Malachi 2:1-8 Bible Class
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1-2 Commandment to Glorify God
3-4 consequences for not glorifying God.
5-8 covenant was with Levi.
I. Read 1-2 Commandment to Glorify God
II. (1) And now, O ye priests,
i. Read 8-14 They had been Robbing God (Mal 3:8)
b. this commandment is for you.
a. To those who don’t give give glory to God.
b. But if, if… Lets us know the longsuffering of God. He rebuked them in ch 1 for Robbing Him. He is always trying to give people the opportunity to repent, change their ways and return to Him. But if:
ii. (2) If ye will not hear,
a. What was a priest duty? Vs 7
b. Lev 22:19-25- Sounds like they were not listening.
c. Where does faith come from? Rom 10:17
d. James 1:21-22 “Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word which is able to save your souls, but be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
e. What do many people do in the world today?
i. People don’t want to hear, they don’t want to seek, but they want Gods blessings.
iii. if ye will not lay itto heart,
a. What does God want us to do with our hearts?
b. What does the average man care about with their heart?
c. They offering God the left overs, because what are they caring about? But think about it who brings the sacrifices?
2. to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts,
a. Matt 5:16 Why do we do good works?
b. What did baker say is about Gods Glory? Glory is when Gods holiness goes public!!!
c. Someone read 2 Cor 9:6-15 God loves a joyful giver.
i. Reap what you sow
ii. 13 NKJV Proof of the ministry
iii. Does God need our money? Did He need their sacrifices?
d. Someone read 1 Pet 4:8-11 As we have received the gift of grace we need to use it of our best ability so that God is glorified.
e. 1 Cor 6:20 “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and Spirit, which are Gods.”
f. 1 Cor 10:31 “Weather therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatso ever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
iv. I will even send a curse upon you,
v. and I will curse your blessings:
1. yea, I have cursed them already,
a. This is if they don’t listen!!! They are given the opportunity!!
b. Ezek 44:6-14 Bad priest- they shall not come near God, they shall be the janitors outside the temple. Sad. They had caused the children of Israel to stumble after idols.
c. Ezek 44:15-16; 23; (27-3) Righteous Priest.
d. Hag 1:5-7 Their cursed blessings.
e. Matt 6:33
2. because ye do not lay it to heart.
a. Uncircumcised in Heart.
b. They just playing the part.
c. Think about the scribes and Pharisees!!!
d. What were they inside??? I wander where it all started, we in last book of OT, there will be 400 years
III. Read 3-4 consequences for not glorifying God.
a. (3) Behold,
i. I will corrupt your seed, (offspring)
ii. and spread dung upon your faces,
iii. the dung of your solemn feasts;
iv. and one shall take you away with it.
a. It- (The sacrifices)
b. Shame Publicly
c. Someone read Lev 4:11-12(sin offering). Exo 29:14
d. Lev 10:1-2 What happened to Nadab and Abihu!!
e. Read Mal 1:10- he won’t except there sacrifice, their worship.
IV. (4) And ye shall know
a. that I have sent this commandment unto you,
b. that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the LORD of hosts.
1. How would they know this commandment was to them? Carried off.
V. Read 5-8 covenant was with Levi.
a. (5) My covenant was with him (Levi)
i. of life and peace;
ii. and I gave them to him for
1. the fear wherewith he feared me,
2. and was afraid before my name.
a. Now Levi was one of Jacobs sons.
b. But this most likely referring to the tribe as a whole.
c. Them- is the covenant of life and peace.
i. What brings life and peace to us today? John 8:31-32; 17:17
d. He will use the tribe as the blue print, standard of what they should be doing:
b. (6) The law of truth
i. was in his mouth,
ii. and iniquity was not found in his lips:
iii. he walked with me in peace and equity,
iv. and did turn many away from iniquity.
c. (7) For the priest's lips
i. should (keep) knowledge,
ii. and they should (seek) the law at his mouth:
iii. for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts. (Send the message)
1. God wants people to not just hear His Word But keep it.
2. He wants His people to seek Him. Matt 6:33
3. He wants His people to send out, proclaim His word to all.
4. Who are His priest today under new covenant? 1 Pet 2:5, 9 Holy priesthood and Holy nation.
5. What should we being doing with Gods Word?
6. What should we be giving God? Financially, Phisically, Spiritually??
VI. (8) But
a. ye are departed out of the way; (turned aside ASV).
b. ye have caused many to stumble at the law;
c. ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the LORD of hosts.
i. They have been given opportunity to change, they have been warned many times.
ii. They have refused to hear the warnings, and not obeying Gods law.
iii. These are Gods priest- supposed to be the religious leaders. Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
iv. What happens when the Church has bad leadership?
VII. Vs 9 Therefore- Ryan Brewer