Hagar: The God Who Sees Me
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· 28 viewsMother's Day reflection of Hagar, a woman who's unfair life ended in great blessing
Life’s not fair
We see this in life: good people are wounded, neglected, abandoned, while it seems evil folks are elevated and praised. That’s the way fallen society works.
Biblical characters were not immune: Joseph treated unfairly by his own brothers, Bathsheba’s husband executed by military hands of David, Jesus…the list goes on.
Of all the biblical characters, few have as unfair existence as Hagar
Life out of control
Life out of control
Egyptian servant/slave of Sarai
likely becoming part of the family during Abram & Sarai’s excursion there where they lied and brought suffering on Egyptians
Used to birth offspring when Sarai takes God’s promises into her own hands
a common practice of the time & culture
Despised for the very reason she was used in the first place
Although she had a child—a son—she was hated by Sarai
First God encounter
First God encounter
Genesis 16 tells how Hagar responds to Sarai’s harsh treatment: she flees
Angel of the LORD (Christophany) appeared to her while she fetched water
Gave her a promise that would outshine and outlast any harsh treatment she could endure
She is changed, calling him El-Roi—the God who sees me
She returns
Second God encounter
Second God encounter
Genesis 21, Sometime after Isaac is born, Sarai (now known as Sarah) drives Hagar away
Sarah has her own child/son, so Ishmael is no-longer needed, and both Ishmael and Hagar are seen as threats
After exhausting their water supply in the desert she was prepared to die, and laid Ishmael under a bush some distance away.
Hope was gone
God responds by providing water for them, opening Hagar’s eyes
Hagar saw no way out of this mess, but God had bigger plans
Finally landed outside of Egypt(home), later finding Ishmael a wife.
El Roi
El Roi
First no one saw Hagar, then God saw her, finally she saw God
The God who sees me becomes the God of Hagar.