Mother's Day 2023
I saw that so much like the real world, and you don't
You can be like one of those days in the relationship with your mom or maybe it could be the relationships, just never been there.
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Thank you so much my friend and I said, Happy Mother's Day and I can't have it open.
And then you can go home and sleep.
I did not say the right thing.
And I feel like four ladies dance like a whistle.
With dice. It's totally different. You know what guys say Happy Father's Day. It's more of a baby. I'm not sure. I don't know.
Guys can be totally clueless about things and keep moving forward. And that there's a beauty is More Than A Feeling action or a bit more Than A Feeling action worth it. But I think a lot of our view, a beauty. And as we look at King, David and as he was riding a song. Indian song 27 verse for David asking God, for one thing only one to live with him in his house, my whole life all contemplate, his Beauty at his feet. Understand that the message of God's beauty is for all of us we are all at your Christ, you're the bride of Christ, we are the body together and said the beauty of God's so important to us that we really understand what it's about.
So it is doing that. I want you to understand understanding changes everything and that's what was happening during It wasn't like everything was. Writing during a time that it was his personal crisis in his life. He was here like insecurity Dealing with his dealing, with an uncertain. You really wouldn't even with dealing with that his own personal possession.
And his position of food, what?
And when you see that, it's like, he's looking at all of these heavy decisions in front of him, and he's realized the most important. Everything else in And the beauty of Jesus is really the most powerful weapon when we look at being a Christ follower.
Is a Battlefield. 4, God, and Satan contend with contend with each other, for the hearts of men. Whose actual, that's what is, is God. And then we see the counterfeit counterfeit, the face of the enemy is being lured, in One Direction or another. It's who are you following after in the war for your soul?
He loves to do is that that you are a failure that you are a mistake that you are not beautiful. Maybe if you try hard enough, you could, if you were just a little smarter, if you were just a little prettier, if you were just a little more of this than maybe you could be beautiful. And I think that that happens to say because, depending what, why did he believe that you're not. That's not something to eat.
But the real God is a woman that loves nothing what you do.
Look at that. You looking at
I just need that. It's a little awkward. Do me a favor. A lot of times, when you think of God, we think a macho man of God.
Ultimate. Then we should say it. Like it is beautiful, one more timer. 1, 2 3.
The Apostle Paul is right.
The more we become. 2nd Corinthians 3:18. So all of us who had that, they'll let the glory of the Lord and the Lord makes us more and more like him as we are shamed into his glorious image with his Beauty.
If you can control.
What Paul is saying is this world alive, God, that's when we're praying. For, you know, Satan has asked about
You really didn't handle that, correct?
Right now. He wants to take. Offense and put it on.
He wants to put them on you. So as you walk in as you move, you realize I am. What the heck? I'm trying. I'm trying.
and everybody is there something, but when I'm with the real, and see if he has, but it completes the enjoyment and if I praise him and I shove it up, it's not just for his benefit but it's for change me because I'm doing it. It's not complete. The way I acted out. If I just told Tina that I love her but I never show it to or what in the world. I just want to look a little bit at how do we encounter is beauty? So how do we get into that place where we can do to help? Sometimes it's like we just will refuse to ask.
And it was Big, Lots.
Is it reminded me? Why I don't go to it and so I'm just looking for a raptor just show me the route. Well, you know what, I did that three times till I finally asked the person that work there.
Some of that all figured out, I'll do it my way.
Healthy in this situation and it says in your knowledge of God, I pray that your heart will be flooded with lights so that you can understand the confidence. He has given to those. He called his whole story written out, if you're a follower of Christ, it is for you, that God. Jesus Christ.
We can connect. Ask God for help about the counter.
Start the search Outback Beauty with every day with everything. We love you guys, too. Have you noticed that when you get a new car then you start to see that Park Everywhere by it. Honestly, believe there were only three Mazda in all the Santa Clarita.
What did I do today? When I look outside? What did God do his perfect? Gift comes from the father.
4th and and I want you to know if it's usually not an instant transformation and you'll be set for life. But what happened is a little piece at a time. The more and more I start the jet 2 years. A piece. There is a piece of change who I am.
Let us see if we praise God. He is the more we praise him. The more we see. And so, a lot of good.
See, I think that.
Jesus, Lord himself in heaven.
Can anyone say bad things about Jesus not really they got to IQ above they realized. Yeah, I mean the waist
I want you to know that. Number 398 a little bit hard so I'll just help you with that. Instead of leaving God's Beauty requires you for Again, I think the church got a problem.
Psalm 45 verse 11. Let the king be enthralled by your beauty, honor him for. He is your lord. Call with your beauty.
Can you believe that?
And the reason why is realizing what do I do?
But do I really believe it in my life? I mean, everybody else.
But I think you saying it back in your life, but God wants to speak in your life. Remember in Genesis creating that and he said it is good. I believe that.
Sing now and in the future got something. I believe when you said it was good. He said it was good for everything that he created. Including you that when he said, it is what it is. It's a it's a battle but we have to face because it's like are we good? Or are we not are? We just worthless pieces of
I just got off work.
Messed up people.
Change everything. For something so worthless. This is a crazy, cuz if we really believe that they actually loved us to change the way that we look in the mirror.
It's hard to look at God and its beauty and we realized, oh my God.
Amazing that God. Looks like you.
I think that's incredible.
For most of you believing live after day after day, you actually search them out. Once you hear what lie, you start to search out the next one. Does my butt look big in these jeans? Okay.
Why are we asking other people are letting other people?
and here's the deal, is that
Human responsibility for what we do. But God. And so does.
And what does a person say?
They don't realize what they do.
But what is the whole world looking at your acne face and how you need to buy that thing on TV and need to get that fixed and why? Can we keep hearing the lot over and over and over?
Why was this arm, you know, because they're going to be looking at it. I'm like, okay, so I love to see what God has for you. But there's times. Hypocrite because I hypocrite know what they should do in shoes.
There's so much baggage in our life. It's not like it's not just trying to switch.
Okay, you do that.
How to control my skin. I just managed my said you can't do it. You can't do it.
I'll get real real with you right now. I realize that as a young child I was pretty much told that you're never going to amount to anything that you just your siblings.
I keep believing it, they and day out and your little kid in your biker. Golden you're trying to perform
and that continued, then you get into junior high and you start being like me,
Maybe these people prefer me enough to feel good. And then I'll just continue in life and continue and continue other people. To an adult. I realized that I woke up in the middle of the night and because I and I realized, oh my gosh.
The craziest thing is, I woke up to my present?
And it is just cool. And you know what? I look at it, it's in my office. I don't have enough room to put up. I could never never never ever ever.
How to get the brief.
And I love it when my office. Like, oh my gosh.
How long did it take me to get to where I'm at? Someone might have said something about your this yours. And you have spent your whole life. That person doesn't even care what they said. They don't even know that you're still. And you're still in the battle.
What beauty are we chasing?
All humility. If you been on that Turley,
I don't want to make that sounds simpler easy but you will never change until you choose to stop. It's about that about someone coming back.
That doesn't change the journey. How many years were you on? But you're the only person that's responsible for other people.
It's made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me feel.
How? Well I know it.
You can end up saying that I'm here. I just want to follow.
How much do you think? If I asked you to say that? I am some kind of mumbo-jumbo scripture. And what I'm going to ask him, which is awkward and weird.
I am way better, guys. Let me get it one more time. You guys know about me?
This is where people start to say Google because you're engaged with God. And you say that you're not beautiful. You're not engaged with. He says, our qualifications come from as to minister of his new cut,
the reality is no matter what baggage, Azure Kinect.
Heavenly Father God that we realized every person. Anime.
and every person because of what they do,
Got, but you didn't make the states course work. For quad bikes in an instant.
But you have given cheese.
You gave your son because you saw, man.
God, I ask that you would just be with each one of us that we would see that hoe. found in you, the hope that is found in Jesus you got that anyone that's here right now and you're just
none of it.
you could do that right now, but
Creator and master of the universe because he loves you so much, that he said I would rather die than be without I want to give my life for you. Lancer of the enemy.
God loves you. You don't have to have it all figured out. You need to take your first step of Faith, saying, I trust in you. I want to give my life to you. I want to drop everything I have and I want I want to encounter you Heavenly Father.
Oh, you know, I've been a nice person.
But if you ready to surrender, I want you to know. No big bad grade. Here. Weather in heaven right now. Angel people are celebrating story.
Heavenly father, I ask you that. When people see us, they see so much less So much more, you and everybody said, amen.