What it is, Its Purpose, and its Mission
Church. and as we continue preaching through this series, If, if I were to ask the question today, what is the sole purpose of church? What is sole purpose of the local church? I'm sure that they would be many different answers. Some would say probably worship some would say when we learn the Bible, when we come to sing. Well, the local church, the purpose is to evangelize the world that have fellowships together or maybe even to support those in need. and while all those answers, Have the correct notion, the underlying question is deeper. Steeper. Why do them? Why, why do them? What is the overarching purpose? Behind These various functions that we exercise or projected as the purpose of the Church of the local church.
And we're going to dive into that here in just a few minutes, but I believe it would be healthy for us just to briefly review. What the church is what is the church? What is? The church. Paul gives great attention to ecclesiology, the doctrine of the church in his letter to the Ephesians In fact, we could say that Ephesians answers. This question of what is the local church?
Beginning in Chapter 2 of Ephesians chapter 2 of Ephesians 1 verse 19. Paul says, now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God Having been built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Cornerstone. In the whole building being fitted together, grows into a holy Temple into the Lord. And whom you also are being built together for a Dwelling Place of God in the spirit.
and then those versus the chief metaphor, Paul uses is that of a building It's a building he stakes in verse 19. He says, the household of faith. Christians. Are part of the household in the sense that they have been adopted into the family of God, which is another image in scripture used to describe the local church.
But here, but here, the accent is not so much on the family of the household.
As it is the house. Of the household.
if we look there at versus 19 and, and the first part of 20, he says, We are citizens fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundations of the Apostles and Prophets. Paul says that the foundation of this building called the local church is made up of the prophets and the apostles that is the Old Testament Prophet prophets and the New Testament Apostles. Why? Well, because the prophets and the apostles were, the Agents of Revelation by whom God speaks or spoke spoke to his people.
Through divine inspiration. They delivered the word of God. Okay, another way of saying this is that the foundation of the church is the word of God.
That's why we must pay close attention to our doctrine of scripture.
To have a church without the word of God, as its foundation, is to build a church on Sand rather than Rock. Won't work. Superficial.
Paul continues. The building metaphor in Ephesians in the second part of verse 20. As he says, Jesus Christ himself, the Chief Cornerstone.
Christ is the Cornerstone. He is the point that holds the foundations together.
We have people who are in construction here. And I can tell you that without the Cornerstone without that found Foundation. Everything falls apart. If it's not done, right? It can wreak havoc on your home as time goes on. Ephesians. He goes on in chapter and verse 21 and 22. He says in whom he's talking about Christ and who I'm verses 21 and 22. Christ, the whole building being fitted together, grows into a holy Temple in the Lord. In whom Christ again. You also are being fitted together for a Dwelling Place of God in the spirit.
The church is a new temple built in Christ by Christ. For Christ. obviously, Paul isn't saying that the church, Is a building made up of mortar and brick. Okay. But rather as he steps in 1st Peter, look at this First Peter chapter 2 and verse 5. He tells us that we are the Stones, The Living Stones. He says you also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood to offer up. Spiritual sacrifice is acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Each believer represented here today. In Christ is part of this local body of Believers. This local church just as each stone is part of a building,
And the church.
The new Temple. I love this is still under construction today.
What do you mean? Everyday. New stones are being at it. New stones are being added. This new Temple will not be finished until Jesus returns to consummate his kingdom. Christ is still building his church not by adding cement but by adding people who are the living stones that are being held together in him. Him.
so, if you been saved by the grace of God, You are a living and breathing Stone in the structure of his church. His church that is still being built today.
So we see in scripture what the church is or rather who the church is, okay? I'll put this question again. Number two. Why do you go to church?
What's the purpose? I'm going to church. if you were to ask the 21st century churchgoers, why do you go to church? I promise you you would get a variety of answers. Similar to the ones. I previously stated some people, however when asked that question will probably remain silent.
Because I have no answer at all because I really don't know why they go.
some people will say, well because I grew up in church and So, I've gone all my life. Then some of the more spiritually inclined will say well because because God tells me in his word that I should go. So I do. And the reality is many people attend church because it is the thing to do.
They believe that church is something guy commands in on the basis of the command, they must attend. and while that is a true statement, The Bible does command that we go to church in Hebrews 10:25, says not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.
as in the manner of some but exhorting, one another and so much more as you see the day approaching. And are not the whole of the New Testament letters written to the church. After all, Jesus came to die for the church. He gave his life to making Bill the church and care so deeply for it. Certainly, the church is important.
Biblical logic alone. I would say that if God commands we go, then we should go. .
And perhaps, I've given you. The satisfactory answer. On, why you go?
Maybe you are agreeing and have said to yourself. Yes, that is why I go right there. God commands it. Jesus came to die for it and if God thinks churches important who am I to think otherwise? Amen.
however, these reasons in and of themselves are not the whole of the purpose. Nor the chief. Of the answer.
As Christians, we need to be absolutely sure why we go to church.
We can be absolutely sure and believe the wrong reason.
But we need to be absolutely sure about the right reason.
because if we do not, here's the difference. if we do not then our entire focus and understanding of what church is all about is faulty, And our spiritual growth will be hindered as a result of this.
so, take a moment and think about,
Why do you go to church?
And answer that honestly.
The church is a hospital for the sick. It is not a social Gathering or a, or a social club. Is a family of true. Coveted believers who come together to worship the almighty God because of who he is.
And because he has saved us in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Such Believers are those, which Paul calls the Saints and Peter calls the spiritual priest?
The true church. Is made up of those who know exactly why they go and how important it is.
Here is where the rubber meets the road?
True. Believers go to church because They desire to do so.
And out of that desire. They obey God's commands. It's not the other way around.
They do not obey God commands first. And second are furnished with a desire.
Their desire flowing out of a changed heart. Drives them to Crave, coveted worship. They desire. The pure milk of the word as Peter States in 1st Peter, chapter 2 and verse two. They desire to be changed and transformed by the renewing of your mind. And Romans chapter 12, verses 1 and 2. They desire, their desire is in heaven as their citizenship is there in Psalm 73. In verse 25. They must cry out my soul, thirsts for God, Psalm 42 verse 2
So haven't still answered the question. Here's the answer. As Christians. We attend church because our chief purpose is to come together to glorify God.
Why? Because that is what we were created to do.
Revelation chapter 4. And verse 10 and 11 says the 24 Elders. Fell down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever and cast their crowns Before. The Throne saying, you are worthy O, Lord to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created.
1st Corinthians, 10:13 and 31 says therefore whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, Do all to the glory of God.
First coronavirus, 1629. The first part says, give to the Lord, the glory due his name
Isaiah 43. Seventies everyone who is called by my name who I created for my glory. I formed him. Yes, I have made him. Romans 11:36 for of him, and through him, and to him, are all things to whom be glory forever. Amen.
Psalm 86:12 says, I will Praise You. O Lord my God with all my heart. And I will glorify your name forevermore.
when we come to church, To glorify. God, listen. This is not mean that we add anything. To him. Nothing more can be added to him in any way. Our desire for church, does not come out of what we can give to God, or for feel feel forgot. We can never add anything to god. God is perfect needing nothing from us.
To say that God needs something. Is this a he needs to gain something. He Lacks. And if God is lacking something, then he is not God.
God is perfect. In all his being lacking, nothing. He is The Great. I Am, who is, and always shall be just who he is. He cannot change. He cannot be attitude, cannot diminish. He holds the very power of Eternal being in his hand. Look at Matthew Chapter 5 and First 48, he says, therefore you shall be perfect just as your father, in Heaven is perfect.
Nothing in creation can never add anything to God. To say that we can add something to him is saying that we have something he needs.
Are we little Gods ourselves? Certainly not. So what is not that God needs us but rather what we need.
We need. God need from God. All we can get in this life. We were created for the intended. Purpose of glorifying God.
All the Earth exist for God. He is the creator of all things, and all things exist for him.
This means that everything continues to exist for the glory of God. God is a perfect and holy God. And he alone is deserving of all honor, and all glory. He created life in the world and so it follows that he deserves Glory from it all people. are created for his glory, but believers His church especially should seek his glory.
God Saves his people and reconciles them to himself that he might receive glory and all the Earth.
I believe it should seek to glorify God in every part of his or her life.
The purpose of the church is to glorify God.
We've seen what the church is. As well as the purpose.
Of the church.
But now how is the local church to glorify God. How?
What are the main conduits? By which the church is instructed to glorify God.
Are two biblical conduits by which the church strives to glorify God.
Number two. The local church exist. To glorify God by worshiping him. By worshipping him.
Did John chapter 4? John chapter 4, 23 and 24.
Jesus said, but the hour is coming and now is when the true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and Truth for the father is seeking such to worship Him. God is spirit and those who worship Him. Must Worship in spirit and Truth.
Worship. Is a primary conduit by which the local church seeks to glorify God.
And We Gather to worship God and the ways he has revealed in his word.
This distinctively Christian worship is not based on the whims of Believers or unbelievers. But carefully drawn from and centered upon God's word.
There are biblical elements of worship. That are extremely important. But that's another sermon, okay? For the sake of time, I only want to highlight the means of worship for the church. And in summary, the basics of Christian worship in the simplest terms, along with the two biblical ordinances of baptism and the Lord's. Supper is simply this, we read the Bible, we preach the Bible, we pray the Bible, we sing the Bible,
Well, that's old fashioned.
Then what I first said, the men in the church fails to exist on the foundation of the word of God. It's on saying, I don't care how many people you crowd into their
I worship services are a means of grace through which God speaks to us and transforms us through his word. not by me not my Robbie not the way that baby song that we sings, but through this word in his word only
Every Sunday morning. At 11.
And I like our little count down right when I get to 10990. I like to be punctual but at 11 We have what is referred to as a call to worship. A call to Worship in Robbie. Leads us in this call. As we read God's, holy word. It's done intentionally. It's not just all where we thought it would be cool or thought it would be different. It's nonchalant. The second that the word is proclaimed. we as a corporate body of Believers enters into worship, Worship. Not as various members doing their own thing, but as one body, we proceed in this glorious endeavor.
The ancient Israelites. And the Jews today. Used as their call to worship the Shema, which is Hebrew for here. And they derive that from Deuteronomy chapter 6 Deuteronomy chapter 6 Verses 4 and 5 where it says Hear o Israel. The Lord Our God the Lord is one and then they say you shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. A call to worship is a call for the people of God, to take the heart that the Lord is in the midst as we worship together.
It is a call. To regard the service as more than just a collection. Of the previously, mentioned elements of worship.
It is a call listen to meet with, holy God.
Holy God.
I don't know about you but it is no small thing to enter into the presents. Of a holy God.
The one who separated the water from the land. The one who breathes life into the nostrils of man, Adam who he had just made from the Dust. The one who brought the universe into existence, placed the heavens, into their positions, called them, by name, all at the sound of his voice.
The one who knows the number of every grain of sand on this Earth. The one who knows every thought of every individual all at once. The one who looked up upon, man, with a depth of love that we could never understand. Who offered up the only one that could free man from the slavery of seeing his only begotten, son to die, a horrific death on the cross.
The one who raised him from the dead.
so that we his glorious Church, his living stones. May have eternal life with him.
And yet, here is the beauty. Of the call to worship.
God promises that he will meet with us. He will meet with us. Jesus tells us in Matthew chapter, 18 and 24. Where two or three are gathered together. In my name. I am there in the midst of them.
The call of worship. Is an invitation into the worship of the living. Holy God.
And we would do well to reflect. And pray over the implications. This time together.
This is special.
This is a primary conduit to give God glory.
The local church exists to glorify God by worshiping him. and also,
The local church exist. To glorify God.
By edifying his people. Edifying. His people look with me in Ephesians chapter 4 starting in verse 11.
And he himself games, gave some to be Apostles, some prophets, some evangelist, some pastors, and teachers. For the equipping of the Saints. For the work of Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Can we all come to the unity of the face and of the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man? To the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. That we should no longer be children. Tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of Doctrine. By the trickery of men. And the cunning craftiness and deceitful plotting. But speaking the truth in love.
Make grow up.
In all things into him. Who is the head Christ? From whom the whole body.
Join and knit together by what every joint supplies according to the effective working by which every part doesn't share. Because this causes growth. Of the body. For the edifying. Of itself in love. In love.
The word edify. Means to build up. To instruct.
To teach.
To disciple.
This means that our Gatherings are more than just Chit Chat. Or a social gathering. This is crucial and intentional 121 Ministry of instruction and knowledge that is called discipleship.
And generally. The concept of edification in the New Testament is applied to the corporate body. We call that Mutual edification. And it is meant to be multi-generational edification.
Say, what do you mean multi-generational? Meaning young people. You have something to learn from the older Saints. Older Saints, you have something to do to help these younger Saints.
We are not just small segments here, and there, in this little group goes here, in this little group goes, there we are mutually. In this together.
every time you see the church, it's together,
Mutual edification involves helping one another along the road to christlikeness. And it requires the participation of all members of the church. Young and old. Together.
In Ephesians 4:11. Paul said that. He that's God. Give the church qualified people pastors. Teachers, why to give direction and instruction through his word? This isn't Lee's philosophies. This isn't Lee's well. Let me tell you what I've learned in life.
Whew, his word. Why to improve our understanding of God?
Listen. When we exhort one another and hold one, another accountable, we are prompted to engage in activities that promote godliness.
And not each other.
This church isn't about me. It's not about you. It's about him. and the purpose to glorify him in our worship and in our teaching, edification and discipleship to every member
When we exhort one another. There's an accountability in that accountability means. We lovingly check each other's spiritual progress. Well, you're not the judge. You heard that one? No, I'm not. No, no, you're right. I'm I'm not the judge, but God did tell me. I am an approved. Inspector
Hey, we may not like it when somebody tries to help us along the way, but that's how we roll.
Don't get mad or trying to help you grow in the word, in the knowledge of God. That's the purpose.
And Truth Fellowship. True Fellowship is the interaction we have with each other on a deeper spiritual level.
This is more than blessing the food, having a bologna sandwich and a Coke, and a smile.
Not saying that, that's anything wrong with having friends and having get-togethers and enjoy one another's company. But listen, The corporate nature of edification cannot be overemphasized.
Without Mutual edification.
The church becomes a collection of spiritual weaklings.
A Perpetual Nursery. For Spiritual infants, rather than a body as described in 1st Corinthians 12:27.
Paul tells us that edification is one of the reasons that spiritual gifts are given to believers.
In 1st Corinthians, 10, and 23, and Ephesians 4, 16. He states that the church must work to edify itself for the overall health of each member
1st Corinthians 10:23. Look at this. All things are lawful for me. But not all things are helpful.
All things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.
We got to make sure that our Tails, not wagging the dog. In this sense. There's some good things that we can do. But they should never outweigh. Our purpose.
And our conduit of worship in our conduit of discipleship. Never
Each of us is commanded to engage in edification.
look at Romans 14:19 he says, therefore, let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another
How does that mean? If something's wrong that we shouldn't say anything? Cuz we got to be peaceful. No, no, no, no, no, no. We say what needs to be said. We say it in love that we may help that brother or sister to grow. To grow. I'm thankful. That God put me in places where I had somebody that loved me enough to tell me the truth, when I need it to hear it.
To help me along the way.
Romans 15:2, look at this, let it Let each of us, please his Neighbour for his good. But what? Two leading to edification.
Ephesians 4:29 says let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth. That means don't be a sailor. Okay, don't be a hateful person.
But what is good for necessary edification.
That it may impart grace to the hearers.
1st Thessalonians 5:11 says, therefore comfort each other and edify. One another Just as you also are doing. The local church exists to glorify. Got through worshipping him. The local church exists to glorify God by edifying, his people discipleship. And finally the purpose of glorifying God through its biblical conduits of corporate worship and corporate edification. Drives the local church to a Biblical mission. Biblical Mission. Number 3, the mission of the church quickly. This is one of the most controversial questions in the church today. What is the mission of the church?
And you wouldn't think that that would be controversial.
People say we we want people to know Jesus, we want to do good things in the world. There are a lot of things that people agree, Christians ought to be doing. But when we narrow and focus in a little bit, it becomes a little bit more difficult.
People don't always agree.
But it's, it's really important that we get this right?
What is the mission of the church? By Mission. We are asking, what are we sent into the world to accomplish?
Is the church to make heaven on Earth. Is the church to write all the social wrongs. Is the church to be an agent of social transformation. Hey, listen. We are to be Salt and Light in the world. I told this to the our young people salt sometimes hurts, all right. Darkness doesn't always like light. You're going to have contentions in this area and as pastors we want to equipped all the people in the congregation to see how obedience to Christ in packs, what they do in their daily life. You need to know what you believe, and why you believe it to defend your face? In this present world.
yet when we talked about the mission of the church,
we have to focus on the Great Commission.
Matthew 28 and verse 18. Through 20 and Jesus came and spoke to them saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on Earth. go there for And Make Disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father, and the son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and low. I Am With You Always even unto the end of the age. Amen. It is what Jesus said as his parting words before he ascended into heaven. And if you trace out the trajectory of each of the gospels, you'll see that they're all going towards this Great Commission.
The mission is not inward focused. The mission is not programmatic. And its purpose to attract individuals into a facility.
The command in Matthew is go.
You can't get around that word. Go to Mark's account of this commission, said it this way. Go into All the world.
To do what? Jesus said, make disciples.
That is the mission of the church for the glory of God.
It is what makes Christian Mission, distinctively Christian. Churches. Listen churches that become insular. That means inward focused rather than externally focused will ultimately lose their love their Zeal and their vitality.
We're not here to please each other all the time. That's not our mission.
When Jesus gave this commission to the church, he was speaking with authority. He gave a mandate to the Church of all to Simply to share the gospel. And make disciples.
The mission of the local church is to go into the world and make disciples why? For the glory of God.
The single purpose.
Disciple. What is a disciple disciples are people who have committed in their hearts? And mine still follow the thinking, and conduct of Jesus Christ forever.
Such discipleship is a lifelong endeavor.
And we're involved in discipleship. We do not graduate until we get to heaven. I'm still learning, I have so much to learn. You are as well. If your disciple, we can never just be satisfied with where we are in relation to the knowledge of God and becoming more christ-like.
Discipleship is a lifelong experience of learning the mind of Christ and following the will of Christ submitting ourselves and complete obedience to his lordship.
We share the gospel.
With everyone. So that more and more people may fulfill their purpose, which is to what? Glorify God.
so, if you've been saved by the grace of God,
You are a living and breathing Stone. In the structure of his church. Designed specifically for the purpose of glorifying God. Through the means of corporate worship and through the means of corporate edification.
And through the means of its biblical mission, to go into the world and share the gospel and make disciples.
Few weeks ago, waiting Robbie and I met with a few of our deacons and we shared a written statement that we had worked on around this topic. And it's titled the biblical purpose and mission of Beryl Baptist Church. And this one was specifically framed around our ministries of Youth and children. But really It applies to all Ministries and facets of the local church.
And there are printouts in the for your. I encourage you to take, take a copy with you read it. We felt that it was important to have a written statement on this topic, not just for existing members. But also perspective members
They need to know what we believe why we believe in what they're going to get when they come here.
everything we do in the local church, in this church, every Ministry we have, Should be centered firmly on the purpose of glorifying. God.
We're not a church organization.
We don't use worship, children, worship separate, youth worship, separate, young, adults, work at worship separate. We worship together. We edify together. We pursue our mission together.
Everything will do will mirror the biblical conduit to worship, and edification, discipleship, and our mission to share the gospel and make disciples.
Enclosing Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 and 21 sums up this message in the purpose of his church.
Paul says, here in the face and she says, now to him to him. Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think.
According to the power that works in US. To him be glory in the church by Christ. Jesus. To all generations.
Forever. Endeavor. Hey man. Ask you this morning. To evaluate your soul in relation to his local church. Perhaps you've been attending church for various reasons I suppose, but through the preach revelation of the word of God, you've never put your trust in your faith in Christ Jesus.
Your soul has never been fashioned and Made Alive as a living breathing stone for his glory.
In the Gospel of John and 9:35.
Jesus had just healed a blind man who was blind from birth. And the Pharisees were harassing. This blind man. They wanted him to denounce Christ and to say that he was a sinner.
and when he would not say that he was a sinner, the Bible picks up here, John and his account and burst 35. Jesus heard about this. I had put him out of the synagogue, the blind man. And when Jesus heard that they had to put him out, he found him, he went looking for it. and he said this to the black man that now can see, he says, Do you believe in the son of man? He answered. Who is he? Lord that I may believe in him. And Jesus said to him, you have both seen him and he is the one who is talking with you and listen without hesitation. He said, Lord I believe and I love this next statement. He immediately he worshipped
After we closed our services today Robbie and I'll be available. But listen, if you've never put your faith in Jesus Christ, come talk with us, get it settled today. I pray that you are back and under his call upon you. Today, let us pray. Heavenly Father. We are gathered here today.
As your people to offer you.
Our sacrifice of Prayer. And worship.
We have fed on your word. being refreshed through your living water, we have felt encircling Of your spirit around this Fellowship.
And around individual lives.
As we go from this place. May we continue to know your presence and power and the lives that we lead. And may the love of Jesus Christ. Bring us wholeness. May the grace of God. The Father grant us, peace.
And let the breath Holy Spirit and steel passion. And may the unity between them all. Give us strength. For this day and every day. All to the glory of God. Amen.