Woe to pharisees and lawyers. Lk 11:37-54 Part 2

J. C. Ryle said:
Let me counsel every true servant of Christ to examine his own heart frequently and carefully before God. This is a practice, which is useful at all times; it is especially desirable at this present day. When the great plague of London was at its height, people took note of the smallest symptoms that appeared on their bodies in a way that they never noticed them before. A spot here, a spot there, which in time of health, men thought nothing of, received close attention when the plague was decimating families and striking down one after another! We ought to watch our hearts with double watchfulness. We ought to give more time to meditation, self-examination and reflection. It is a hurrying, bustling age; if we would keep from falling, we must take time for being frequently alone with God.
Here it is a word of sadness for the sorry condition of the Pharisees, who were majoring on the minors, while completely omitting the really important things.
Instead of making a rough overestimate in their giving to God, they calculated their offerings down to the last decimal point.
They love the front seats in the synagogue and the special greetings they receive on the road. Such privileged attention leads to an elitist mentality rather than to the commitment to serve.