Victory Walk

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“You’re pregnant!”
“You’re hired!”
“I now pronounce you man and wife.”
New information changes actions.
The church in Ephesus has been presented with information…now what?

Keep the Unity

vv. 1-3
Paul’s place of authority was from a prisoner. Captured by Christ.
Walk the calling, which is found in v. 3.
“Keep the unity.” “To watch over in order to protect.” Guard.
Christians start out unified.
People are really good at introducing chaos.
Especially when it comes to relationships.
Many of you have been in churches where there has been chaos.
Ephesians 4:3 ESV
3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:3 M:BCL
3 alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences.
But, how? V. 2 - 4 character traits we all need to cultivate to guard peace.
Humility. Gentleness. Patience. Love.
When conflict occurs, it is because one (or both) parties have abandoned those characteristics for the sake of winning.
When you win in conflict, you lose the Gospel.

The Basis for Unity

vv. 4-6
With whom should we be unified?
Paul lays out Seven 1’s. In three sections:
One body
One Spirit
One hope
One Lord
One faith
One baptism
One God and Father
Over all, through all, in all.
We have a guide to perform theological triage.
Tertiary issues.
Secondary issues.
Primary issues.
With their desire to have conflict, Paul points them to the basis of our unity.

Harmony in Unity

vv. 7-10
He expands upon that word “one” (primary position).
Just because we are one doesn’t mean we are all the same.
In Christ’s victory over sin and the grave, he gave out gifts.
Tradition of the returning king to distribute spoils of war.
Lots of views of vv. 9-10, which I’ve taught on before and I will find time on a Wednesday to explore it again, but the main point is that
Jesus came to the earth to rescue us.
And our rescue leads to our service as a response to that rescue.


Heidi Russell - 860 sq ft apartment in the West Village. Air BnB. Katherine Gladstone moved in. After the agreed upon time ended…she just stayed.
During Covid, so Russell could not legally evict her. So, Gladstone stopped paying anything and started moving her hoarder’s treasure into common living space in the apartment.
This was a nightmare for Russell, and because of the verbal abuse, she chose to move out of her own apartment for three years! August of 2022, Gladstone was forced out and Russell, the owner moved back in and had to start the process of riding the space of all the junk and all the graffiti.
Sometimes, it’s easier to just allow in chaos.
And then once it has moved in, you have to make a decision: confront or cut your losses or pretend it isn’t happening.
Many people find it is just easier to silently stew in their discontent.
Others just choose to move on down the road.
This isn’t just the reaction we find in jobs or in relationships, but also in church.
And the enemy loves stirring in strife.
Scripture calls us to confront the chaos, to do the hard working through conflict.
The church is called to be different.
Conflict is resolved through clear communication.
As the Lord continues to move here in Eastwood, we must be aware of the devil’s schemes.
Work towards unity!
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