Romans Message Index
Index on Messages in Romans
The Other Side of the Gospel
Romans 1:18-32 August 5, 2001
What is the truth about man's condition that reveals his greatest need?
Man's greatest need is righteousness from God because he has lost it through willful ignorance.
Man's greatest need is righteousness from God because he has lost it through misguided worship.
Man's greatest need is righteousness from God because he has lost it through disobedient living.
Man's greatest need is righteousness from God because he has lost it through overt defiance.
What's Your Excuse?
Romans 2:1-11 August 12, 2001
What excuse can we find to exempt us from the wrath of God upon mankind?
We think we can be excused if we judge those who sin like God judges them.
But the truth is that we are no different than they are.
And the mandate is that we should live in continual repentance.
But the problem is that we are too stubborn to do so.
And the result is that all who disobey will see the wrath of God.
The wrath of God is impartial and inescapable in regard to sin.
Those who persist in good will receive life.
Those who persist in evil will receive anger.
Evil brings trouble and distress (universal principal).
Good brings glory, honor and peace (universal principal).
Overcoming Unconsciousness
Romans 2:12-3:20 August 19, 2001
In what ways might we tend to be lulled into unconsciousness about the true nature of our sinful condition?
We can be lulled into unconsciousness about the true nature of our sinful condition by legalism – thinking that possessing knowledge of the law is as good as obeying the law.
We can be lulled into unconsciousness about the true nature of our sinful condition by lineage – thinking that our special relationship to God is as good as obeying the law.
We can be lulled into unconsciousness about the true nature of our sinful condition by laceration – thinking that our covenant ritual is as good as obeying the law.
But the true nature of the law is to shake us into consciousness about the totally irredeemable and abject sinfullness of our own nature that leaves only the nature of God to trust.
The Gospel Truth
Romans 3:21-26 August 26, 2001
How does the gospel truth apply to us?
The gospel has been the consistent direction of salvation history -- we must agree with God's plan.
The gospel has been the consistent need of mankind -- we must agree with God's assessment.
The gospel is the ultimate provision of God's grace -- we must agree with God's solution.
The gospel is the ultimate satisfaction of God's justice -- we must agree with God's authority.
Gospel Lite
Romans 3:27-4:25 September 2, 2001
What does the gospel reveal to us about the effective reality of faith?
The gospel reveals the effective reality that faith can never be by works.
The gospel reveals the effective reality that faith can never be by flesh.
The gospel reveals the effective reality that faith can never be by law.
The gospel reveals the effective reality that faith is always by belief.
The gospel reveals the effective reality that true faith is belief in Christ alone.
Blessed Assurance
Romans 5:1-11 September 9, 2001
What assurance does faith in Christ give us?
Faith in Christ assures us of peace with God.
Faith in Christ assures us of grace with God.
Faith in Christ assures us of glory with God.
Faith in Christ assures us of godly process.
Faith in Christ assures us of godly confidence.
Faith in Christ assures us of a Savior.
Faith in Christ assures us of salvation from God's wrath.
Faith in Christ assures us of salvation to an abundant life.
God's Gift of Grace
Romans 5:12-21 September 30, 2001
How can we come to an understanding of God's gift of grace?
Grace must be understood against the background of man's sin/death condition.
Grace must be understood against the background of God's law that exposes sin and demands death.
Grace must be understood against the foreground of God's gift of Christ.
Grace must be understood against the foreground of God's gift in Christ.
Grace cannot be understood outside of God's eternal purpose.
Grace Under Fire; Part I - Sin
Romans 6:1-14 October 7, 2001
How does the power of grace overcome sin?
Grace overcomes sin by giving us a new perspective on death.
Grace overcomes sin by giving us a new perspective on life.
Grace overcomes sin by giving us a new perspective on God.
Grace overcomes sin by giving us a new perspective on ourselves.
Grace Under Fire; Part II – The Law
Romans 6:15-7:6 October 14, 2001
How does the effect of grace supercede law?
Grace supercedes law by giving us a new enablement toward obedience.
Grace supercedes law by giving us a new understanding toward righteousness.
Grace supercedes law by giving us a new purpose toward holiness.
Grace supercedes law by giving us a new calling toward eternal life.
Grace supercedes law by giving us a new Master in Christ.
We find the means of our enablement in an example of death.
We find the means of our death in the example of Christ.
Our Dilemma
Romans 7:7-25 October 21, 2001
How can we resolve the divine tension between grace and law that results from the finished work of Christ?
What purpose does the law serve if, in fact, it is superceded by grace?
We must understand that the OT law still reveals God's righteous requirements.
We must understand that the OT law still reveals man's unrighteous desires.
We must understand that the OT law still reveals man's unrighteous inability to meet God's righteous requirements.
So we must understand that the OT law is God's instrument of revelation.
Sin is sinful.
So we must understand that the OT law is God's instrument of conviction.
I am sinful.
So we must understand that the OT law is God's instrument of divine tension.
I need help.
Therefore we come to understand the gift of God in the finished work of Christ as the divine resolution for the fulfillment of the law.
I have a Savior.
The New Way of Spiritual Life
Romans 8:1-17 November 4, 2001
How does God rescue us from our self-condemnation in being unable to follow his law in our own strength?
God saves us from self-condemnation by giving us a new law of life in the Spirit. (vv. 1-4)
Our new law of life in the Spirit becomes effective only by faith in Christ.
Our new law of life in the Spirit sets us free from the old law of sin and death.
Our new law of life in the Spirit validates the old law by meeting its requirements.
God saves us from self-condemnation by giving us a new nature of life in the Spirit. (vv. 5-8)
Our new nature of life in the Spirit gives us a new desire.
Our new nature of life in the Spirit gives us a new means of control.
Our new nature of life in the Spirit gives us a new ability to please God.
God saves us from self-condemnation by giving us a new assurance of life in the Spirit. (vv. 9-11)
Our new assurance of life in the Spirit gives us a new sense of belonging.
Our new assurance of life in the Spirit gives us a new sense of righteousness.
Our new assurance of life in the Spirit gives us a new expectation of life eternal.
God saves us from self-condemnation by giving us a new relationship of life in the Spirit. (vv. 12-17)
Our new relationship of life in the Spirit gives us a new obligation as sons of God.
Our new relationship of life in the Spirit gives us a new freedom from fear as sons of God.
Our new relationship of life in the Spirit gives us a new inheritance in Christ as sons of God.
Proof of Glory
Romans 8:18-30 November 25, 2001
What assurance do we have that our future glory in Christ will far surpass our present suffering in Christ?
We are assured of our future glory in Christ because all creation groans for our renewal. (vv. 18-21)
We are assured of our future glory in Christ because our own spirits groan for our renewal. (vv. 22-25)
We are assured of our future glory in Christ because the Holy Spirit groans for our renewal. (vv. 26-27)
We are assured of our future glory in Christ because of God's good purpose. (vv. 28-30)
Living Victoriously
Romans 8:31-39 December 2, 2001
So how should we live present reality in light of future glory?
We can live victoriously in Christ knowing that all power is ours in Christ. (v. 31)
We can live victoriously in Christ knowing that all things are ours in Christ. (v. 32)
We can live victoriously in Christ knowing that all righteousness is ours in Christ. (v. 33)
We can live victoriously in Christ knowing that all vindication is ours in Christ. (v. 34)
We can live victoriously in Christ knowing that all love is ours in Christ. (v. 35-39)
--- in spite of suffering.
--- in spite of death.
--- in spite of evil.
--- in spite of circumstance.
--- in spite of anything.
God's Sovereign Freedom to Choose
Romans 9 December 9, 2001
How will God’s plan unfold for Israel?(Paul addresses the ‘Jewish’ problem.)
I. The Problem Stated: the tragic unbelief of Israel.
II. The Explanation Offered: God works by election, not by natural generation or works of merit.
III. The Objections Answered: God's freedom to act in His own sovereign right.
IV. The Proof Given: the truth of Scripture.
V. The Conclusion Drawn: the "stumbling stone" reveals our response (two different responses).
A. A stumbling stone of righteousness obtained by faith to Gentiles.
B. A stumbling stone of righteousness not obtained by works to Israel.
Human Responsibility to Choose
Romans 10 January 6, 2002
How far is God willing to go to save us?
God so desires to save us that he is willing to make his requirements simple.
God so desires to save us that he is willing to make himself accessible.
God so desires to save us that he is willing to remove all barriers.
God so desires to save us that he is willing to seek us out.
God so desires to save us that he is willing to entice us.
God so desires to save us that he is willing to wait.
God's Memorandum of Understanding to the Gentiles
Romans 11 January 13, 2001
What terms of understanding does God attach to his offer of salvation for Gentiles?
God reserves the right to save some of the Jews by grace along with the Gentiles even though he has largely rejected the Jews in their rejection of him for now.
God reserves the right to use the Gentile situation to save the Jews just as he used the Jewish situation to save the Gentiles.
God reserves the right to multiply the Gentile salvation blessing by eventually restoring and including the Jews in that blessing as they were at first.
God reserves the right to humble the Gentiles by continually reminding them of the Jewish roots of their salvation.
God reserves the right to exhort the Gentiles not to fall into the same error of unbelief and pay the same price as the Jews.
God reserves the right to limit the number of Gentiles he will accept for salvation in order to complete his salvation plan for the Jews.
God reserves the right to dispense his own mercy as he sees fit in order to complete his salvation plan for the Jews regardless of their disobedience.
God reserves the right to limit our understanding in order to prompt our praise of his ways as God.
The Difference Mercy Makes; Romans 12
Part I, January 27, 2002
Part II, February 3, 2002
Therefore, what difference should God's mercy make to us who have received it?
A true understanding of God's mercy enables us to live sacrificially.
A true understanding of God's mercy enables us to think transformationally.
A true understanding of God's mercy enables us to relate graciously.
A true understanding of God's mercy enables us to love infinitely.
A true understanding of God's mercy enables us to make a difference, for this is how God has made a difference in us.
God's Right Arm
Romans 13:1-7 February 10, 2002
Why should we submit to (not necessarily meaning to obey) the government?
We should submit to governmental authorities because they are representative of God's sovereign authority – in principle. (v. 1)
We should submit to governmental authorities because they are representatives of God's righteous judgment – in principle. (vv. 2-3)
We should submit to governmental authorities because they are representatives of God's good purpose – in principle. (v. 4)
We should submit to governmental authorities because we are conscious of God's authority, judgment, and purpose in human government – in principle. (v. 5)
We should respect and provide for governmental authorities because we depend on them as God's servants to govern us – in principle. (vv. 6-7)
Why Love?
Romans 13:6-14 February 17, 2002
Why should we love one another?
We should love one another because it is a continuing obligation.
We should love one another because it fulfills the law.
We should love one another because of the present time.
We should love one another because it is our response to Jesus.
Personal Convictions
Romans 14 February 24, 2002
How should believers practice love for one another in matters of personal conviction?
We should accept one another by understanding that each believer is a servant of God. (vv. 1-4) [You are not their Master.]
We should accept one another by understanding that each believer has life in Christ. (vv. 5-9) [You are not their Savior.]
We should accept one another by understanding that each believer will be accountable to God. (vv. 10-13a) [You are not their Judge.]
We should accept one another by understanding how our own personal convictions may affect others. (vv. 13b-21) [But you are their keeper.]
We should accept one another by first understanding our own responsibility before God. (vv. 22-23) [And you must first keep faith yourself.]
Church Unity
Romans 15:1-13 March 10, 2002
How will we know when we have obtained church unity (what is it and what does it look like)?
The people who would please Christ in a unified church will accommodate legitimate differences of viewpoint and capability among themselves. (vv. 1-4)
We will be effective in our relationships to each other.
The people who would please Christ in a unified church will obtain an interconnected spiritual power of praise that glorifies God in acceptable worship. (vv. 5-6)
We will be effective in our worship to God.
The people who would please Christ in a unified church will unite with him in the same way that he has united with us according to God's purpose. (vv. 7-12)
We will be effective in becoming like Christ.
The people who would please Christ in a unified church will find joy and peace in an abundance of hope through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. (v. 13)
We will be effective in hope.
Applying the Big Picture of Hope
Romans 15:14-33 March 17, 2002
What does Paul hope for the Roman Christians as the result of writing to them?
How must we apply the big picture of hope?
He hopes they will understand his purpose in helping them achieve what they have already begun.
We must apply the big picture of hope in our present situation.
He hopes they will understand his circumstances in not coming to them sooner.
We must apply the big picture of hope in our continuing circumstances.
He hopes they will understand his calling in planning to come to them now.
We must apply the big picture of hope in our future plans.
He hopes they will understand the urgency in prayer.
We must apply the big picture of hope in persistent prayer.