Romans 16

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Paul Greets 26 people by name

2 unnamed
Also greets several house churches and then greetings from 9 of the believers in corinth
Paul is a friend maker and soul winner. Pauls crazy impactful ministry was not solo hero approach but a collaborative effort. He saw his need for their help and appreciated their help.
Making community and friends allows the impact of what God is doing through you to be multiplied through them.
The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Thirteen: Man on the Move (Romans 15:8–16:27)

This list shows the parts that people played in Paul’s ministry and the ministry of the churches. Phebe was a “succourer” of many. Priscilla and Aquila were “helpers” and “laid down their own necks” for Paul. The conversion of Epenetus led to the salvation of others in Asia. Mary “bestowed much labor.” Andronicus and Junias went to prison with Paul. One can only give thanks for these devoted saints who fulfilled their ministries to the glory of God. May we follow in their train!

In stark contrast there are some who are selfishly seeking to divide up churches by false teaching and doctrine. Paul says Identify them and avoid them.
Satan crushed under your feet tied to false teachers above?
The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Thirteen: Man on the Move (Romans 15:8–16:27)

The closing benediction is the longest one Paul ever wrote. It reflects his special ministry to the Gentiles. “The mystery” has to do with God’s program of uniting believing Jews and Gentiles in the one body, the church (see Eph. 3). This was Paul’s special message. It was because of this message that the Judaizers persecuted Paul, because they wanted to maintain Jewish privileges. Both Jews and Gentiles in the Roman churches needed to know what God’s program was. Some of this Paul had explained in

Understanding the gospel is essential to understand what its not when you hear other people teach and also to understand what it is for sharing it with others.
27 individuals are mentioned which is unparalleled to Paul’s other letters. (9 women 6 of whom are credited with working very hard in the gospel)
Paul is listing off the people he knows since this isnt a church he founded.
Paul calls Phoebe a deacon she is probably wealthy and cares for the needy and weaker members of the church
Moves maybe from who paul knows best to who he has worked with to who he knows less well. Paul met pricilla and aquilla because they were some of the Jews who got kicked out of Rome.
Apostle for junia probably more like sent one than the office of apostle
Rich former slaves, men and women, Jews and Gentiles. All are playing a role in the kingdom come in Rome.
Just an ancient greeting that is something for family and friends. Be close with one another is the fundamental instruction.
16:17-20 Warnings about false teachers
False teachers are:
Put obstacles in the way of believers
any cause that results in (or is intended for) a person sinning; whether by preventing righteous action or by promoting sinful behavior.
Smooth Talkers
Use flattery to deceive
Preoccupied with their own appetites or bellies
Paul is confident but doesnt want them to be naive about the dangers that face their faith
If they are wise to what is good and innocent to evil God will take action for them against those trying to deceive.
Likely more zoomed out comment to end times. vs 20 God will create peace through the judgement of his enemies and the deliverance of his people.
Gospel has been the theme and it continues.
establishes our faith
Proclaims Jesus as a recent mystery revealed
Gods righteousness has been revealed in the cross and the preaching of the Gospel
Brings Glory to God.
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