Here Comes the Judge - Part 10
Recap from Last Time
Let’s open to James 4:13
1) Wealth in the Roman world was acquired mainly by:
a. Merchants
b. Landowners
Clark County Median Income
37,704 USD (2020)
You are in the richest 2.9% of the global population. Your income is more than 13.4 times the global median.
2) The problem is not with wealth, but with how it is gained, and where our heart allegiance is
3) There are two questions when it comes to material wealth:
a. How was it gained? Through honest work or exploitation of others?
b. Are you trusting in riches, more than in the living God?
4) We need to always remember that material wealth is temporal
5) What is temporal wealth?
a. Anything that can devalue over time or disappear from one moment to the next
6) God has a way of tipping the balances, taking what man has hoarded and giving it to His faithful people
7) The Parable of the Rich Fool - Luke 12:15-21
8) Rich toward God is our ultimate goal
9) Paying in a timely fashion - Deut. 24:14-15, Lev. 19:13
10) The cry of the righteous
1. The murder of Abel - Genesis 4:10
2. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - Genesis 19:13
3. Deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt - Exodus 2:23
11) God cares about injustice
The Lord Sabaoth
12) Sabaoth is a transliteration of the Hebrew Tzevaot = Hosts or Armies
a. The LORD of Heaven’s Armies
13) The idea of fattening the calf speaks to the amassing or hoarding of wealth
The language is from the courtroom; it describes abuse of power against the powerless with the intent to increase wealth and power.
These innocent men are believers, the poor workmen and harvesters mentioned in 5:4. This murder probably was both active and passive. Inconvenient people may indeed have been murdered; but more likely, the poor people who could not pay their debts were thrown in prison or forced to sell all their possessions. With no means of support and no opportunity even to work off their debts, these poor people and their families often died of starvation. God also considered this murder. Either way, in the unjust system, it was legal. The poor were defenseless ( were not opposing you). Their only recourse against the evil rich was to cry out to God.