James Week 3 - Temptation
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Week 3
Week 3
13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.
14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
18 Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
First, James outlines the basics of temptation:
It’s inevitable (13a)
It’s personal (13b)
It’s predictable (14-18)
It’s conquerable (18)
-Let's talk about the process of temptation and connect the dots. One reason why it's so easy to fall into temptation is because initially it seems like no big deal. Using the following 4 steps, think about how sin moves from something simple and insignificant like "deception" to something with huge collateral damage in your life like "death."
Deception- It doesn't hurt anyone else, it's only this one time, nobody will know, it's really no big deal
Desire- I just want to be happy, wealthy, have a little fun, feel good, make myself look better
Disobedience- I know it's wrong but it feels good, I deserve this, I want to do what I want
Death- Relationships lost, marriages wrecked, families broken, physical death, professional career destroyed, character and credibility gone.
-Don’t be fooled! Your life can move so fast from "it's not that big of a deal" to "lost, broken, and death!"
Break down of 13-18
Break down of 13-18
1. Don't take the bait. (Vs 14)
- do you know how the fish gets big and lives a long time? It lets the fake baits go by and enjoys the real thing.
-Want to know how to live a long and healthy life, honoring God? Let the fake bait swim by, and learn how to identify and enjoy what God has given you.
READ vs 15-16
-So who cares? Why does it matter? What's the big deal with a little temptation? It's insignificant! So I flirt a little at work. So I cut some corners and stretch the limits a little when I file my taxes. It's not hurting anybody! The governments going to blow that money anyway! It's nothing.
2. Temptation always starts small. (vs 15)
-one reason why temptation is so dangerous is that it seems so innocent to start out with.
-nobody wakes up saying, "I think I'll ruin my marriage today. I think I'll do something to destroy my family, ruin my finances, and give myself permission to only see my kids every other weekend.
-Let's get away from the biggies when we think of temptation. It's more than substance abuse and adultery. What about lying? Isn't it funny how we play this one off? Even with the words we say: it's just a little white lie.
-And since lie is too offensive of a word, we make up cutesy words for it. He told a fib.
-One seemingly harmless desire, the next thing you know it gives birth to full out sin, and Scripture is clear that as a result of our sin, we get death.
-And I can feel the passion of James in vs 16. He is on his hands and knees, PLEADING with the people. PLEASE, don't be deceived! Don't get tricked. I've seen too many people's lives in shambles as a result of succumbing to temptation. Please don't let your life be the next one to fall.
READ vs 17
3. Failure is lack of focus. (vs 17)
-You want to know how to beat temptation? You want to know how to stare it down in the face and pass the test every time? Stay focused on Jesus.
-When we fall to sin through temptation, it boils down to moving our focus off of the perfect good and perfect gift, the goodness and fulfillment and satisfaction and love and provision and grace of God, and moving the focus to something else that CLAIMS to offer all of that but leaves us empty and full of guilt every time.
READ vs 18
-Scripture gives us the answers. God has given us his son Jesus so that we can overcome sin and death, and has given us his word so that we may overcome temptation.
So how do you overcome temptation?
So how do you overcome temptation?
a. Realize that you are in a spiritual battle (James 1:19-21, James 4:8)
b. Remember that you are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:12-14, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, Galatians 2:20)
c. Renew your mind by the Spirit and the word (Ephesians 4:22-23, Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 4:8, Colossians 3:16)
d. Realize that God is more satisfying than sin (Hebrews 11:24-26)
e. Rely on the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16-21)
-Remember that temptation is about focus. Focus on God, the blessings that
He's given you, and the things that He has made for man to enjoy within the context of Scripture. When you lose that focus, you'll use the blessings of God in a way unintended by God and fall into temptation.
1- What’s the difference between a temptation from Satan (Matthew 4:1-11) and a test from God (Genesis 22:1-19)?
2- Deception and desire illustrates how sin often makes false promises. What are some of the false promises that sin makes? (satisfaction, riches, fulfillment, peace, pleasure, influence, power)
3- Disobedience and death solidify our failures and ultimately our need for a savior. We deserve to get an F, but with Jesus we end up getting an A. How does Jesus pick up where sin left off? How can failing a test time and time again result in forgiveness, grace, and new life?
4- Identify the temptations that you struggle with and take stock of the things that make you susceptible to that temptation (time of day, location, your mood, the people around you, what's going on in the world, certain subjects, fatigue). That way when you experience any of the things in the list above, you'll be reminded to keep your guard up and remained focused so that you don't fall into temptation.
5- What are the ways you can safeguard against each of the 4 levels of temptation? (Deception, desire, disobedience, and death)