The New Testament Passover
God is at work
God is at work
Follow him and find the place furnished and prepared
From the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry, God has provided for him everywhere he has gone
From the wilderness to the cross, Jesus has followed his Father’s leading
Jesus now calls his disciples to follow his leading (John 20:19-22)
if we do as he says we will say with the disciples in verse 16, “we found it just as he had said”
The Son of Man indeed goeth
It was planned from the beginning of time that Jesus would go to the cross
This has always been God’s plan, and noone can change or hinder it, whether by good intentions (Matthew 16:21-28) or evil intentions (John 11:46-53)
Satan is at work
Satan is at work
Satan had corrupted the hearts of one of Jesus’ followers
They had sat with Jesus and walked with Jesus but they did not commit themselves to him
The most harsh statement in the Bible is said against this man, should never have been born (vs 21)
We along with the disciples are encouraged in this passage to ask, “Is it I”
Not in the way that Judas asked but the same as the other eleven
If we know the slyness of Satan we will not hesitate to ask for God’s help to identify his work in our life (2 Corinthians 2:8-11)
Christ is at work
Christ is at work
Jesus gave us his own body as fulfillment of the sacrificial passover lamb (New Testament)
This event takes place as lambs accross the land are being slaughtered as an atonement for God’s people
He invites us to partake of his work he did for us on the cross
Not only to partake but to share (it is shed for many, vs. 24)
Jesus will rise again and once more be present with the disciples and all those that follow after him (New Kingdom)
He knew his time of death had come but he had full confidence in the resurrection promised him from his father
This is the hope we have in the Kingdom of God