Colossian 3:17, All in His Name
everything you do, do it in the name of Jesus
Colossians 3:17....All in His Name....
Paul concludes his instructions for proper functioning in relationships and in the church by giving a last statement regarding how the Christian life should be conducted. He says that all things, i.e., words and deeds, should be done in name of Jesus and with thanksgiving to him.
As Christians, we bear the name of Christ
The name was given originally as a term of contempt, but gradually it became a name of honor. The name of Christ, then, means identification: we belong to Jesus Christ
But His name also means authority
All that we say and do should be associated with the name of Jesus Christ. By our words and our works, we should glorify His name. If we permit anything into our lives that cannot be associated with the name of Jesus, then we are sinning. We must do and say everything on the authority of His name and for the honor of His name
Whatever we do in the name of Christ ought to be joined with thanksgiving.