Memorial Day: There is No Rembrance of the Former Things...
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
9 What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done,
and there is nothing new under the sun.
Only a handful of people are remembered for more than a generation.
11 One reason for the denial in v 10 is now given: there is no (active, as Odeberg would put it) memory of the past, nor in turn, of the future. It makes little difference whether the reference of past and future is to persons or events; if people are forgotten, so are events. O. Loretz (Qohelet, 225–30) narrows the perspective to deeds and events that create a name and reputation. But Qoheleth seems to have in mind more than that basic concern. Memory is as flat as the experience described in vv 3–8, and it does not serve to liberate humans from the monotony of life.