Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret - Chapter 16
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Subject: salvation (2 scriptural references)
Potential Topics
How to be saved
Why I am glad I am saved
What many don’t understand
My salvation testimony
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sign up for a recording date (after church, beginning in June)
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Chapter 15 Recap
Chapter 15 Recap
peace and joy despite many trials and tribulations
Learned that no matter what happens, keep coming to God in faith for every situation!
do it continually, make it a habit, just like we drink water everyday
and the scripture promises that he will satisfy your soul, so much so that you will have water to overflow to others
Taylor lived this out in 1870!
young son died
had to send three remaining children back to England
riots and threats of riots happening all around
His wife got pregnant again, but the baby died, and she died (33) soon after
personal illness
Favorite Quotes from Chapter 16
Favorite Quotes from Chapter 16
Sharing Time
p. 190 - “it is no small comfort . . .”
p. 195 - “Though things are sadly discouraging
Narrative of Chapter 16
Narrative of Chapter 16
Again, Hudson Taylor has established this organization, China Inland Mission, whose goal is to evangelize China
There are two main sides of ministry (this includes churches, charitable organizations, Christian schools)
administrative (operations)
the ministry work /service
The Bergers do the administrative
Hudson Taylor - directs the missionaries in the field
The Bergers, the people in charge of the administrative side of the ministry, got sick, so Hudson Taylor head back home to London.
So Taylor took on both of the main roles: administrative role and directing the missionaries
Despite that difficulty, he felt called to expand the vision
After year and a half returned to China: had some help on the administrative side, but they had very little money,
Things were so bad when he got back that he didn’t have time to think about expanding, just trying to save what had already been established
Got remarried and worked on current problems but kept the vision alive to expand, wrote prayer in bible
Soon after, Taylor got sick and funds got super low (how is that for a prayer response from God)
But God blessed a man to send a lot of money for the express purpose of expansion of the ministry . . . and the money was sent before Prayer in the Bible was written!
Trials continued, no surprise
Taylor got news that a faithful worker was very sick, and he headed back to London to see her, but she died before he could get back, and by the time he got back he experienced partial paralysis because of a fall
But he did not give up hope, and he did what he could.
did more work on the administrative side
Him and his new wife gave a lot of their personal money to fund the vision
Article in paper about their mission work caused volunteers to come to help him. And despite his paralysis, He got a tremendous amount of work done because of all the volunteers
money was tight, but God always provided: chapter mentions a couple of miracles that came in with just the right amount king of money
Finally had the funds and people to expand in China, and he had recovered, but there was England and China suffered broken relations. So there was a chance of war, Foreigners being put out, England calling all citizens in China home . . .)
People told him not to go, but wait to see if things would be settled
By faith, he decided to sail to China anyway, and prayed about the situation on the way. By the time he got there, the hostilities had been worked out, and they could begin the business of expansion!
two lessons from chapter 16
God is already on the case!
God is already on the case!
When I know Peyton and Ken are coming over for the weekend, this is what I buy (show slides)
because I love them, because I know them, because I know what’s coming (talk to parents ahead of time), I know what they will want
so money is put in the bank, then I order it, then I place them fridge/pantry . . . . All they know is that when they ask for it, it is here
before they asked me, I was already on the case. I am steps ahead of them
while they were at school on Friday, I was already preparing things for Sunday after church.
God is able to do that for us, provide the answer/solution, before we even call on Him
24 “It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.
They money Taylor needed was sent, before he even wrote the prayer down in his Bible
Let that encourage your faith:
What you are going to ask for, God is already working on!
God is already on the case!
whatever you are dealing with now, God has already finished it. It’s done!
lesson #2
All things work together for your good!
All things work together for your good!
do you really believe that?
How do we act when we . . .
get a shot from the doctor
hard workout in the gym(sweating and muscles hurt)
send your hard earned money to the phone company . . .
why do we do those things? (reluctantly, but we do them)
because we believe that the pain will work out for our good:
we trust the doctor, the gym process, trust the phone company
we trust that despite the pain and suffering, that things will work out down the road (healing, health, a phone that works)
let’s give God that same trust
Think of a bad/tough situation you are in right now: finances, relationship, health, trouble . . . God WILL make that work for you!
so face it with faith!
28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
the only caution - this promise is to those who trying to serve God, live out the calling on their lives, live for God
Hudson Taylor being stuck in bed with partial paralysis worked out for his good - it helped him to really get the administrative side of the ministry working really well right (he had no choice but to focus on administration, and then God sent so many volunteers)
that groundwork help pave the way to expansion
goes back to my favorite quote on page 190
where I am
as I am
I usually am not satisfied with either
don’t like the situations
feel inadequate to deal with it
but take comfort that God is in control and knows what he is doing
He will work THAT (whatever THAT is) for your good. YOu just concentrate on serving Him
questions and comments
Going to Waxahachie this Sunday
shortened Service, then to Waxahachie (only time this year so far where there has been a extra service)
God’s Master Plan for the family - you can start submitting questions, I won’t tell whom