Approved Workmen

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Why go to school?

Productive member of society - at least that’s the idea
Maybe the better question is “Why learn?” Why is that important?

Why Study God’s Word?

Productive member of Heaven, with earth as our workplace.
Productive workers show up every day! :)
READ: 2 Tim 2:15
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV 1900
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 NASB95
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
DILIGENTLY STUDY - For What Purpose?
Diligent - steady, earnest, energetic effort
Study - devote time and attention to acquiring knowledge
Again, for what purpose? Energetic pursuit of knowledge of God’s Word - WHY??

1) God’s Approval

To show yourself approved to God
God’s Word is truth (John 17:17) - God approves of your study of His Word
He is pleased by the study of His Word
Awana clubs are centered on that very Word
He is pleased when believers are productive for Him - making disciples

2) An Unashamed Worker

Paul tells Timothy - Be bold! Not ashamed
There is no reason to feel ashamed b/c you know God’s Word
The question is, do people know if you study and follow His Word?
If you do, are you ashamed to tell people? Embarrassed?
Awana clubs are designed to train young people to be bold, not ashamed

3) Correctly Handling Truth

God’s Truth = His Word
“Rightly dividing” = “cut it straight”
(NOT - some applies to Jews, some to Gentiles, some to some people and not others…NO)
Correct understanding, correct application
(Great study of misunderstood Bible passages…)
Matthew 7:1, Phil. 4:13, 2 Chron 7:14, John 3, Acts 2:38, and so on


You’ll do it if you want to
The Context of this passage:
Living for Jesus, enduring this age/world/culture
Surrounded by false teaching, non-truth
Your kids are hearing, from school, online, family, friends, neighbors, even from some “churches”
God’s not real
People are born good
Just be a good person - Heaven
Earth 4.5 B years old
People came from animals over millions of years
Faith and science cannot co-exist
Gender is fluid
Any two people can get married so long as they love each other
Bible is just a book
Paul is focused on TRUTH - in this letter to Timothy
Kids hear truth at Cornerstone, and Awana is one tool (what are they hearing at home?)
God is indeed real, and we have His Word
People are born sinners
Repent, ask forgiveness
Earth is roughly 6000 years old, created in 6 literal days (YEC)
God created man and woman, not through evolution
Science, true science, upholds the Bible (where the Bible touches science, it is dead-on accurate)
There is no gender, the accurate Biblical word is sex, God’s Word says there are two sexes, male and female
Marriage is between one man and one woman
Bible is God’s Word - “What the Bible Says, God Says”
How should one respond to false teaching, senseless babble, lots of words?
V. 15 - STUDY GOD’S WORD - It is truth
Rightly divide that Word (of TRUTH)
Do this diligently, like it’s really important
Presenting the Gospel with no distortion - accurate words
Jesus is the promised Savior
Came, Lived, Died, Rose, Returning
When you get the Gospel right, the rest should follow
Training young people to follow the Lord
Memorizing and applying God’s Word - accurately
Playing a little along the way
2 Timothy 2:15 is not written to children initially, but to an adult, to share with other adults, to teach them
So.....adults here
DO THIS - Study....
Then pass it to children, young people
Awana helps, but this starts at home, the bulk of the spiritual training takes place at home
Lots of effort to correct what culture is teaching the young people today
You need to think well
Our kids need to think well
False teaching is everywhere - even in the church
SOME GOALS HERE - Working with the youth
Prepare - Know the Word, study it
Identify false - can’t do this if you don’t know truth
Respond - with the Word, the best weapon
Jesus said the fields are white with harvest , in need of workers- We are doing our best to prepare those workers
Parents, grandparents, friends - thank you for bringing your children and entrusting them to us
VBS June 25-29
Leaders - thank you for the hard work, Sunday evenings take effort, and it’s tiring
Clubbers - Study God’s Word - see you in September
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