Frist John 2:7-11.
Frist John 2:7-11. (Understand you were loved by God so) Love God and your neighbor.
Jesus our advocate and propitiation – the one that John had seen, heard teach, and touched his risen body. God the father who has no sin at all, only light, invites us in to fellowship with Him by and with Jesus by his shed blood, that cleanses us from sin, in repentance and confession. John is explaining to the readers who God is, and inviting them in to true fellowship, not one of lib service and pretense, to help wake up the people in darkness. To point to Jesus the true light.
Verse 7 Last week John addressed the people little children, this week it is beloved, it communicates John’s care for the people. PPT explain shortly, dear worthy of love, Paul also uses this word many times.
No new commandment? But and old, yes very old from Leviticus PPT. Love your neighbor, as yourself, also the 2 commandment Jesus refers to when asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus responding with Duet 6: 4-7 love the Lord you God, Mark 12:30 Matthew 22:37. The command is so old that it is from the beginning arche/ you have herd the word, - in the beginning was Jesus and he was the word and the word was God. Therefor it is new but the meaning was made new by Jesus as he did explain and lived out what it looked like to Obey the 2 commandments. Loving God and his neighbor.
Verse 8 then John writes that it is a new commandment, that is true in Jesus and you (that in Christ darkness is being removed in us active… until complete in Jesus), PPT, that darkness was made to flee as Jesus shined in the darkness, and loved God and his enemies, and Neighbor, even to give up his life to save them. Then John is reminding the people that being redeemed by Jesus, is waking (life style) in the light, and loving God and showing love to fellow believers, that all people my know that they are disciples of Jesus, that is the charge to the people he writes, to love God love your family in Christ. (Do we do that? Have we experienced that? Being loved by God’s people? And loving God’s people?) PPTabout love and the commandments.
Verse 9. Again, John points out a flaw in some peoples understanding of grace and mercy of God, that if a person say they walk in the way of Jesus in light but hates his brother, he is blind and decived, and does not know God, forgiveness and mercy. (How can we say we love Jesus, if we hate the people Jesus died to save and reconcile to God?) We are in darkness.
Verse 10 is the other way; Whoever loves his brother walks abides in Jesus, and he is in the light, understanding the work of Jesus, and has been taken from darkness and into light of life, and that person will not be what makes others stumble and fall = make others sin, (and reject or misunderstand Jesus or trust in false teaching).
Verse 11. John makes it clear that whoever hates his brother is still in darkness, and walks his own way, not the way Jesus walked and does not have koinonia what God, and the person is lost, because the darkness blinded his eyes. (Hate of other thing that sin, is not light).
Good news Jesus,
Bad / rejection of Jesus, and unwillingness to come to him, or a misunderstanding of Who God is and what Jesus work does. Hate in us will reveal our misunderstandings about Jesus. He did not only die for me, - how then can we believe we have the right to hate others of whom Jesus bleed to offer redemption and forgiveness, that Jesus saw us in our need, and our great rebellion against God, and made away for us to come to God for forgiveness, how then can we act like the wicked servant, and show no mercy… That would seem like we have misunderstood who Jesus is… and John is trying to help us and people then, no… Your not to hate one another instead walk in the light, shine as light and help people not to fall and stumble, because of your hate, - instead listen to Jesus teaching, and by the power of the Holy Spirt, live out the good works God has planed for you to walk in.