An Invitation to Live the Blessed Life| Psalm 1 | Pastor Jose Brevil
All right, this morning I'm going to do something a little strange. I know we're not done with our Series in the Book of James when I'm going to start a new series today on my favorite song, Still, as we get into the summer, I know that you guys need some encouragement. So for the summer that's going to be our goal that we going to teach through the storms. So we going to think I'm going to pick some of my favorite songs and teach them to you next week. I'm not going to be here with Pastor Larry. My friends asked to Larry will be here. He will teach on his favorite phone. When I come back the following week, we're going to wrap up the gym series for another three weeks. It will the two weeks then Father's Day been and will edit in June. I got to go pick back up. My favorite songs in July, that's a great plan right? Doing two series at the same time. This morning, I want to talk to you about one of my favorite songs. It is a someone, someone one of my favourite Psalms Psalms 1, father has now but your word not return void, may your word, Lord, God be an encouragement to each one of us as we are riding down to the summer month where we didn't go in at fast, pace and now taking it a little easier for some of us. So I pray father that you would be with each one of us here that you would teach our hearts and help us look guy to be more like you. Someone is one of my favorite song, this is what you call a mechanic song. This is a song about Jesus. We have several of those in the Bible. Someone, so I'm to is one of them so I miss you next time is about Jesus and it's funny that Someone really has two sections. You have the first three verses which is about righteous living and then you have the last 3 verses verse 4 to 6. It's talking about the ways of the ungodly. So this morning as we go through this song Here we will see Jesus because only Jesus has been able to live a righteous, a perfect right to choose life. None of us have been able to do so, but someone is an invitation from God for us to live righteously. Someone is an invitation from God to learn to live the blessed life. Someone is about the blessed life. See, Jesus says in John 5 verse 39. It says you search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life and it is day that bear witness about who about me. So all the scriptures are about Jesus as we will see, in this song this morning, as we are learning to be more alike. Jesus, the song goes like, this blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of Sinners North. In the seat of scoffers. I just love all the pictures that you see in that solemn here or is it says blessed is the man blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the wicked, just like the Beatitudes when the Beatitudes in Matthew Chapter 5. A speaking blessing over our lives blessed, are those room Moon, went with the Beatitudes tells us it's a blessing. See the word blessed are me and happy. The word blessed here means that you are contentious to sealed in God. And hear the psalmist starts. The book of Psalm the very first song in the Bible and he starts with a blessing. He said, blessed is the man. So this is an invitation. To live the blessed life. Do you want to be blessed in your life? And here, we're going to see a recipe of what it means to live a Godly life. What it means to live a blessed life saying that it's a blessed life, that doesn't mean that it's about material things. Do, does it includes that? But it goes beyond that be on material things or or temporary things. But here the blessing here is is, is is is a blessing that you get from God is a happiness that you have from Jesus in whatever he face. You were still bringing joy to God. He were still about his father's business. It's contentment with that blessing. Blessed is the man who walked not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of Sinners, no sense in the seat of scoffers. You see the progression. There you see, first, we walk In the counsel of the wicked. Then we stand in the way of Sinners and then we get comfortable with seats in the seat of scoffers. You see you there at first, you were just a walking I'm passing by. Now I got curious. I'm spending OK Google. You hear some more. Then I get comfortable. I sit The Bible says AA. That's how we live our lives. You see, are we walking? And as we were walking, then we stand that, we are enjoying our sin. And then after that, now we just sit, we get comfortable, says walks, not in the counsel of the wicked, the word, Wicked there, at least that means on Godly, that means evil. That means people will pay no attention to God's word. So God is saying 8, if you want to be blessed, Be careful where you get your counsel. If you're getting your counsel from the ungodly people who do not know, God says it's not going to be good. You not going to be blessed, but Jesus is saying, I hate the way that you are blessed. Is that your Council? They do not come from the ungodly, your Council needs to come from God. It says, the man who is blessed. He does not get his counsel from the wicked, from the ungodly, from YouTube from TV, from people, you know, that they are not walking with God. They don't give any regards to the things of God is saying those councils are not going to be good for you. So, we sang blessed is the man who walks that, according to the counsel of the wicked to God today, you want to be blessed. Be careful where you get your counsel Lily, says, no stairs in the way of Sinner Sinners. These are people who blatantly disobey what God's word says, I know what it says. But I'm going against what God's word says K Wicked. They ignore the pay no attention to where they fight. No regards to it, deliver as if God's word didn't exist, but Sinners. I'm breaking God's law. So it says, in the way of Sinners. So what he saying is that they don't get your counsel from people who pay, no regards to God's word and do not get your counsel from people. You are blatantly disobeying God's word, you see will walk snapping sound. So no stands in the way of a sword, directing your path directing where you supposed to go. And then he says, no sit in the seat of scoffers. You take it to another level. These are people who are laughing off at things that I not laughable. Have you ever get people like you do the cussing of all kinds of word out and then they put in Jesus name in it and then they laughing at that point. Now, it's not just a wicked witch is ignore God's word with a no regards to God's word, all of the Spinners. With the fine God's word being disobedient to God's word. But now you sitting with scoffers people who are mocking God's word, so here just let her see, I'm in the song. This is Sting If you want to live a blessed life, be careful. Were you get your counsel be careful who you hanging out with? Be careful. Will you are sitting with an inverse? To tells us this is where you get your account. So it says, but his Delight is in the law of the Lord. So where does the believer get his counsel in the law of the Lord? Because it says, his Delight is in the law of the Lord. Everything that I know what to do in the wood of, that tells me nothing to do with it. That's why you got to meditate. And on his lawyer, he meditate day and night. That means you constantly chewing on the word of God. You say, you take, it blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the weekend. Father, help me not to walk in the counsel of the wicked father. I want to be a blessed man or woman Lord, help me not to stand in the way of Sinners. Help me, not to seat in the seat of scoffers Lord, let those words penetrate my mind, my heart's made, send my mind, may I come to love it because the Bible says, but it's the light, the blessed man, his Delight is in the law of the Lord. And on God's law, that means God's word. He meditates when Day and night, Jesus. However, retrieve the word of God. That's how we treat Jesus. If we ignore God's word all throughout the week, is how we treating Jesus, we ignoring Jesus all throughout the week. Is it says, his Delight is in the law of the Lord. That means what's your attitude. When you go to God's word, when you pick up your bible to read, is it a drag or is it at the light? Is it a joy that a man? I just woke up. I can't wait to get in the word and then when I'm reading it I'm on the line I'm circling a drone boxes and making margin notes or, or a tap on your device and putting notes on your device. However, you do and you argued delighting in God's word because here it says, but he's Delight is in the law of the Lord and Horn his law, he meditates Day and night cuz he's like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in his season and it's Lee does not Wither in all he does, he prospers, have you ever seen a tree by the riverbank? They're usually pretty green and that's why you saying, hey, the blessed man is like a tree. The blessed man. The Blessed woman will be like a tree planted by streams of water. That means you will always flourish The deal is fruit in its season against what if the tree is healthy, will the tree bear fruit in his season? So God is saying when you're delighting in this word, when you're not getting your counsel from others, what's going to happen? You going to be come a good tree, and then you're going to bears fruit in your season and your Leaf will Dad weather? Does that mean we're not going to have problems? No, even in the midst of the problem, we going to withstand you're with me, you will have problems but you will leave does not whether you will wish they had your problems in all he does. I can't believe the Bible said that in the blessed man, everything that the blessman does. He prospers.
What did you want to be blessed? That's why God is giving you this invitation to live the blessed life. It's an invitation to live the blessed life so that in all that you do, You prosper, whatever the touch, it turns into gold.
What God promised us. God says a I want you to be a blessed man or blessed woman, so that your work will be blessed, your children will be blessed. Your business will be blessed, your relationships will be blessed. Your friends will be a blessing to you, and you will be a blessing to them. Jesus is saying, hey, I'm giving you an Evite invitation to live the blessed life emotionally. Jesus says, I want you to be Stay with me. I want you to be blessed. In every area, every aspect of your life. Jesus says, I'm giving you this invitation to look at it. In the New Living Translation, I love this old, George of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked or stand around with Sinners, or Gwen in, with markers. I love the weight start old. Why don't you want to be Oh, Birds Joy of those. Inverse Stewart, says birthday Delight in the law of the Lord meditating on it. When day and night, they are like, trees along the riverbank bearing fruit in each season, their leaves never with her and they prosper in all day. Do I have no Greater Joy than when my children walks in the truth? And because you doing right is right. I don't only want you to prosper. I also want you to prosper in health. Call Sue prosper and material thing. As your soul Prosper, you see the blessed man? Prosper, spiritually. First. And as you are, as you prosper spiritually, you will also Prosper materially. You will prosper in your relationship and you will prosper in peace in every other aspect of your life. But the spiritual Prosperity comes first. Because once you have spiritual Prosperity, you will know what to do with your material Prosperity, you are not going to waste them. I only spend it on yourself but you going to use it to advance God's kingdom and to be a blessing to Yourself. Others.
Let's look at this. Blessed means you are deeply content with God. To be blessed means that you are deeply content in God and you are happy. Blessed means to be deeply content in God and happiness. Blessed is the one whose transgression Is Forgiven with sin is covered. In Psalm 32, we are blessed people. Your sins are forgiven for the asking Bible verse, if you confess your sin, God is faithful. And just to forgive you, some of your sins. Obviously this is the place to say, hallelujah. That's where it says. Blessed is the man was Prince. Kara Gretchen is Forgiven was sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the Lord count.
Do you have any sense?
Blessed is the man against whom, the Lord councillor, we make witty. And in whose Spirit, there is no deceit. Is it a blessing here or in some 32, if using bless the same way? She using blessed in someone? You see the first thing we thankful for is our standing and God has a blessing to be saying it is a blessing to be forgiven. So, every day we need to walk in the blessing of God, guide us to forces will gave himself Jesus. How to redeem us from darkness and to do what she would fight for himself of people for his own possession who are sellers for? Good works gases. I want to say to you so that you can be a blessing to
Audrey, not just yourself. Phillipians 4, 12 to 13. I love this. I know how to be brought low and I know how to amount. I got to love this. I don't know me. I get excited by God's word and every day a me and every circumstance.
I have. Say I have learned, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger abunda and me, nobody ever can say you like Paul here. I got a million-dollar today and tomorrow, I'm booked, but I'm still happy. I'm still singing God's praises and I'm still saying Alleluia that's the calling our life lies as Christians. We have a million-dollar great, we have nothing great because was on my side God is on my side and Paul says I know how to be brought low I know how to abound in a me baby and every circumstance, you know, Paul won't have to do it and also Paul was Shipwrecked he was beaten. He was in jail and Paul said in any and every circumstances I have learned the secret of facing planning and hunger, this was being written in jail. This is a prison epistle. Oh, we have something to learn from Paul in any and every circumstance. I have learned has learned. We have to learn to be content. It doesn't come naturally. Okay, we have to learn, but if we're leaving the blessed life, we are delighting in God's word. It will come progressively and it. What does it say? In verse 13, I can do all things flew. Hit him was stressing me out of contact, or in any and every circumstances, plenty and hunger, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. A lot of that, we don't want to say that when we take, but when things are bad, We need to cling to that word. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the wicked. No stands in the way of Sinners. Wicked equals the ungodly. People would do not know God. These are people who have no regards to God's view. Sinners does disobedient markers. They make light of serious things. First two, but his Delight is in the law of the Lord, are on his lower. He meditate day and night. He's like a tree planted by streams of water that he'll is fruit and it's seasoning. All he does. He prospers? You see God. Blesses us to be what To be a blessing in Acts 20 verse 35, it says, look at the last sentence, it is more blessed to give than to receive all of the way Tony Evans. Put this a talking about fruit being fruit. Bearing it says, fruit a fruit being productive, if you not bearing worthwhile fruits, then it's because there is nothing worthwhile inside of you, please don't eat their own fruit. The fruit exist for the benefit of who others. You are blessed. When you are being a blessing to others are ready to do that as you go to switch, be a blessing. It is, you are not blessed until you are being a blessing to others. Feel if whether you know, you will blessed, when you bounce back from life's, trials, more quickly than you once did any of you like you've been living in misery with your face time trials. See a sign of being blessed a sign of growing is that you're bound quicker. K your bounds quicker. When You Face trials in your life, that doesn't mean you not going to have trouble. You will have them but you bounce quicker. You see The Godly person is alive. The Godly person is beautiful, fruitful useful and enduring. That's the life. We want to leave all of Psalm 92 because the righteous, but flourish blessed. Like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord. They flourish blessed in the courts of God. Some verse 14, de stijl bear fruit in old age. They are Ever full of sap, and green sew. Do we have to retire from bearing fruit? You still got a bear fruit in your old age fruits, what are some of the fruits winning people to Christ? The Bible says go therefore and make disciples Romans. 1:13 says we need to be willing people for Christ a Godly character. That's the first member in Galatians 5. 2223 the fruit of the spirits love joy, peace, faithfulness characters Godly character. What are some of the other fruit service and good works. Remember we were created for good works, were created to serve others. Fruit can not eat their. The trees cannot eat their own fruit others. It's there to bless others. Colossians 1:10 are to praise the Lord, Hebrews 13:15. See, these are some of the ways that you can bear. Fruit when you share the gospel with someone, you are bearing fruit. When you exemplifying Godly character, you bearing fruit. When you do an act of kindness, an act of service, you are bearing fruit. When you are praising, the Lord, you worshiping the Lord, you are bearing fruits to prosper. We do well with driving with blossoming, we're being successful, not Material, or circumstantial birthday deeper and in doing blessing of a dynamic relationship with God. When on a daily basis, we want to have a dynamic life with God. If he just like When when people are be a learning about good money and versus counterfeit money to just teach them the good. So I already talked to you first one to three so I don't need to teach. You was 426 4/26. Does the wicked it says the wicked or not so but are like shaft that the wind drives away. That means temporary Carrie doesn't lie to its worthless there. For the weekend will not stand in the Judgment or sinners in the congregation of the right shoes. Sweet judgment for the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the Way of the Wicked Will perish. So two things we learn from this song. The first the righteous will prosper. The righteous will prosper. We must be directed by the word feeling in your message. Not now we must be directed by what by the word your Prosperity is directly tied to your counsel. You have Good Counsel, you will prosper. You have bad counsel you will perish k u with me. Remember this one, your Prosperity is directly tied to what your counsel and look at this formula I hear right. People plus right-thinking right people that verse one member walks not in the counsel of the wicked stand. In the way of Sinners, sit in the seat of coppers. The right. People verse to write thinking but his Delight is in the love, the Lord. And on his lawyer, he who does what meditate day and night Ellen, verse 3, The Blessing but his Delight is in the Lord will only charge method. They're not in all he does, he Prosper's. See right people plus right-thinking equals long lasting happiness, the blessed life peace and prosperity. That means you get to live a satisfied like you and me the right. People versus one right thinking. Verse to resolve verse 3 is a long lasting happiness, peace and prosperity, living A Satisfied life But it goes the same way, too wrong people. Wrong thinking. You closed what temporary satisfaction. That's why it says Moses did not regard. The king pleasures of Sin, Sin can be pleasurable but only for a season but it comes back and bites you and destroy. You see, wrong people plus run thinking only equals temporary satisfaction Otis for us in the morning. With your steadfast, love that we may do What rejoice and be glad all your day should be our prayer. Every morning when we pray, we go to God has it got satisfy us in the morning? Wave what your steadfast love knowing that God is enough. And that we may rejoice and be glad all the day. We must feel like it with the word verse to. We must Delight with the word. Look at this. Whatever shapes my mind, shapes my life, whatever ships my mind, shapes my life. This morning, we're talkin about songs in the culture. You going autopilot you listening to the wrong song? Guess what's coming in your mind? Your mind is being shaped with wrong message. K whatever shakes my mind, if the songs of the culture shaped my mind, guess what can happen? My life is going to be just like that. So be careful, what? Shapes your mind? And your life will be great. Jim run says the motivational speaker, you are the average of The Five People. You spend the most of your time with you. Hang out with Sinners before you know it you're going to become simple, K you sip with markers before, you know what, you're going to be. Blaspheming the name of God just like they do. Okay, Bad Company corrupts good morals. So you are the average of the five people that you spend the most of your time with the Romans are 12 hours to tells us. It says, do not be conformed to this world but be watch friend's phone by the renewal of your mind that by testing, you may discern. What is the will of God? What is what good acceptable and Perfect. Guess what? You going to love God's will for your life once you in it? Joshua 1:8. I love this one. This book of the Lord shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it when then night and you shall be careful to do. All that is written in it, then you will make your way prosperous and you will have if we are not prospering, just because we not in God's word, that's as you stay in that word, you will prosper and you will have good success. And here it's not only talking about material things. I'm talking about stability in your mind that sometimes peace is better than money.
If you have peace. Good movie. Okay. So here is not only talking about money stocking about peace emotionally, emotionally satisfied relationally, satisfied. It's talking about all that. So it says when you keep the word clothes, you keep it in your mind you will be satisfied. Now is the flipside, the Wicked, the ungodly or the evil. They will perish. That's worse for 26. I don't have too much to say because you already know the right thing, right? North 123. That's what you need to know. Just need to know which one to three, right? If you do the right thing, you have to worry about the room. You don't have to worry about the consequences of the wicked because what happens, the wicked produces nothing of Eternal value. You're with me. They're useless. Deeds want last. All in this life. Only what we've done for Christ will lie. Anything else is not of Eternal value, Warren wiersbe. Put it this way, the wicked of this world seem rich and substantial. I do all of you feel that sometimes as Christians look up, why is it my love? Did I go? And look at this wicked person? Everything seems to be going right for them. Come on, be honest, you never made that prayer. You look at somebody. You know, they're not walking with God and, you know, you trying so much more Nothing seems to be working for you, but you see everything seems to be working for them that it wouldn't come on. Okay, the weekend of this world seem rich and substantial but from God's point of view, they are cheap unsubstantial and destined for what? That's what verse 4 to 6 oz, right? They are destined for judgment. And I love some 73. If you've never read it, this will give you the right perspective on this. It says truly God is good to Israel to do those who are pure in Hearts. But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled my steps at nearly sleep 4 hours. You know, you have to come on for. I was envious of the Arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked people who pay no attention to God's word. You know you prayed that same prayer. Come on. Love your head or they have no pings on Til Death by their. Their bodies are fat and sleep. Like this is they are not in trouble as others or they are not freaking like the rest of mankind. Have you ever complain like that to God? The guy that look at verse 16. But when I thought of how when I thought, how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task. Until I did, what I wear to the sanctuary of God, then I discern there and you see that's why you need to be in church, that's why you need God's word so that you can have what do right perspective. So that when you look at other people's life that seems to be successful, Wally not walking with God. But you can rest on God's word, truly, you said them in sleep, replaces, you make them fall to what we know there. And so the song Missing saying a hang in there hanging their how they are destroyed in the moment swept away, all the Lie by Errors. The things of this life are worth like worthless and temporary. So the message is this Choose Wisely which path you think the path of the righteous or the path of the wicked, the path of The Godly or the path of the ungodly? Don't settle for the temporary. Things of this life. That's all they are. Simply temporary. Some 34 verse 10, says, the Young Lions suffer, want and hunger. You read that earlier, right? But those who seek the Lord. Call. Come on. That's a Hallelujah to the Lord. Lack. No, good thing. I'll read it again. Then you can say, hallelujah, the Young Lions suffer one and hunger but those received the Lord like no good thing. That was weak as we speak the Lord lack. No, good thing.
girls with fictional or like,
Now, we're ready to go home. International Pig. God, invitation to live a righteous life. Seriously. And enjoy his Blessing. He's giving you an invitation to the blessed life. We also have a duty to the ungodly. We know there and we have a duty to the ungodly four-day need to experience God's blessing like we do. Therefore we need to seek to win as many possible with the gospel. Remember the tree, bear fruit, not for itself. The tree bears fruit for the benefit of who Others. So you know God God gives you the blessed life. What should you do? What is your response? You share that blessed life with others. So that the wicked becomes righteous, the ungodly becomes Godly, those who don't follow God. Follow God, the Sinners repent, the mockers repent so that they follow the way of God. Jesus. And John 14 verse 6 says, I am the way. I am the truth and I am the life. No one comes to the father, except through me. That's why this song is about Jesus because it says Jesus, I am the way. What did verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked. No stand in the way of Sinners. No seedless. YouTube scoffers. That's the way then Jesus says, I am the truth averse to what is the lights, is in the law of the Lord? And on his law, he meditate day and night. What is that? The truth 3 it says and the life, what does verse 3 says?
He is like a tree planted by streams of water. That yields has fruit in its season, and it's leave does not with her and all he does. He pass was, this is the life. See, the song is all about Jesus. Jesus. As a, this is the life that I live in. Jesus says, am giving you an invitation to live that life. Amen. He's your assignment this week. Okay, remember that hand? Remember your hand, okay. Five things. You need to hear God's word, you need to read God's word. You need to study God's word because Bible says, you need to study to show yourself approved. You need to memorize God's word and you need to meditate on God's word. What you think about most of the time, that's what you meditate on. You got it. So this week you going to remember they had come on and go with me and put your hands up tagged. You going to hear God's work. Read God's word study, God's word, memorize God's, word and meditate on God's word to this week. Go on YouTube need to listen to the message again. Listen to another message on YouTube K, come to bible study on Wednesday as we are close together. Wednesday, K Reed, God's word individually for yourself. When you wake up in the morning, read your words, study at that may take a little longer on the line highlight, write some notes, write a journal, Kay sedia to take it a step further. You memorize pick up verse and memorize. Those of you in 111, discipleship, you have a verse to memorize every week. Are you not going hope you memorized. And then you meditate, you think about it all day long, as you at work, you thinking about that word. And you will be glad that you did it and let's sing together. Father, thank you for your grace, thank you for your love. Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for speaking to our hearts this morning may your word not return void into our lives and father meet each one of us go and Live the blessed life in Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Amen.