel. By the Holy Spirit, He’s pointing to Jesus! The One who saves us from our sinful mess and leads us into the harvest of eternal life. Because like Jonah, we often feel like we’re stuck in a mess… that it’s the end of our story… yet with Jesus, everything can change. There is always hope.
We are a great mess, but we have a great Savior! One who wants us to spiritually mature by sharing His heart.
Additionally, Jonah is proof of one of God’s greatest promises...
Philippians 1:6 ESV
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
God began a good work in Jonah. And it was a messy journey. But God was faithful to complete the work. Do you need to hear that today?
Has God started a good work in your life? Then, regardless of the present mess, keep trusting Jesus. He will finish that work and lead you to the harvest.
Maybe you’ve looked into the spiritual mirror of Jonah today, seen a spiritual mess, but know God hasn’t started a good work in your life… because you’ve never trusted in Him as Lord and Savior. But that can change today. The good news is, when Jesus died on the cross, He took our sins upon Himself. He paid for all of our mess, so that we could freely walk right into the harvest - into eternal life.
That’s what the apostle John wrote...
John 1:12 ESV
But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,
The phase “gave the right” means to clear the path. All the mess that was keeping you from God… Jesus took it and threw it away. And the path is clear. You can receive forgiveness and walk into heaven today. All you need to do is turn from your sin (leave the mess behind), put your faith in Jesus, and enter the harvest.
Can I speak to the moms to close? Moms, today we honor you. God created you to be influencers. You change lives, homes, churches, community, and culture. We thank you for that. But I also want to challenge you. Take that God-given responsibility seriously. Do whatever it takes to share God’s heart, because when you spiritually mature, the Kingdom of God is furthered - more people move from the mess to the harvest.
And dads, here’s your challenge… sacrifice so your wives and daughters can learn to share God’s heart. Take time off… watch the kids… give up a hobby… so they can go to things like Women’s Life Group or Women’s Breakfast or the Women’s retreat. Care about the things that are eternal and matter. Invest in moms growing in spiritual maturity and you (and your family) will experience a greater harvest.
Let’s pray...
God, we’re a mess. But we believe Your word. We trust Your way. We put our faith in Your Son Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life. Please help us to spiritually mature. And God, we pray a special blessing over the moms of our church today. Thank you for them. May they continue to help us experience the harvest You have prepared for us. In Jesus name, amen!
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