Rejection, Rest, and Resurrection
The Gospel of Mark • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Jesus Rejected At Nazareth
Jesus Rejected At Nazareth
He goes back to Nazareth a small town 25m SE of Galilee >500ppl
Teaches on the Sabbath
Mark emphasizes the reaction of the people
WHERE did this man get these things (ideas)?
WHAT is the wisdom given to him?
HOW are such mighty works done by his hands?
IS (WHO) this not the carpenter?
They are looking in all the ways to reject Jesus.
They never ask the WHY questions?
Why would this man teach these things?
Why does this wisdom matter?
Why is he doing these might works?
Why does his family line matter?
They reject him because he’s too familiar
The issue that I see in our time is that people have a vague idea of who Jesus is or what he’s about. Gathered from cultural examples, second hand stories, caricatures of Jesus. They get this from Christian culture, Christian subculture etc. But they’ve never listened to his words, never read the scriptures, never dug into man or his message. This kind of lazy assumption leads to rejection based on assumptions.
These people were no different, they never got past Where he was from and their assumed familiarity with him.
2 things on this
1 May we never assume on the message of Jesus. Let’s be diligent in reading, knowing, studying, as it will bring us a greater love and desire for Christ. A greater joy in him.
2. Let this be an encouragement to you who try to witness to your family members or friends in your home town. The reality of God’s work in your life may be an easy thing to write off, it may be something that people just don’t want to see. That’s on them, but be encouraged that the same kind of rejection was leveled against Jesus. Be emboldened by what God has done, be unashamed.
The Cost of Discipleship
The Cost of Discipleship
Markan Sandwich 7-30
Jesus sends out the 12 disciples 2x2
Value of Companionship
Authority of 2 or 3 witnesses
Sent with nothing but a staff, sandals, and one tunic
The four items required of the Twelve are, in fact, identical to the belongings that God instructs the Israelites to take on their flight from Egypt: cloak, belt, sandals, and staff in hand (Exod 12:11). The parallel in dress, in other words, is identical with the Exodus apparel but only loosely similar to Cynic dress. These four items of clothing recall the haste and expectation of the Exodus. They suggest that the mission of the Twelve announces something as foundational and revelatory as the Exodus from Egypt, and that the disciples must be as free from encumbrances as were the Israelites, to serve their God in a new venture. --James R. Edwards, The Gospel according to Mark, The Pillar New Testament Commentary
This is to give them the real sense that they are dependent of God’s provision and God’s leading, from his sending
God working through the compassion of people
We are dependent on the kindness of God through people to plant a church. We will be able to be as generous as our people are.
Many might look at these men and think that they are unprepared, that they could use a couple more years with Jesus.
That’s true, they were unprepared and Jesus still sent them.
They were sent out with Jesus’ authority, his message, his promises. And so are we.
There is a distinct difference between what they did and what we will be able to do as we are all sent. But Mark clarifies the miraculous healing and casting out of demons when he continues in v.30 when there he calls them Apostles.
There are distinct Apostolic gifts that only the Apostles has, but the call to proclaim the excellencies of Christ, the beauty of the Gospel, the joy of the presence of the Holy Spirit, the beauty of the freedom found in Christ is repeated throughout the New Testament as a command to all who would identify with Jesus.
The instructions from Jesus were very clear (v.7)
if they welcome you stay and preach, teach, instruct them in the gospel.
Finding people of peace who would receive them.
If they reject you, and do not listen, shake off the dust as a testimony to their unbelief.
Jesus gave them instruction on what was to happen if their message was not going to be recieved.
This is important to note and is the theme of this section of verses:
Jesus was rejected by his own home town.
There were those disciples who were to be rejected by the villagers
John the Baptist was rejected by Herod
And still Jesus goes on and we will see why here in a moment.
When the Kingdom is Present People Notice
When the Kingdom is Present People Notice
Mark interjects his narrative on the sending out of the disciples and all that God was doing through them to tell of how King Herod heard of the Disciples of Jesus and the ministry they were doing.
In fear Herod thinks that the Prophet “John the Baptist”, whom he killed, was raised from the dead and was at work to over throw Herod, John’s message was that “God is King and Herod or anyone else is not”
Herod was a paranoid leader, a weak leader compared to his father, Herod the Great. In his weakness and debauchery, he murders John the Baptist at the behest of Herodia’s daughter, Salome.
Herod rejected the message of John to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.
Herod had a kingdom that he was satisfied in, yet that kingdom would come to an abrupt end as he would fall out of favor with Caligula and be banished to Gaul never to be heard from again
The reality is here we are 2000 years later singing and talking about Jesus. No one is talking about Herod, no one is meeting weekly to talk about the reign of the Cesars.
The Kingdom of God is always going take precedent over any government or system or ruler or king or celebrity.
So we tell people to not waste their lives worrying about what the powerful think or what society says you should make a priority.
We find our JOY in Jesus. We find our satisfaction in Jesus. We find our rest in Jesus.
The Feeding of the 5,000
The Feeding of the 5,000
And we do need to find our spiritual and physical rest in Jesus.
Mark jumps back to his narrative stating that the APOSTLES (only time they are called Apostles) returned to Jesus.
Jesus prioritizes rest, prayer, and retreat. Ministry is hard, it is exhausting. Physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Jesus sets the precedent for rest and renewal.
He bring the disciples to a desolate place but that place fills quickly with people. People who are hungry for the freedom of Christ’s gospel, the compassion of his voice, the tenderness of his hands.
Jesus responds to these people on the way to a place of rest and renewal with this phrase (v.34) “He had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd”.
The disciples present Jesus with a problem “these people are going to get hungry, we’re out in the boondocks, send them away.
Jesus gives them a ministry opportunity “You feed them”
Sometimes we expect Jesus to just take over and do the work for us. We expect to sit back and watch the master at work. But he has called us all to labor with him, to work with him, to bring what we have to Him that He might bless it and multiply it.
He multiples the bread and the fish, but it took sacrifice from the disciples.
But through that sacrifice, 5,000 were fed, 30, 60, 100 fold
Jesus bring the increase, but he wants our obedience,
English Standard Version Chapter 15
22 And Samuel said,
“Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
as in obeying the voice of the LORD?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
and to listen than the fat of rams.
Rejection, Rest, Resurrection
Rejection, Rest, Resurrection
Jesus was perfectly obedient to God’s call on his life and still here’s what we see about Jesus
Jesus was rejected by his own and like John the Baptist he will be kill by the governing authorities and religious leaders. Yet, Jesus was raised, having victory over sin and death. The first born of the brothers.
So as we go, as we Live, Speak, and Serve as the very presence of Jesus for the Tampa Bay Region, we know that we will experience rejection, Jesus experienced rejection, we may suffer, Jesus suffered. We will sacrifice, as Jesus sacrificed. But as Hebrews tells us:
English Standard Version Chapter 12
2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
We look to Jesus who in all these things found joy in the mission, found joy in the father. He could have compassion because he knows that no suffering no rejection can overcome us, no difficulty is too great for the reality of salvation for the lost, His compassion towards us is our compassion for others as we move forward in this mission of being His!
So in our rejection, rest in Jesus and look forward to the resurrection that is to come.